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Право и политика
Правильная ссылка на статью:
С. И. Балабкин
Самоуправление судейского сообщества как гарантия независимости судей
// Право и политика.
2010. № 12.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51403
С. И. Балабкин Самоуправление судейского сообщества как гарантия независимости судейАннотация: The judicial autonomy is one of the guarantees of independence of judicial power, when decisions on cadres and status limitations, including responsibility of judges, are made within the judicial system itself. The author offers the options of formation and activities of the inner judicial self-government, which would best ensure independence of judges. Ключевые слова: jurisprudence, judicial autonomy, bodies of judicial community, qualifi cation boards of judges, guarantees of independence of judges, independence of judicial branch, Disciplinary judicial presence, independence of judges, judicial reform, quasi-judicial bodiesAbstract: The judicial autonomy is one of the guarantees of independence of judicial power, when decisions on cadres and status limitations, including responsibility of judges, are made within the judicial system itself. The author offers the options of formation and activities of the inner judicial self-government, which would best ensure independence of judges. Keywords: jurisprudence, judicial autonomy, bodies of judicial community, qualifi cation boards of judges, guarantees of independence of judges, independence of judicial branch, Disciplinary judicial presence, independence of judges, judicial reform, quasi-judicial bodies
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