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Modern Education
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On the Issue of Teaching Foreign Languages in Non-Linguistic Educational Institutions / К вопросу преподавания иностранных языков в неязыковых образовательных учреждениях

Калугина Ксения Викторовна

ORCID: 0009-0000-2835-807X

преподаватель, Оренбургский медицинский колледж - структурное подразделение Оренбургского института путей сообщения – филиала Самарского государственного университета путей сообщения

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Kalugina Kseniya Viktorovna

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Аннотация: В наше время изучение иностранных языков является важным аспектом жизни современного человека. В статье рассматриваются методы и способы эффективного обучения иностранного языка в непрофильных образовательных учреждениях. Изучение языков даётся не каждому, особенно для тех, кто в нем не заинтересован, что делает тему актуальной. Предмет исследования: методы изучения иностранных языков в непрофильных образовательных учреждениях. Объект исследования: иностранные языки в современном обществе. При исследовании темы возникало много вопросов: есть ли взаимосвязь между овладением иностранного языка и отношением преподавателя к преподаваемой дисциплине? Какие факторы влияют на изучение иностранных языков? Возможно ли сформировать интерес к предмету посредством любознательности в процессе обучения? Как повысить мотивацию обучающихся в изучении иностранного языка в непрофильных учреждениях? Главной задачей стало найти пути решения освоения учебного материала при отсутствии интереса к предмету. Для её реализации применялись теоретические аспекты, статистика обучаемости иностранного языка среди студентов 1 и 2 курсов неязыкового образовательного учреждения на основе анкетирования, практические методы овладения иноязычным материалом. Результаты были ожидаемы: у обучающихся частично присутствует вовлеченность в языковую среду из-за незнания грамматических основ и применения их на практике, непонимание иноязычной речи при применении аудиолингвальных средств коммуникации и как следствие невозможность построения монологической и диалогической речи. Исходя из данных опроса можно сделать вывод, что большинство обучающихся ориентированы на то, что обучение иностранному языку необходимо в будущем. Естественно, комфортными условиями для продуктивного изучения языка были бы осознанный интерес и стимул, но для обучающихся непрофильных специальностей это скорее утопия, чем благодатная почва. В связи с этим возникают вопросы к обучению и преподаванию иностранных языков. Главным условием в изучении иностранного языка является мотивация.

Ключевые слова:

иностранный язык, обучение, не профиль, метод, мотивация, тревожность, подход, технология, речь, интерес

Abstract: Nowadays, learning foreign languages is an important aspect of modern human life. This article discusses methods of effective teaching of a foreign language in non-linguistic educational institutions. The author studies methods of learning foreign languages in non-linguistic educational institutions. When researching the topic, many questions arose: Is there a relationship between mastering a foreign language and the teacher's attitude to the discipline being taught? What factors influence the learning of foreign languages? Is it possible to form an interest in a subject through curiosity in the learning process? How can students be motivated to learn a foreign language in non-linguistic institutions? The main task was to find ways to solve the problem of educational material development in the absence of interest in the subject. To implement it, theoretical aspects, statistics of foreign language learning among first and second-year students of a non-linguistic educational institution based on a questionnaire, and practical methods of mastering foreign language material were used. The results were expected: Students are partially involved in the language environment due to ignorance of grammatical basics and their application in practice, misunderstanding of foreign language speech when using audio-linguistic means of communication, and, as a result, the inability to build monological and dialogical speech. Based on the survey data, it can be concluded that most students are focused on learning a foreign language, which is necessary in the future. Naturally, a conscious interest and incentive would be comfortable conditions for productive language learning, but this is more a utopia than fertile ground for students of non-core specialties. In this regard, there are questions about learning and teaching foreign languages. The primary condition in learning a foreign language is motivation.


interest, speech, technology, approach, anxiety, motivation, method, non-profile, teaching, foreign language

This article was previously published in Russian in the journal Pedagogy and Education, available at this link:

As Frank Smith said, "One language takes you down the hallway of life. Two languages open all the doors along the way." In secondary vocational education institutions, foreign languages are studied during the study period. One of the goals is to train graduates who speak foreign languages at a level not inferior to professional languages. Knowledge of vocabulary, reading and understanding the content of professional texts, and the ability to publicly defend a project presentation in a foreign language are skills that professionals should possess nowadays.

