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Modern Education
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The Effectiveness of Translator and Foreign Language Teacher Training Systems in Russia: A Focus on Student Motivation / Эффективность системы подготовки переводчиков и преподавателей иностранных языков в России в аспекте их мотивации к обучению

Макарова Анна Григорьевна

ORCID: 0000-0001-7624-8267

кандидат филологических наук

доцент, кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации, Московский международный университет

125040, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Ленинградский Проспект, 17

Makarova Anna

PhD in Philology

Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow International University

17 Leningradsky Prospekt str., Moscow, 125040, Russia
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Аннотация: Успешность в информационном обществе зависит от эффективности кадрового состава предприятия. Подготовка высококлассных специалистов становится важной задачей высшей школы. Затраты на образование специалистов часто становятся непосильной ношей для их родителей, вынужденных оплачивать репетиторов и т.п. Эффективная групповая работа студентов на занятиях в вузе призвана снизить эти затраты. Обучить изобретательскому подходу, умению конструировать, создавать новые решения призвана система образования, выстроенная соответствующим образом. Цель исследования – выявление возможных проблем и причин недостаточной мотивации студентов Московского международного университета направления "Лингвистика" к изучению иностранных языков, а также разработка способов устранения этих проблем для повышения эффективности системы подготовки переводчиков и преподавателей иностранных языков в России. Использованы следующие методы: индивидуальные и групповые интервью, метод фокус-групп с применением «мозгового штурма», написание творческого рассуждения-эссе, анкетирование, анализ статистических данных и обзор научной литературы. Новизна исследования состоит в том, что оно позволило разработать рекомендации по внедрению системных изменений в организационную работу вузов для повышения мотивированности студентов к обучению. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для разработки стратегических планов развития образования в условиях международной изоляции. По результатам исследования выработаны следующие рекомендации: 1. Использование возможностей смешанного обучения обеспечивает гибкость, интерактивность, индивидуализацию, разнообразие и мгновенную обратную связь. Следует соблюдать баланс между самостоятельной работой, онлайн-консультациями, отводя достаточно времени для личного взаимодействия студентов с одногруппниками и преподавателями. 2. Рекомендовано выставление отметок по результатам текущей успеваемости. Это предоставляет студентам четкие цели, обратную связь, поддерживает активное участие в учебном процессе и существенно снижает уровень стресса. 3. Актуально применение отметочной 10-бальной системы, характеризуемой простотой и понятностью, более широкий диапазон оценок, возможность дифференциации уровней успеваемости и более точное измерение уровня знаний. 4. Переход на последовательное модульное изучение дисциплин даёт возможность выбора и контроль над обучением. 5. Инвестирование в точечное строительство общежитий при вузах устранит большинство демотивирующих студентов факторов: утомление в длительных переездах, утренняя неэффективность, проблемы с пунктуальностью, потеря времени и ограничение внеучебного взаимодействия.

Ключевые слова:

эффективность системы, профессиональная подготовка, подготовка переводчиков, учитель иностранных языков, высшее образование, модульное обучение, смешанное обучение, строительство общежитий, система отметок, мотивирующая система обучения

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to identify possible problems and causes of insufficient motivation of students of Moscow International University in the field of linguistics to study foreign languages, as well as to develop ways to eliminate these problems to improve the effectiveness of the training system for translators and teachers of foreign languages in Russia. The following methods were used: individual and group interviews, focus groups using brainstorming, writing creative reasoning essays, questionnaires, analysis of statistical data, and a review of scientific literature. The study's novelty lies in the fact that it allowed the development of recommendations on implementing systemic changes in the organizational work of universities to increase students' motivation to study. The study's results can be used to develop strategic plans for developing education in conditions of international isolation. Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations were developed: 1. Using blended learning opportunities provides flexibility, interactivity, individualization, diversity, and instant feedback. A balance should be maintained between independent work and online consultations, setting aside enough time for students to interact personally with classmates and teachers. 2. It is recommended to set marks based on the results of current academic performance. This provides students with clear goals and feedback, supports active participation in the learning process, and significantly reduces stress levels. 3. It is important to use a ten-point mark system that is simple and clear, offers a broader range of grades, allows for differentiating academic performance levels, and accurately measures knowledge level. 4. The transition to a consistent modular study of disciplines allows you to choose and control learning. 5. Investing in point-to-point construction of dormitories at universities will eliminate most factors that demotivate students: fatigue during long journeys, morning inefficiency, problems with punctuality, loss of time, and limitation of extracurricular interaction.


marking system, building dormitories, blended learning, modular training, higher education, foreign language teacher, translator training, professional training, system effectiveness, motivating training system

This article was previously published in Russian in the journal Pedagogy and Education, available at this link:


The study of the effectiveness of Russia's higher education system in terms of motivation for training translators and language teachers is relevant for several reasons.

Firstly, motivation to learn is one of the important factors determining students' academic success. Stimulating motivation can contribute to the acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills, and the achievement of goals. At the same time, lack of motivation or negative motives can lead to failures, missed classes, and poor academic performance.

Secondly, the study of learning motivation allows for a better understanding of which factors influence student motivation. This can help educators and educational institutions develop effective learning strategies that maximize student motivation.

Thirdly, studying motivation to learn can help develop career guidance and career development programs. Understanding motivational factors allows more accurately determining students' interests and expectations, which contributes to selecting an appropriate educational and professional trajectory.

Fourth, in the current conditions of international isolation, many students are unable to travel abroad to study or participate in international exchange programs due to travel restrictions. Therefore, the effectiveness of the higher education system in the country is of particular importance because it must ensure a high level of education and training for students to compete in the global labor market successfully.

Fifth, international isolation encourages the introduction of modern technologies and teaching methods. The higher education system should adapt to the online learning format and use modern distance learning technologies to give students access to high-quality education and information resources.

