Психология и Психотехника
Правильная ссылка на статью:
П.С. Гуревич
Корпоративная психология (К 90-летию психологического эксперимента в Хотторне)
// Психология и Психотехника.
2010. № 11.
С. 5-7.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57830
П.С. Гуревич Корпоративная психология (К 90-летию психологического эксперимента в Хотторне)
The article is devoted to the 90th anniversary of
Elton Mayo’s psychological experiment at the Hawthorne
Works (a Western Electric factory outside Chicago). It was
the first experiment to study the social aspect of labor and
to understand how a worker’s attitude to his role in labor
process influences the labor productivity.
Ключевые слова:
psychology, industrial psychology, social studies, experiment, personality, motivation, labor productivity
Abstract: The article is devoted to the 90th anniversary of
Elton Mayo’s psychological experiment at the Hawthorne
Works (a Western Electric factory outside Chicago). It was
the first experiment to study the social aspect of labor and
to understand how a worker’s attitude to his role in labor
process influences the labor productivity.
Keywords: psychology, industrial psychology, social studies, experiment, personality, motivation, labor productivity