Learning a foreign language is a difficult and painstaking task. Knowledge of foreign languages is currently a necessity. In the era of globalization, different languages have acquired the status of international languages and retain it to this day. Today, all possible perspectives for learning a foreign language are open: business, trade, science, travel, and the Internet. We can confidently say that language will retain its status; the world will unlikely abandon a foreign language. Otherwise, changes will be inevitable. However, despite all the advantages of learning a foreign language, mastery of this field remains incomplete.

What are the reasons? Let's look at the main factors that affect learning.:

1. the level of preparation of teachers and students;

Not all educational institutions offer the same knowledge of foreign languages and skills to master them. Non-linguistic educational institutions are not aimed at in-depth study, guided by the fact that foreign languages are not the main disciplines.

2. lack of interest and low motivation;

The primary condition for learning a foreign language is motivation. Students of non-linguistic specialties generally agree that they do not consider it a necessary subject for scientific research, they do not need a foreign language for professional activity, and it requires some effort to master it. The reason is that the level of knowledge is low, motivation for learning activities is not formed, and, above all, a way to acquire knowledge independently.

Sometimes, relations with the student body do not improve. As a result, the desire to learn a foreign language decreases.

To solve this problem, I surveyed the problem of students' motivation to learn a foreign language. To obtain more reliable information, the survey was conducted anonymously. The data obtained were analyzed, conclusions were drawn, and recommendations and development prospects were presented.

Conventionally, the questions are divided into three blocks, revealing the motivation, needs, and conditions of learning a foreign language. Based on the survey results, respondents have a greater degree of external motivation (Ryan, R. M.2000), in which a teacher's professional and personal qualities are essential to create comfortable conditions for learning a foreign language. The digital data can be viewed in the diagram (Fig.1).

There are many different methods and approaches for learning languages, and they all have a right to exist, but the question of motivation remains open. One of the main driving forces of the learning process is the internal motivation that comes from the learning activity itself. Intrinsic motivation is considered an incentive force for self-realization and self-development.


V.N. Krutikov highlighted the principles of developing positive motivation among students. One feature of the development of positive motivation when learning a foreign language is considering the specifics of future professional activity, which is based on the development of professional motivation (Perova V.M. 2017).

Thus, foreign languages in non-linguistic educational institutions are not included in the list of specialized subjects, which reduces their importance. But nowadays, foreign languages are an important part of everyone's life. Therefore, the state included this subject in the final assessment, which only worsened the situation due to the lack of educational changes. The main disadvantage is the discrepancy between the goals and learning conditions. Still, the ability of teachers to influence the structure and content of these subsystems is minimized due to their essential features and objectively defined nature. The teacher is also informed about the content of the educational material and its organization. However, teachers are more free in this regard, although the material of certain academic and methodological complexes or work programs limits them. As a result, students are increasingly beginning to encounter anxiety, which serves as a block in the implementation of the main task: to interest students in learning a foreign language.

Anxiety and lack of motivation are serious obstacles to successful learning, manifested in feelings of frustration and irritation, which in the long run reduce productivity. The level of motivation in learning is influenced by several factors, such as the ability to believe in the efforts made and the lack of awareness of the value and characteristics of academic tasks. (Dweck, C. S., 1986) This created a vicious circle when learning a foreign language. (Fig.2)

Identifying the influence of the type of motivation used will determine future motivation research. If there are differences in the relationship between motivation and learning outcomes when considering types of motivation, then one type of motivation is necessary to increase learning effectiveness, while the other is key to achieving higher learning outcomes. Let's assume that intrinsic motivation is most closely related to learning, while motivation to translate is most strongly related to translation. In the future, it will be possible to conduct research from a more profiling point of view, that is, to evaluate the combined impact of activities aimed at intrinsic motivation and motivation of motivation to transfer, as well as to explore when it is best to encourage each type of motivation in the learning process. In short, this meta-analysis allows us to understand whether it is necessary to distinguish between types of motivation and, accordingly, to pay close attention to these differences in future research. (Bauer, K. N.,2016)

A progressive society dictates its own rules and forces the younger generation to follow them mindlessly. As a result, technologies that correspond to today's youth are emerging, which develop and instill a sense of beauty and teach them to contemplate and unleash their creative potential.



With their advent, conducting classes using the traditional method has become dull and banal. Every time you prepare for a lesson, a number of questions arise: How do you get students interested? Which technology should I choose? How can we improve the quality of learning?