Sixth, the state sets goals for the higher education system to develop national intellectual potential and scientific research. Russian universities should provide students with opportunities to develop their research potential and support scientific research on relevant topics that can be useful to the country in conditions of international isolation.

The study of the effectiveness of the Russian higher education system will allow us to assess its current state and identify its advantages and disadvantages. This will enable us to develop and implement recommendations to improve the quality of education and support students with limited access to international educational resources and exchange programs. The government can also use the research results to develop strategic plans for developing education and science in conditions of international isolation.

Thus, studying motivation to learn is relevant and beneficial for various educational practices.

This study evaluates the effectiveness of training translators and foreign language teachers in Russian universities by examining the degree to which students are motivated to pursue professional training.

The purpose of this study is to identify possible problems and causes of insufficient motivation of students to learn foreign languages, as well as to develop ways to eliminate these problems to improve the effectiveness of the system of training translators and teachers of foreign languages in Russia.

Research objectives:

1. Analysis of motivational factors: The main factors influencing students' motivation to learn foreign languages, such as professional prospects and the need for communication in foreign languages.

2. Assessment of the educational environment: This includes analyzing the level of development of the university infrastructure, assessing the accessibility of education, and assessing the organization of the educational process.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of the assessment system for students of Moscow International University studying linguistics in translation and translation studies and theory and teaching methods.

4. Exploring the prospects of applying modular learning at MMU to increase students' motivation to learn foreign languages.

5. Research into the causes of students' systematic lateness, problems with punctuality, and morning inefficiency.

The research results can be used to develop and implement effective methods of teaching foreign languages, improve the quality of education, and support students in achieving high results in learning them.

6. Identification of other motivating and demotivating factors in teaching foreign languages to MMU students.

Methodology. The following methods were used to study the effectiveness of the Russian education system in terms of motivation to learn foreign languages:

1. Conversations and interviews with students in individual, pair, and group formats concerning students' interests, professional ambitions, and communication needs in foreign languages.

2. Discussion of the factors motivating learning foreign languages in student focus groups, including the method of "brainstorming."

3. Students were surveyed to identify their motivation to learn foreign languages and the factors influencing this motivation. The questionnaire was based on written answers to the question, "What motivates and demotivates you to learn foreign languages?" The written work was preceded by the interviews mentioned above.

4. Monitoring the process of teaching foreign languages in groups and analyzing students' behavior, including their lateness and the content of explanatory notes explaining the reasons for their lateness.

5. Analysis of statistical data on student academic performance.

6. A review of the scientific literature and an analysis of previous research on the topic to expand the understanding of the problem of students' motivation to learn foreign languages and familiarize themselves with existing developments on this topic.

The combination of these methods has contributed to a comprehensive study of students' motivation to learn foreign languages in the Russian education system.

Preliminary interviews were conducted with students of seven groups of the profile "Translation and Translation studies" and seven groups of the profile "Theory and teaching methods" of the direction "Linguistics" at the ANOVO "MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY." During conversations with students in their first to fourth years of the bachelor's degree program, they were asked what motivates and demotivates them to study.

The results of the study.

1. The development of linguistic abilities as a motivating factor in teaching foreign languages is highlighted by 89% of the surveyed study participants. Linguistic abilities include analyzing and understanding grammatical structures, vocabulary, pronunciation, and intonation. When students develop their linguistic abilities, they find more confidence in their knowledge and skills in learning a language. The ability to understand complex grammatical structures and use vocabulary correctly helps create a sense of achievement and progress, motivating the student to continue learning a foreign language [2].

The development of linguistic abilities also expands the possibilities for using language in various situations. A student who can easily adapt to new contexts and express his thoughts in a foreign language more accurately and competently gets more satisfaction from communicating in another language. Such an experience positively affects motivation and the desire to continue learning the language [3].

In addition, the development of linguistic abilities helps students more easily cope with difficulties and obstacles that may arise when learning a foreign language. The ability to analyze and understand complex texts or conversations in a language and grammatical nuances allows students to maintain confidence and not lose motivation when faced with difficulties.

2. 54% of the study participants mentioned self-realization as an important motivation factor for learning foreign languages. Self-realization means developing one's abilities, achieving one's potential, and meeting one's personal goals and aspirations.

Learning a foreign language allows students to expand their linguistic and communication skills. This will enable them to apply their knowledge and skills in various areas of life, such as travel, work, and personal relationships. As a result, students can achieve new levels of self-realization and feel confident and successful in using a foreign language [4].

Learning a foreign language is a continuous process, which is an additional incentive for self-realization. Students can always set new goals and strive to achieve higher levels of language proficiency. This allows them to continue their self-development and improve their skills, which is a strong motivating factor.

Self-realization also includes the development of cultural competence. Learning a foreign language allows students to better understand and adapt to other cultures, gain new knowledge and perspectives, and enrich their personalities and worldviews.

Finally, self-realization is also associated with an increase in students' self-discipline and perseverance in learning a foreign language. Students can set their own schedules and training methods to achieve their goals. This promotes the development of personal responsibility and self-organization, which, in turn, supports motivation and improves language learning results [5].

