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Правильная ссылка на статью:

М. Т. Гогаева Правовое понятие «экологически значимые решения»

Аннотация: Юриспруденция, международное право, европейское право, право международных организаций, международное экономическое право, право международной экономической помощи, региональные интеграционные объединения, Европейский Союз, развивающиеся страны, принципы сотрудничества.

Ключевые слова:

Юриспруденция, экология, значимые, решения, охрана, окружающая, среда, рациональное, природопользование, экологические права

Abstract: The article is concerned with the legal definition of “ecologically important decisions” based on existing doctrinal positions and the ecological legislation. The author then comes to a conclusion that they are chosen and made by the government bodies and other subjects of economic activities, which are related to the use of natural resources and (or) negative influence on environment, based on recognition of ecological requirements, which in turn establish the prevention and lowering of negative influence on the environment, return the environment to a better condition, support rational use of natural resources and protection of ecological rights of the people. Such an understanding allows to establish formation, acceptance and implementation of economic and governmental decisions with due respect to ecological requirements.


jurisprudence, environment, important, decision, protection, environmental, rational, use of natural resources, environmental rights

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