Шаров К.С. —
Суррогатное материнство в России и Сингапуре в системе моделей демографического поведения
// Социодинамика. – 2019. – № 4.
– С. 31 - 41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.4.29510
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/pr/article_29510.html
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Аннотация: Объектом исследования является законодательство России и Сингапура, касающееся регулирование сферы репродуктивных технологий, а также социокультурное отношение населения к использованию данных технологий, зафиксированное в социальных установках, в том числе, выражаемых религиозными организациями. Предметом исследования являются сходства в законодательстве России и Сингапура, а также социальных установках в отношении сферы репродуктивных технологий. Целью исследования является понимание параллелизма в регулировании сферы репродуктивных технологий России и Сингапура и предложение своего объяснения данному феномену. Методология включает приемы, принципы и процедуры анализа нормативно-правовых актов, статистических демографических данных и контент-анализа высказываний относительно использования репродуктивных технологий. Новизна исследования заключается в том, что в результате анализа выявлено, что наши страны действительно проявляют удивительное сходство в правовом регулировании сферы репродуктивных технологий и социальных установках (мнениях) в отношении использования этих технологий. Правовое регулирование суррогатного материнства нельзя считать объективно эффективным ни в России, ни Сингапуре. В социокультурном восприятии репродуктивных технологий социумом России и Сингапура присутствует настороженность и холодность, а также сомнения в культурной легитимности использования данных технологий. Предложена гипотеза, согласно которой сходство в рассматриваемых вопросах между Россией и Сингапуром объясняется общим правовым и культурным евразийским наследием российской и сингапурской культур.
Abstract: The object of this research is the legislation in Russia and Singapore regulating the sphere of reproductive technologies, as well as sociocultural attitude of the population towards the use of such technologies, reflected in social orientations, including those expressed by religious organizations. The subject of this research is the similarities in legislation of Russia and Singapore, as well as social orientations with regards to the sphere of reproductive technologies. The goal of this work lies in comprehension of parallelism in regulating the sphere of reproductive technologies of Russian and Singapore, and proposal of an original explanation to this phenomenon. Methodology contains the approaches, principles and analysis of the regulatory acts, statistical demographic data and content analysis of the rhetoric about the use of reproductive technologies. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the fact that both countries have a remarkable resemblance in legal regulation of the sphere of reproductive technologies and social orientations (opinions) pertinent to implementation of such technologies. The legal regulation of surrogacy In Russia or Singapore cannot be considered objectively effective. In both, Russia and Singapore, there is noticed circumspection and indifference within the sociocultural perception of reproductive technologies, as well as the doubts in cultural legitimacy of their implementation. A hypothesis is put forward, according to which, the similarity between Russian and Singapore with regards to surrogacy is explained by the common legal and cultural Eurasian heritage of the Russian and Singaporean cultures.
Шаров К.С. —
Роль библейских пророчеств во всемирном историческом процессе с точки зрения историографии Исаака Ньютона
// Genesis: исторические исследования. – 2019. – № 3.
– С. 13 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.3.29348
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/hr/article_29348.html
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Аннотация: Предмет. Объектом исследования является ряд неопубликованных архивных рукописей Исаака Ньютона из Коллекции Яхуды в Национальной Библиотеке Израиля (Иерусалим), Архива Кейнса в Кингс-Колледже Кембриджского Университета и Архива Библиотеки Общества Мартина Бодмера (Колони, Швейцария). Предметом исследования является цивилизационная теория Ньютона. Целью исследования является понимание места и роли пророчеств в истории человеческого общества с точки зрения цивилизационной теории Ньютона. Особое внимание автор уделяет исследованию роли библейских пророчеств в историографии Ньютона. Методология. Методология включает приемы, принципы и процедуры архивных исследований и источниковедения, исторической герменевтики, структурного анализа, сравнительного литературоведения. Научная новизна и выводы. Основными выводами проведенного исследования являются следующие. 1. Герменевтика пророчеств является одной из центральных частей ньютоновской цивилизационной теории. По Ньютону, пророчества и исторические источники обладают разницей лишь по отношению ко времени: пророчества становятся историей в момент их свершения. 2. Ньютон считает весь мировой исторический процесс строго детерминированным волей Божьей от сотворения мира до апокалиптического конца времен. При этом пророчества являются добровольным раскрытием Богом сведений о грядущих исторических событиях. 3. Раскрыты составные части ньютоновской герменевтики пророчеств. 4. Показано, что для Ньютона эвристическая ценность древнееврейских и новозаветных пророчеств намного выше античных и древневосточных пророческих видений. Новизна исследования заключается в том, что автором впервые систематизированы воззрения Исаака Ньютона на роль пророчеств в ходе всемирной истории, спорадично распределенные английским ученым по целому ряду рукописей, в настоящее время хранящихся в трех архивах.