3. Blended learning is an effective motivational factor in learning foreign languages, according to 76% of the students surveyed. Among the reasons are the following:

a) Flexibility and accessibility: Blended learning involves combining traditional learning materials and online resources, allowing students to study at a convenient time and place. They can access materials and assignments at any time, which helps to increase the amount of time allocated to language learning and, therefore, motivates them to engage more actively [6].

b) Interactivity and social interaction: Blended learning provides opportunities for virtual communication with other students and native speakers. This interaction can occur in forums, discussions, online groups, chats, etc. It allows students to practice their communication skills and receive feedback from other students. A sense of community, belonging, and colleague support can also motivate students [7].

c) Individualization and adaptability: Blended learning uses online platforms that offer a personalized approach to learning. [8] Students can assess their strengths and weaknesses and choose materials and assignments that meet their specific needs and language proficiency. Such individualization takes into account students' diverse needs and can contribute to their motivation to learn foreign languages [9].

d) Diversity of materials and activities: Blended learning offers a variety of materials and activities, from texts and audio recordings to video tutorials and interactive assignments. Students can choose the formats and tasks that interest them most, which increases their involvement and motivation [10].

e) Instant Feedback: Online platforms in blended learning facilitate instant feedback on assignments. This lets students see their efforts and results immediately, encouraging them to improve [11].

4. For several reasons, 28% of students consider university solidarity a motivating factor in learning.

Firstly, when students feel support and solidarity from their classmates and teachers, it creates a positive and comfortable learning environment. Such conditions motivate students to achieve the best academic results [12].

Secondly, university solidarity promotes the development of a sense of belonging to the academic community. When students feel part of a team, they think a lot of responsibility and strive to achieve common goals, such as completing an academic course or participating in social activities [13].

Also, university solidarity stimulates interpersonal interaction between students. Interaction and the exchange of experiences between students support their motivation and interest in learning. Examples include group projects and joint research, which promote the development of collective responsibility and motivation to study.

Finally, university solidarity contributes to the creation of educational support from educational institutions. When students see that the university supports their success and provides them with resources for development, it becomes a powerful incentive to motivate them and strive for better results.

5. The university environment is noted by 36% of students as a motivating factor for learning foreign languages. The conducted research allows us to identify the following points that make the university environment motivating for learning foreign languages:

a) Diverse language resources: The University Library and online resources provide a wide range of textbooks, dictionaries, audiobooks, and other materials for learning foreign languages. This helps students diversify their studies and have access to many resources for in-depth immersion in the language environment [5].

b) Study in a group: Students communicate and study in a group as part of a university foreign language course. Interaction with other students, exchange of experience, and team motivation encourage students to continue learning foreign languages and create an atmosphere of mutual support [14].

c) Native language teachers: Native language teachers working at the university are also cited by students as an important motivating factor. They have a high level of language competence and cultural awareness, inspiring students and demonstrating real-world language use examples.

d) Internship opportunities: Moscow International University provides various language practice opportunities such as language clubs, discussion groups, and festive events. Participation in such events helps students improve their communication skills in a foreign language and increases confidence in their abilities [14].

e) Support and assessment: The university environment provides students structured support and evaluation during their learning process. Classes, homework, and exams allow students to track their progress and evaluate their achievements, which is an additional incentive and motivation for students to strive for success and improve their language skills.

6. 88% of the surveyed MMU students noted the acquisition of social and communication skills as a powerful motivational factor in learning foreign languages. Below are several ways in which the development of these skills stimulates students' motivation.:

a) The opportunity to communicate with native speakers: Learning a foreign language allows students to communicate with native speakers, which means they can communicate more efficiently and effectively in various situations. The challenge facing them becomes an inspiring and motivating factor, as they see the practical application of their training and understand how useful it can be in their lives [15].

b) Expanding perspectives: Learning a foreign language opens up new opportunities to broaden one's horizons. Communicating in another language enhances travel, work, education, and cultural exchange opportunities. Understanding this becomes a powerful motivating factor for students, as they see concrete practical benefits from their studies [16].

c) Improving interpersonal relationships: Mastering a foreign language opens the door to better understanding and communication with people from different cultures and countries. Realizing this aspect, students are motivated to communicate with people of different cultures, develop interpersonal relationships, and strengthen their tolerance and adaptability [17].

d) Professional career: MMU students consider the ability to speak a foreign language an advantage when looking for a job or moving up the career ladder. Many employers value employees who can communicate with foreign partners and clients in their language. This perspective is noted as a strong motivating factor for students seeking to achieve professional success.

7. 47% of MMU students mention the formation of a new language personality as one of the motivation factors in learning foreign languages.

Gaining new knowledge and skills in language allows a person to expand their communication capabilities and interaction with other cultures. This can be a goal and an incentive to learn a new language. Forming a new linguistic personality includes acquiring a new way of thinking, perceiving, and communicating in a new language [18].

Creating a new linguistic personality also serves as a tool for developing the personality as a whole. Learning a foreign language requires active work on one's own skills and abilities, which helps to improve cognitive abilities and develop patience, perseverance, and self-organization. As a result, a person feels like a new, changed person [19].

In addition, forming a new linguistic personality helps increase self-esteem and a sense of self-sufficiency [20]. When people reach the goal of mastering a new language, they feel more confident in their abilities [21].

8. 59% of respondents consider the assessment of achievements as an incentive to study.

The grading and assessment systems represent an approach to assessing student performance in the educational system.

The assessment system is focused on a more detailed assessment and analysis of students' knowledge and skills. It can include evaluating points or percentages for each assignment or test and detailed feedback on each aspect of student success. The assessment system allows teachers and students to analyze in which specific areas they need to improve and work on improving specific skills or knowledge [22].

The grading system, on the other hand, uses more generalized indicators of academic performance, such as numerical marks or letter grades (for example, "excellent," "good," "satisfactory," or "unsatisfactory"). It provides an overall assessment of a student's progress without detailed analysis or feedback on each aspect of academic performance [23].

Both systems have advantages and disadvantages. The assessment system allows for a more detailed assessment of a student's knowledge and skills and addresses specific areas for improvement. However, it can be more complex and require more time and resources for evaluation and analysis. Assessment is often associated with criticizing students' performance, pointing out their mistakes and shortcomings, which usually reduces motivation to study [24].

