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Н. Н. Гашина
Мониторинг конституционного законодательства и его роль в обеспечении правового пространства Российской Федерации
// Право и политика.
2010. № 12.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51398
Н. Н. Гашина Мониторинг конституционного законодательства и его роль в обеспечении правового пространства Российской ФедерацииАннотация: The article is devoted to the necessity of formation of an organized system of monitoring, both at the federal and at the regional level, which facilitates the efficiency of implementation of constitutional legislation, which gets more and more complicated. The author studies issues of theory, methodology, and practice of monitoring activity, which allows to establish its place and role in the mechanism of legal regulation. Ключевые слова: jurisprudence, monitoring, legislation, expertise, project, legal, technique, systematization, normativeAbstract: The article is devoted to the necessity of formation of an organized system of monitoring, both at the federal and at the regional level, which facilitates the efficiency of implementation of constitutional legislation, which gets more and more complicated. The author studies issues of theory, methodology, and practice of monitoring activity, which allows to establish its place and role in the mechanism of legal regulation. Keywords: jurisprudence, monitoring, legislation, expertise, project, legal, technique, systematization, normative
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