Abstract: The object of this research is some of Isaac Newton’s unpublished archival manuscripts from Yehuda Collection preserved in the National Library of Israel (Jerusalem), Keynes Archive in the King’s College of Cambridge University, and Archive of the Library of Martin Bodmer Foundaiton (Cologny, Switzerland). The subject of this research is the civilizational theory of Isaac Newton. The goal lies in apprehension of the place and role of prophecies in the history of human society from the perspective of Newton’s civilizational theory. Particular attention is given to examination of the role of Biblical prophecies within Newton’s historiography. Methodology includes approaches, principles and procedures of archival research and source study, historical hermeneutics, structural analysis, and comparative literary studies. The following conclusions were made:
1) Hermeneutics of prophecies is one of the central parts of Newton’s civilizational theory; prophecies and historical sources differ only with regards to time – prophecies become history at the moment of their accomplishment.
2) Newton believes that the entire global historical process is strictly predetermined by God’s will, since the creation of the world until the apocalyptic end of times; at the same time, prophecies are God’s voluntary revelation of facts about the forthcoming historical events.
3) The components of Newton’s hermeneutics of prophecies are described.
4) It is demonstrated that for Newton the heuristic value of Ancient Jewish and New Testament prophecies is much higher than the Antique and Ancient Eastern prophetic vision.
The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author is first to systematize Newton’s outlook upon the role of prophecies within the course of world history sporadically spread through a number of manuscripts that are currently preserved in the three archives.
Sharov K.S. —
The construction of system of gender power: the case of favoritism
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 2.
– С. 23 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.2.27184
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/psen/article_27184.html
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Аннотация: On the example of gender-power relations built by Marquise Jeanne-Antoinette de Pompadour, mistress of the King Louis XV, most prominent favorite in history, from the perspective of psychoanalysis, this article analyses the feminine power discourses and complex systems of the gender social roles that the favorites – the women possessing the “shadow social and political power” – were able to structure. The goal of this research lies in the analysis of typical strategies of gender power, structured by the royal favorites, demonstrated on the example of Marquise de Pompadour, in which men were involved into decentralized system of women’s power. The author is first to reveal the basic patterns of formation of the system of gender-power role and codification of a number of them as social statuses. It is noted that the system of establishment of such roles correspond with the Lacanian Triad: Imaginary-Symbolic-Real. The symbolic level structuring gender roles by a woman possessing shadow power is the linguistic field. The imaginary level implies the formed by woman cultural traditions. The real level is represented by the created by woman social and political administrative strategies, which involve men as the subjects of women’s decentralized power into the system of gender-power relation, designed by a favorite. It is concluded that favoritism as a complicated social, psychological and cultural phenomenon is one of the most successful methods of manifestation of women’s “shadow” power in history.
Sharov K.S. —
Social and psychological dimensions of gender power: Their characteristic features and mutual relationship
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 1.
– С. 24 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.1.27265
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/psen/article_27265.html
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Аннотация: The object of the study is the system of gender-power relations in the society. The subject of the research is the social and psychological facets of the gender power system construction, their basic characteristics as well as the degree and limits of their mutual influence. The methodology includes research methods of power introduced by M. Foucault, L. Althusser, and J. Butler; psychoanalytic approaches of S. Freud and J. Lacan; structuralist method of analysis of communicative practices of M. Castells.Results, novelty, and conclusions. The novelty of the study consists in the theory of passional attachment introduced by the author, in which it is argued that the system of gender power in society is based on the psychological mechanism of interpellation and subjection of male psychics by women.The main conclusions are as follows: 1) gender self-identification and socialisation are associated with the Œdipus complex and Lacanian psychological stage of the mirror; 2) since the time of the ancient matriarchy, the symbolic power of the female has become fixed as an archetype of consciousness; 3) the gender power is being built on a subject-subject basis; in the society; 4) women’s building a system of gender power relations and gender roles on their basis, is usually carried out with a broad involvement of the symbolic sphere.
Sharov K.S. —
Social and psychological dimensions of gender power: peculiarities and mutual influence
// Социодинамика. – 2018. – № 9.
– С. 8 - 17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.9.27170
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/pr/article_27170.html
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Аннотация: The object of the study is the system of gender-power relations in the society. The subject of the research is the social and psychological aspects of the process of establishment of thegender power system, their basic characteristics, as well as the degree and limits of mutual influence. Methodology includes research methods of power introduced by M. Foucault, L. Althusser, and J. Butler; psychoanalytic approaches of S. Freud and J. Lacan; structuralist method of analysis of communicative practices of M. Castells. The novelty of the study consists in the theory of passionate attachment introduced by the author, in which it is argued that the system of gender power in society is based on the psychological mechanism of interpellation and subjection of male psychics by women. The following conclusions were made: 1) gender self-identification and socialization are associated with the Oedipus complex and Lacanian mirror stage; 2) since the time of ancient matriarchy, the female symbolic power has become an archetype of consciousness; 3) the gender power is being built on a subject-subjective basis, as well as form a blurry and often unclear system of decentralized relations in the society; 4) structuring of the system of gender power relations and gender roles by women is realized with broad involvement of the sphere of the symbolic.