On the other hand, the grading system provides a more straightforward and generalized assessment of a student's success, which can help students gain a general understanding of their success. However, it may be less informative and not provide detailed feedback to improve skills and knowledge.

The choice between an assessment and grading system depends on the educational institution's specific academic goals and resources. Some education systems may use a combination of both approaches to assess student performance [23].

One of the advantages of the marking system for teaching foreign languages at the university is its simplicity and clarity. Students can easily understand what grade they have received and how successfully they have mastered the subject. Letter grades (for example, "excellent," "good," "satisfactory," or "unsatisfactory") provide students with a clear picture of their academic performance without the need for in-depth analysis of scores or percentages.

The marking system also contributes to students' motivation. They strive to get the highest possible mark and demonstrate promising results in front of others or, more importantly, compete with themselves, i.e., improve [24].

In addition, the marking system can contribute to a positive atmosphere in the group. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of student success, such as mistakes or shortcomings, the marking system allows for more attention and encouragement of the positive aspects of student success.

The grading system is also simpler for conducting and calculating grades for teachers. Teachers do not need to conduct detailed assessments of each assignment or test, which can save time and resources.

Finally, the marking system may be more appropriate for higher education institutions where students already have a certain level of independence and responsibility. They can use the marks to assess their academic performance and understand where they need additional work [22].

However, it is important to note that each assessment system has advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between assessment systems depends on the specific educational goals and the university context.

9. 75% of the students surveyed noted the advantages of the ten-point grading system over the five-point grading system. One of the essential aspects of motivation in studies is a system for evaluating their knowledge, skills, and successes. Different assessment systems are used in different countries; the two most common options are the ten-point and five-point systems. Let's consider the advantages of a ten-point scoring system compared to a five-point one [25].

a) A wider range of grades: One of the main advantages of the ten-point system is that it allows for more accurate and diverse assessments of student success. In fact, the five-point system that has developed in Russia is reduced to a three-point system (three, four, five). One practically does not appear as an assessment; two points are interpreted as an "unsatisfactory" assessment. Only starting with a score of three points does the assessment make sense. In the case of the ten-point system, students receive a wider range of grades from one to ten. This allows teachers to reflect students' success more accurately and evaluate different aspects of their knowledge and skills.

b) Differentiation of academic performance levels: The ten-point system offers a greater choice of academic achievement levels, which allows students to be more accurately differentiated by their knowledge and skills. For example, a student with a score of 8/10 may be rated above average, while in a five-point system, he would receive just four, "good." This helps teachers and parents better understand where each student stands regarding success and stimulates further improvement [25].

c) A more flexible assessment system: A ten-point assessment system allows you to assess the performance of complex tasks more accurately. This gives teachers more opportunities to express their opinions about students' knowledge and skills. For example, if the task is completed by 60%, the teacher may give a grade of six instead of a lower grade of five, which does not reflect the student's positive and worthy efforts.

d) A good motivation for students: A ten-point grading system can be a powerful incentive for students. Instead of striving only for "satisfactory" grades of 3–4 out of 5, students can strive for the best results and achievements. The scale of the ten-point system encourages them to make great efforts and strive to achieve high grades in exams and tests.

e) More accurate measurement of the level of knowledge: The ten-point assessment system allows you to measure the student's level of knowledge more accurately than the five-point system. Higher grades can be used to assess more profound knowledge, understanding, and application of the material, while lower grades reflect a more superficial understanding and knowledge. This helps teachers and parents better understand what stage of education each student is at and where additional support or improvement is needed [25].

10. Evaluating students based on their current academic performance without having to take an exam in a discipline (the so-called automatic test) is a motivating factor in learning foreign languages for 87% of MMU students who participated in the study. The following points are mentioned among the reasons:

a) Elimination of a stressful situation: The most obvious advantage of this type of assessment of student performance is that it eliminates the exam as a stress factor that dominates the student not only during the exam but also throughout the entire period of mastering the discipline. 77% of students note the inevitability of an exam as a demotivating factor as the regularity of attendance and the degree of student involvement in the classroom do not provide apparent advantages [26].

b) Instant Feedback: Regular assessments give students quick feedback on how well they are learning the material. This helps them track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

c) Setting goals: Grades based on current academic performance help students set goals for learning foreign languages. They use their grades as progress markers and set new goals for themselves to achieve better results.

d) Advanced understanding: Grades help students better understand their weaknesses in language. By knowing their current grades, they can determine which areas of the language they should work on more intensively to improve their academic performance.

e) Competition and motivation: Grades given by other students in the group encourage healthy competition, which motivates students to achieve better results. Knowing the grades of other students pushes them to work harder and strive to surpass their classmates [26].

f) Encouraging participation: Assessment based on current academic performance encourages students to actively participate in the learning process, ask questions, participate in discussions, and complete homework. They understand that their contribution to the learning activity will be considered in their assessment, facilitating their active participation.

i) The possibility of prompt correction: An assessment based on current academic performance allows students to eliminate knowledge gaps promptly when they first appear. This helps them not to accumulate problems in learning a foreign language and supports them in continuing to work on improving their skills [26]. 11. Modular training gained 97% of the votes of students who expressed a desire to study using this system. Modular learning implies interdisciplinarity, a practical orientation of the learning process, and the participation of students in innovative initiatives, both scientific and technological. Such an organization of education is especially relevant for universities that actively cooperate with partners, such as scientific organizations, representatives of the real sector of the economy, etc. The invariant part of disciplines (modules) is formed in educational programs. Along with the invariant part, the following levels of electability are organized:

  • university-wide level;
  • faculty/institute, cluster level;
  • the level of the educational program.

