Военные союзы и альянсы
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А. В. Манойло National State Models for Psychological Solutions to International Conflicts // Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations. 2011. № 2. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58302
In today’s world a significantly large quantity of various types of political conflicts, internal and external, different in scale and covering a variety of geographical territory, involving different ethnos, social and political strata, and political systems, are arising simultaneously, undergoing all kinds of degrees of escalation and fading away. With each and every new conflict, that has reached an institutional stage as a result of political action to resolve it, experience is gained with respect to the impact it has on modern day conflicts to try to prevent the conflicts from escalating into a destructive stage for society. Today various countries garner their efforts together to resolve international conflicts, various international institutions are in effect that enable a third party to foster resolution to the conflict. However, despite the amount of experience gained, the number of current conflicts is hardly on the decline, on the contrary, their numbers are dynamically growing, and in some cases so quickly that the system of socio-political relations of modern day society simultaneously have become more complicated.
Ключевые слова:
Международное право, психологические операции, международные отношения, внешняя политика, международные конфликты, технологии управления конфликтами, организация объединенных наций, безопасность, военные союзы, вооруженные конфликты
In today’s world a significantly large quantity of various types of political conflicts, internal and external,
different in scale and covering a variety of geographical territory, involving different ethnos, social and
political strata, and political systems, are arising simultaneously, undergoing all kinds of degrees of escalation
and fading away. With each and every new conflict, that has reached an institutional stage as a
result of political action to resolve it, experience is gained with respect to the impact it has on modern day
conflicts to try to prevent the conflicts from escalating into a destructive stage for society. Today various
countries garner their efforts together to resolve international conflicts, various international institutions
are in effect that enable a third party to foster resolution to the conflict. However, despite the amount of
experience gained, the number of current conflicts is hardly on the decline, on the contrary, their numbers
are dynamically growing, and in some cases so quickly that the system of socio-political relations of modern
day society simultaneously have become more complicated.
Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, psikhologicheskie operatsii, mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, vneshnyaya politika, mezhdunarodnye konflikty, tekhnologii upravleniya konfliktami, organizatsiya ob'edinennykh natsii, voennye soyuzy, vooruzhennye konflikty