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Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
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Nima Abedinpour
Взгляд на Тувалу — размышления о государственной ответственности и изменениях климата
// Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations.
2010. № 3.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57666
Nima Abedinpour Взгляд на Тувалу — размышления о государственной ответственности и изменениях климатаАннотация: In the Kyoto Protocol (1995) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) State-parties agreed on targets for the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHGs). This article involves analysis of hypothetical possibilities of lawsuit in ICJ for Tuvalu, which is a tiny island state in the Pacifi c Ocean that has ratifi ed the Kyoto Protocol, and that is a UN Member State. Tuvalu, which is expected to sink by 2050 is an obvious example of the real dangers of the GHGs. Ключевые слова: jurisprudence, international law, ecology, Kyoto Protocol, climate change, greenhouse gas, compensation ICJAbstract: In the Kyoto Protocol (1995) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) State-parties agreed on targets for the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHGs). This article involves analysis of hypothetical possibilities of lawsuit in ICJ for Tuvalu, which is a tiny island state in the Pacifi c Ocean that has ratifi ed the Kyoto Protocol, and that is a UN Member State. Tuvalu, which is expected to sink by 2050 is an obvious example of the real dangers of the GHGs. Keywords: jurisprudence, international law, ecology, Kyoto Protocol, climate change, greenhouse gas, compensation ICJ
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