The module system is practiced in some Russian universities. It is known that such a learning system is successfully used at the Higher School of Economics and ITMO and can be considered a motivating factor in teaching foreign languages for the following reasons [27]:

a) Diverse topics and assignments: Modular learning allows students to explore different topics and assignments, making the learning process more interesting and stimulating. Students can choose modules that match their interests and goals, which helps them stay motivated and interested in the learning process [28].

b) Flexibility and control: The modular learning system allows students to control their curriculum and choose when and how to study certain modules. This increases their sense of responsibility and control over their own learning, which can be very motivating [29].

c) Fast feedback and evaluation: Modular learning provides students with fast feedback and assessment for each module, which helps them track their progress and see their strengths and weaknesses. Getting good grades for modules can encourage students to continue working hard and strive for even better results in learning a foreign language.

d) Step-by-step skill development: Due to the modular approach, students can develop their skills in stages, starting from basic levels and gradually moving on to more complex and advanced ones. This helps them see their progress and achieve new goals, a powerful motivating factor [28].

e) Group dynamics: In modular learning, students study modules in groups, share experiences, and interact with other students. Group dynamics can be motivating as students interact, share knowledge, and support each other in the learning process.

The system of modular education in Russia has its own peculiarities. It is usually more rigidly structured than in Western universities and contains traditional system features. Nevertheless, it is an alternative to the classical system, which involves focusing students' attention and efforts on different disciplines at the same time, which creates a situation of increased tension and distress. The step-by-step organization of the student learning process within the framework of a modular system provides the following advantages [29]:

1. Intensification of learning: Students study each discipline separately, fully immersing themselves in one specific area of research and intensively directing their efforts there. This allows them to understand the details and nuances of the subject.

2. Optimization of control: Reporting on the development of the discipline immediately after completing the work on the module avoids the time gap between the actual work on the material and passing the exam. The stress factor is also minimized when there is no need to prepare for several exams in a row.

3. Gradual increase in difficulty: By consistently studying disciplines, students can gradually master more complex topics and concepts. This helps them develop skills and knowledge gradually, which can be motivating as they see how they progress and improve over time.

4. Setting clear goals: Studying disciplines in a specific sequence helps students identify specific goals and expectations for each discipline. They can see that each discipline is a step towards achieving a greater goal, which can motivate their educational process.

5. Accumulation of knowledge: Consistent study of disciplines allows students to build knowledge based on already learned concepts and apply them in new contexts. This helps them see how their previous knowledge is applicable and valuable in new fields, which can motivate further study. Conscious accumulation of knowledge: Consistent study of disciplines allows students to build strong foundations of knowledge, as each discipline builds on previous knowledge. This helps students internalize and retain information for the long term, which can motivate them as they see their knowledge deepen and expand with each course they complete.

6. Improving self-discipline: Structured study of disciplines in order helps students develop self-discipline and responsibility. They must follow a set curriculum and complete assignments on time, which requires organization and self-control. This process can motivate students, who see that their efforts and consistency lead to results.

12. Financial independence is an incentive for 65% of students to study.

a) Financial incentives: A higher salary or access to the best professional opportunities for people who speak foreign languages create a powerful motivation for learning them. This is due to the possibility of receiving higher wages, bonuses, or advantages in the labor market [30].

b) Global competitiveness: In today's world, where international relations are becoming increasingly important, foreign language knowledge helps people compete in international labor markets. Broader employment opportunities and career prospects motivate people to learn foreign languages and develop relevant skills [30].

c) Promotion: In some organizations, foreign language knowledge can be a key factor in career advancement or promotion. Successfully interacting with foreign partners, clients, or colleagues is often perceived as valuable personnel, encouraging others to learn a foreign language.

In megacities, where the distances between home and university can be significant, and university buildings are far from each other, long distances and early mornings become a significant demotivating factor for students. Here are a few reasons cited by the interviewed MMU students:

1. Fatigue: Long trips and early mornings cause 69% of students to become fatigued. Because of this, many students have difficulty concentrating and actively participating in academic activities [31].

2. Morning inefficiency: 44% of students tend to be ineffective in the morning, so getting up early leads to falling asleep and not being ready for active learning [32].

3. Lateness and punctuality problems: Students have difficulty being punctual due to long distances and transportation problems. Constant lateness to classes causes stress and affects the overall motivation of 48% of MMU students [33].

4. Waste of time: Long trips cost 66% of MMU students valuable time, which they could have used to study materials, take additional classes, or work on projects. This leads to a feeling of loss of control over the learning process and reduces motivation [32].

5. Limitation of extracurricular interaction: Students spend a lot of time on the road, limiting their opportunities for extracurricular interaction with classmates and teachers. The lack of social support and interaction negatively affects the motivation of 34% of students [33].

Considering these factors, universities in megacities can take various steps to mitigate their impact. For example, they can offer online courses or lecture recordings so students can study materials at their own pace and avoid long-distance travel on certain days set aside for independent work. In addition, they can provide access to public transportation or arrange special transportation for students to make their way easier.

A practical solution to the problem of overcoming long distances in large cities is to provide students with affordable dormitories on campuses [34]. This is an important motivating factor for several reasons.:

a) Economic benefit: Affordable dormitories have a lower cost of living than renting an apartment or rented housing. This allows students to save money and focus on their studies rather than finding and paying for housing.

b) Convenience and safety: College dormitories are close to academic and other student facilities, making them very convenient for students. This saves time and effort on travel between home and university and creates a safe and secure student environment [35].

c) Social interaction: Living in campus dormitories promotes social integration and student interaction. Students can easily get to know other students and participate in various activities, events, and clubs, which helps them develop their social interaction skills and expand their social circles [36].

d) Access to learning resources: Many college dormitories provide students with various learning resources. They can easily access libraries, computer labs, classrooms, and other facilities, making their learning process more efficient and productive.

f) Support and assistance: College dormitories often provide students various support and assistance. This may include support and counseling, academic support, meals, and other services that help students successfully adapt to university life and achieve their educational and personal goals [37].

