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Философия и культура
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Майданов А.С.
Логика мифологического мышления
// Философия и культура.
2014. № 3.
С. 426-441.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64172
Майданов А.С. Логика мифологического мышленияАннотация:
Ключевые слова: миф, сознание, образ, понятие, реальность, детерминанты, оппозиции, схемы, парадигмы, корреляцииAbstract: The author of the article tries to answer the question if we can talk about the logic of mythological thinking and if we can, then what the logic of mythological thinking is all about? The author proves that we can’t apply the term ‘logic’ as it was understood by Aristotle here. The author also describes how the views on the logic of mythological thinking have been developing with time and defines the most promising points of view for his study. He describes the consciousness of archaic people and finds out that special features of their consciousness were conditioned by particular forms and rules of thinking. In his study the author uses the evolutionary approach, comparison methods, generalization method and the method of new typification. The author establishes that the archaic thinking was based on certain principles and specific paradigms. As a consequence, mythological thinking is a special type of thinking activity operating a great number of unique methods and techniques. Under the influence of these factors, the process of myth creation has appeared to be a rather determined, theological, efficient and psychologically and esthetically efficient. Keywords: myth, consciousness, image, concept, reality, determinants, opposition, schemes, paradigms, correlation.
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