In general, providing students with affordable dorms on campuses plays an important role in their motivation and academic success. It offers economic benefits, convenience, and safety, promotes social interaction, provides access to educational resources, and provides various support and assistance to students. This motivating factor is an important element for attracting and retaining students and their overall learning success.

However, not all higher education institutions have dormitories at their disposal. And if a university has one, then places are provided only to nonresident students, even though it is no faster to get to the university from a distant area of the metropolis than from a neighboring city.

The solution to this problem may be the targeted construction of dormitories next to university academic buildings. Investing in the point-by-point construction of dormitories at universities can significantly contribute to solving the problem of accessibility of education for several reasons:

a) Reducing distances: Building dormitories directly on the territory of universities will allow students to overcome the long distance between home and the educational institution. This is especially important for students living in remote areas of megacities, suburbs, or other cities, as it will help them avoid lengthy and expensive trips.

b) Economic benefit: Providing affordable housing near academic facilities reduces students' costs of renting off-campus housing. This is especially true for students with limited financial resources who may face difficulties paying rent [38].

c) Improving academic performance: Living close to academic facilities allows students easy access to libraries, laboratories, and other educational resources. This increases their learning opportunities and can contribute to improving their academic performance.

d) Creation of a student community: Dormitories on campus contribute to creating a student community where students can actively interact with each other. This increases the sense of belonging and helps students realize their social skills and learn through collective interaction [39].

e) Improved adaptation: Living on campus allows students to receive more support and assistance from the university. Resident consultants, administrators, and other dormitory staff can provide students with the necessary information and resources to adapt to university life successfully.

f) Increasing access to education: The creation of additional places in dormitories will allow more students to gain access to university education. This may be especially important for students from low-income families or for those who are from afar and do not have the opportunity to rent housing near an educational institution [39].

6. 23% of the surveyed students identify the threat of unemployment as a demotivating factor in learning foreign languages for several reasons:

a) The need for survival: When a person faces financial difficulties and cannot find a job, their priorities shift toward finding a job that will provide for themselves and their family. In such a situation, learning a foreign language may seem like a luxury or an empty undertaking [40].

b) Lack of available resources: Unemployment is associated with decreased resources, such as money, to pay for courses or training materials. This creates an obstacle to obtaining high-quality education and motivation to learn foreign languages [40].

c) There is no specific increase in employment chances: Due to the current deglobalization trend, some students see learning foreign languages as an ineffective way to increase their chances of finding employment. They fear that knowledge of a foreign language will not be necessary for work, and they may lose motivation to study it [41].

d) Feeling hopeless: In conditions of unemployment, many people feel hopeless and lose faith in a future successful career. This negatively affects their motivation to learn foreign languages, as they do not see the point of investing time and effort in learning [41].

e) Stress and burnout: Unemployment can be accompanied by stress, burnout, and negative emotions. In this state, it can be difficult for a person to concentrate and motivate themselves to learn a foreign language.

7. The lack of access to higher professional education is a demotivating factor for 58% of the MMU students surveyed. They note the high cost of studying in higher education institutions. There is almost no opportunity to receive scholarships or other financial support while studying at a commercial university. The economic burden for many students' parents is unbearable [41]. Consequently, about half of the students are forced to look for a job to pay for their studies.


Thus, according to the results of this study, among the important factors motivating university students to learn foreign languages, several central points were noted. To increase the effectiveness of the Russian higher education system in terms of motivation to learn foreign languages, using the example of Moscow International University, paying more attention to the following aspects is recommended:

1. The development of linguistic abilities plays an essential role in motivating students to learn foreign languages. The more confident and competent they are in that language, the more satisfaction and motivation they get from the learning process. It is necessary to maintain a high educational level of universities and work to improve it in the context of the dynamic development of modern technologies during the transition to the era of the post-industrial information society.

2. Maintaining a motivating educational environment that stimulates students and highlights the importance of learning foreign languages. The MMU university environment offers a wide variety of academic and extracurricular activities. It is worth continuing to develop in this direction.

2. Using blended learning opportunities and developing interactive foreign language courses that would be attractive and relevant to students. Blended learning is a motivating factor in learning foreign languages because it provides flexibility, interactivity, customization, diversity, and instant feedback that help students improve their skills and continue to improve. The organization of the education system using modern technologies helps increase the degree of motivation of students. However, it should not be forgotten that the training of linguists involves a large amount of face-to-face work in groups and pairs, as well as personal interaction with teachers and specialists in various fields of linguistics. Thus, a balance should be maintained between students' independent work, online consultations on writing term papers and theses, etc., while allocating enough time for students' personal interaction with classmates and teachers.

3. Increasing the number of practical classes and communication in foreign languages, both inside and outside the educational institution. Self-realization plays an important role in motivating students to learn foreign languages. Students are encouraged to continue learning and succeed in language learning by developing their abilities, making continuous progress, and expanding their worldview.

4. Increasing the sense of university solidarity is recommended as an effective way to motivate linguistic students to study. Favorable conditions for students' development and interest in academic success must be maintained. The MMU university environment successfully encourages students to learn a foreign language by providing access to various resources, support from teachers and other students, and practice and assessment opportunities.

5. Students at MMU attach great importance to developing social and communicative skills through the study of foreign languages. They see the practical benefits and prospects this provides and strive to use the acquired skills in their personal lives and work. Therefore, this motivational aspect deserves special attention in improving the Russian higher education system.

6. Almost half of the students note the importance of forming their new linguistic personality when learning a new language. This indicates a high degree of linguistic preparedness and the propensity of modern students for reflection and self-improvement, which is a decisive motivating factor in learning foreign languages. Learning a foreign language provides an opportunity for intellectual and personal growth and expands the horizons of interaction with other people and cultures.

7. Grading based on current academic performance is recommended for Russian universities to improve the higher education system. This method of evaluating students, which makes it possible not to take the exam if they work systematically and perform well, is an important motivating factor in learning for most respondents. It provides students with clear goals and feedback, supports their active participation in the learning process to improve their skills continuously, and significantly reduces stress levels during the learning process.

8. The marking system, characterized by simplicity and clarity, promotes students' positive attitude in the group. Its use is also relevant, as it is preferable for most surveyed students and recommended for universities.

9. We suggest using a ten-point assessment system, which offers several advantages over a five-point system, such as a broader range of grades, the ability to differentiate academic performance levels, a more flexible assessment system, and a more accurate measurement of knowledge. Moreover, this opportunity is technically provided to MMU teachers by installing a ten-point range of marks in the electronic journal of the internal "Electronic Distance Education System" (EDS), which all MMU teachers use without fail. This system helps students to develop and advance their education better and is one of the leading points of the questionnaire in terms of the number of student selections. Only inertia and the underestimation of such a promising opportunity prevent the use of this marking system.

10. The transition to a consistent modular study of disciplines is more time-consuming, as it involves reviewing approaches to scheduling classes and redistributing the workload of university teaching staff. However, such an organization of the learning process gained the most votes among all the points in the questionnaire. It should be recommended for consideration and finding ways to implement it. Modular learning provides students choice, flexibility, control over education, quick feedback and evaluation, step-by-step skill development, and the opportunity to work in a group. It also helps to develop self-discipline and strengthen information assimilation. All these factors help students stay motivated and successfully achieve their goals in learning foreign languages.

11. Another factor motivating students to study may be investing in the targeted construction of university dormitories. This can be an effective solution to the problem of education accessibility. Living close to the university makes it possible to reduce distances and financial costs for students, improve academic performance, promote social adaptation, and increase the accessibility of higher education to a broader audience. It also eliminates most factors that demotivate students: fatigue during long daily commutes, morning inefficiency, tardiness and punctuality problems, loss of time, and limitation of extracurricular interaction.

12. The students also noted financial independence as a motivating factor and the threat of unemployment as a demotivating factor on the other hand. It should not be forgotten that mastering the professions of translator and teacher of foreign languages ensures a high standard of living for a specialist, his global competitiveness, and the opportunity for career advancement. The threat of unemployment can also become a tool for increasing competitiveness in the labor market and expanding the range of opportunities. Moreover, it can be a way to elevate yourself above the competition and improve your chances of employment. The decision to continue studying can be the key to a better future and overcoming the difficulties of unemployment. Teachers should pay attention to this and try to neutralize their anxiety.

Thus, the Russian higher education system's effectiveness in motivating students to learn foreign languages can be improved by creating a motivating educational environment and providing students with diverse and memorable opportunities to learn and apply the foreign languages described in this study.

The study's novelty is that it allowed us to assess the system's current state and identify its advantages and disadvantages. To increase students' motivation to study, improve the quality of education, and support students with limited access to international educational resources and exchange programs, recommendations have been developed for implementing systemic and structural changes in the organizational work of universities. The government can use the research results to create strategic plans for developing education and science in conditions of international isolation.

The authors agree that studying motivation to learn helps develop career guidance and career development programs. Understanding motivational factors makes it possible to more accurately determine the interests and expectations of students, which contributes to selecting an appropriate educational and professional trajectory. In today's conditions of international isolation, many students are unable to travel abroad to study or participate in international exchange programs due to travel restrictions. Therefore, the effectiveness of the higher education system in the country is of particular importance because it must ensure a high level of education and training for students to compete successfully in the global labor market. The higher education system should adapt to the online learning format and use modern distance learning technologies to give students access to high-quality education and information resources. The State sets tasks for the higher education system to develop national intellectual potential and scientific research. Russian universities should provide students with opportunities to develop their research potential.

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38. Виноградова И. А. Развитие лингвистических способностей подростков в процессе субъект-субъектного взаимодействия / И. А. Виноградова, А. В. Кармишина // Сборники конференций НИЦ Социосфера. – 2023. – № 2. – С. 8-12.
39. Кармишина А. В. Развитие познавательной активности обучающихся с разным уровнем лингвистических способностей / А. В. Кармишина // Психология одаренности и творчества : Сборник научных трудов участников III Международной научно-практической онлайн-конференции, Москва, 03 ноября 2021 года / Научные редакторы: доктор психологических наук, доктор педагогических наук, член-корреспондент РАО, профессор А. И. Савенков, кандидат психологических наук, доцент В. М. Поставнев. – Москва: Известия института педагогики и психологии образования, 2021. – С. 73-79.
40. Плиева А. О. Использование ресурсов города для развития лингвистических способностей студентов / А. О. Плиева // Проблемы современного педагогического образования. – 2023. – № 78-4. – С. 156-159.
41. Акатова Н. Г. Развитие творческих способностей студентов-юристов в рамках лингвистических курсов как фактор их профессионального развития / Н. Г. Акатова, Ю. А. Бессонова, И. М. Булгакова // Ученые записки Орловского государственного университета. – 2023. – № 2(99). – С. 148-154.
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20. Turkina, O. A. (2022). Linguistic personality as the main element in the process of teaching students a foreign language. Mezhkul'turnaya Kommunikatsiya i Professional'no Orientirovannoe Obucheniye Inostrannym Yazyikam: Materials of the XVI International Scientific Conference, 313-318.
21. Chukhlebova, I. A. (2022). Formation of linguistic personality in new realities. Vestnik Nauchnykh Konferentsiy, 3-3(79), 132-134.
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Результаты процедуры рецензирования статьи

В связи с политикой двойного слепого рецензирования личность рецензента не раскрывается.
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На рецензирование представлена работа «Эффективность системы подготовки переводчиков и преподавателей иностранных языков в России в аспекте их мотивации к обучению».
Предмет исследования. Работа направлена на оценку эффективности системы подготовки переводчиков и преподавателей иностранных языков в российских вузах посредством исследования степени мотивированности студентов к профессиональному обучению. Особое внимание было уделено выявлению возможных проблем и причин недостаточной мотивации студентов к изучению иностранных языков, а также разработке способов устранения этих проблем для повышения эффективности системы подготовки переводчиков и преподавателей иностранных языков в России. В целом, автором поставленные цель и задачи были достигнуты.
Методология исследования опирается на работы отечественных ученых, которые рассматривают поставленные проблемы. Автор провел теоретический анализ и эмпирическое исследование, провел анализ полученных результатов и сделал обобщающие и подробные выводы.
Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, что исследование мотивации к обучению имеет большую актуальность и пользу для различных образовательных практик.
Научная новизна исследования. Автор в процессе исследования:
- оценил текущее состояние системы и выявил ее преимущества и недостатки;
- разработал рекомендации по внедрению системных и структурных изменений в организационную работу вузов для повышения мотивированности студентов к обучению и качества образования, а также поддержки студентов в условиях ограниченного доступа к международным образовательным ресурсам и программам обмена;
- анализ результатов может быть использован государством для разработки стратегических планов развития образования и науки в условиях международной изоляции.
Стиль, структура, содержание. Стиль изложения соответствует публикациям такого уровня. Язык работы научный. Структура работы прослеживается четко, автором выделены основные смысловые части.
Во введении определена актуальность и обоснована выделенная проблема исследования. Автор выделил основные причины значительного внимания к ней современных исследований. В работе отмечено, что от мотивации к обучению во многом зависит успешность студентов в учебной деятельности, поэтому важно исследовать мотивацию к обучению и факторы, влияющие на ее формирование. Понимание мотивационного поля важно для того, чтобы разрабатывать программы профориентации и карьерного развития. Проведение анализа актуальности выделенной проблемы позволило отметить, что результаты исследования будут полезны в различных образовательных практиках. Во введении автором была выделена практическая значимость исследования, предмет, цель и задачи, методология.
Следующий раздел посвящен описанию результатов проведенного исследования. Автор для его проведения использовал комплекс методик, направленных на изучение эффективности системы российского образования в аспекте мотивации к обучению иностранным языкам. Респондентами выступили студенты 1-4 курса программы бакалавриата, которые обучатся по направлению «Лингвистика», профилю «Перевод и переводоведение».
Полученные результаты позволили рассмотреть следующие позиции:
- развитие лингвистических способностей (умение анализировать и понимать грамматические структуры, лексику, произношение и интонацию) как фактор мотивации в обучении иностранным языкам;
- проблему самореализации как важного фактора мотивации в обучении иностранным языкам;
- особенности смешанного обучения как эффективного фактора мотивации в изучении иностранных языков (гибкость и доступность, интерактивность и социальное взаимодействие, индивидуализация и адаптивность, разнообразие материалов и видов деятельности, мгновенная обратная связь);
- особенности университетской солидарности как мотивирующий фактор в обучении;
- особенности выстраивания продуктивной университетской среды в качестве мотивационного фактора к обучению иностранных языков (разнообразные языковые ресурсы, обучение в группе, преподаватели-носители языка, возможности для практики, поддержка и оценка);
- основные направления приобретения социально-коммуникативных навыков (возможности обучения с носителями языка, расширение перспектив, улучшение межличностных отношение, профессиональная карьера);
- формирование новой языковой личности в качестве одного из факторов мотивации в изучении иностранных языков;
- оценивание достижений в качестве стимула к учебе с позиции двух систем: детальная оценка, анализ знаний и навыков студентов; использование более обобщенных показателей успеваемости.
Особое внимание уделено описанию преимуществ 10-бальной системы отметок над 5-бальной, к которым опрошенными студентами были отнесены следующие:
- использование более широкого диапазона оценок;
- дифференциация уровней успеваемости;
- более гибкая система оценивания;
- хорошая мотивация для учеников;
- более точное измерение уровня знаний.
Студентами также было отмечено, что получение отчетности (зачет, экзамен) «автоматом» мотивирующий фактор в обучении иностранным языкам для значительного количества студентов вуза. Такой образовательный подход позволяет устранить стрессовую ситуацию, получить моментальную обратную связь, поставить цели, своевременно скорректировать собственный образовательный маршрут и пр.
Значительное количество опрошенных отметило об успешности в процессе внедрения системы модулей. Большинство отметило также о стимулировании к обучению желания получить финансовую независимость.
С другой стороны, демотивирующими факторами выступили следующие: утомление, утренняя неэффективность, опоздания и проблемы с пунктуальностью, потеря времени, ограничение внеучебного взаимодействия.
В статье представлено подробное заключение с выделением основных и обоснованных выводов. Особое внимание уделено описанию новизны и авторской позиции.
Библиография. Библиография статьи включает в себя 41 отечественный и зарубежный источник, большая часть которых издана за последние три года. В списке представлены, в основном, статьи и тезисы. Помимо этого, в библиографии есть интернет-источники. Источники оформлены корректно и однородно.
Апелляция к оппонентам.
- представить полученные результаты исследования, в том числе, в виде графиков и диаграмм.
Выводы. Проблематика статьи отличается несомненной актуальностью, теоретической и практической ценностью; будет интересна специалистам, которые занимаются особенностями системы подготовки переводчиков и преподавателей иностранных языков, в том числе, проблемами их мотивации к обучению. Статья может быть рекомендована к опубликованию с учетом выделенных рекомендаций. Это позволить представить в редакцию полноценную научно-исследовательскую статью.