Speaking about motivation, Jennifer Nasif draws our attention to the learner's nature and personal characteristics. Attempts to change it will lead to a waste of time in implementing the educational process. Will this lead to disillusionment with teaching or, on the contrary, encourage the creation of other creative methods? So, we are talking about an individual approach that promotes interest in the studied subject. The use of various forms and methods of teaching increases motivation when learning a foreign language, one of which may be art technology. "Art" is translated from English as art, and this technology in education simultaneously affects the visual, auditory, and tactile organs of perception. Ingenuity and inspiration are the components of art technology. The result of mastering the material is more successful if you apply various types of activities, such as speaking and writing, listening, and dialogic speech.

Art technologies include using illustrative visual aids (graphic illustrations, sun blinds, posters, etc.), watching videos, listening to music, creating collages on various topics, essays, performing multiple roles in dialogues, and role-playing games. Art-based learning technology can be used in the classroom as part of two trends in the development of modern educational technologies: moral education and lifelong learning. Through art, students reproduce a harmonious picture of the world and become emotionally stable, which helps them form thoughts correctly.

Educational organizations of secondary vocational education are no exception. In language classes, students create educational comics on various medical topics. The material for the project could be glossy magazines, various images, photographs, newspapers, maps, or graphic narration. This type of technology allowed students to express their thoughts freely using graphic skills. The most important thing in an educational project in English is the manifestation of one's creative abilities and the assimilation of professionally oriented vocabulary.

The main advantages of such work are improving academic performance and organizing a pleasant microclimate when learning a foreign language.

There are several other forms and types of assimilation of foreign material. Let's look at some of them. One of the most liked ways to study:

  1. The secret of your child's motivation [video recording] // YouTube. TEDx Talks Access mode:

Grammar in a foreign language has become a visualization method (E. I. Vorobyeva, 2019). This method is productive, along with others.

It can be implemented in pairs, individually or frontally. The task is to assemble the puzzle pieces correctly in a certain period of time (Fig.3).


The communicative approach is undoubtedly effective, but only for specialized educational institutions where communication occurs through dialogue, oral presentations, and other speech forms.

According to the principle of novelty according to E. A Passov, novelty as a phenomenon in the course of foreign language learning can relate to the form of speech utterance, the content of utterance, teaching methods, learning conditions, and learning content. An important rule in the learning process is the variation of speech situations and the management of speech material, which is the primary means of achieving productive speaking. Another success factor is the development of interest in learning foreign languages, which requires constant innovation in all elements of the educational process (Passov, 1991).

I find the solution to teaching in the general didactic principles of Russian science, which reflect the provisions used in teaching any subject. The main ones are the principles of consciousness, activity, systematicity, clarity, durability, and accessibility (Sakaeva L.R. pp.19–22). General methodological principles are subject to the general didactic principles of teaching (J. M. Kolker, 2000). Implementing these principles is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the educational process and teaching methods; such principles include the principle of a differentiated approach in teaching foreign languages. This principle involves using different teaching methods, techniques, and exercises depending on the learning objectives, type of speech activity, stage of learning, language material, age, abilities, and qualities of students. Let's assume they will help solve the teaching problem if they are used correctly and consistently without omitting important points. A. N. Leontiev (1983. pp. 69–70) definitions of the psychological nature of speech (as a result of generalization of the study of this problem by L. S. Vygotsky):

2). speech as a peculiar activity is not on a par with other types of activity; it occupies a central place in the process of psychological development; the development of speech is internally related to the development of thinking (in absolute unity with which it acts) and with the development of consciousness in general;

2) speech has a multifunctional character, that is, it acts in various activities: speech has a communicative function (a word is a means of communication), an indicative function (a word is a means of indicating an object) and an intellectual, significant function (a word is a carrier of generalization, concepts); all these functions of speech are internally related to each other;

3) Speech is a polymorphic activity, acting like loud communicative speech. The way speech is audible but does not carry a direct communicative function is the way speech is internal. These forms of speech can change into one another.

4) In speech (and, accordingly, in a word), one should distinguish between its physical external side, its form, and its semantic (semantic, semantic) side.;

5) The word as a unit of human articulate speech, firstly, has a subject relationship (which is a specific feature of the human word) and, secondly, has a meaning, that is, it is a carrier of generalization;

6) Speech development is not a process of quantitative changes, expressed in an increase in the child's vocabulary and associative connections of the word. Still, a process of qualitative changes, leaps, that is, it is a process of actual development, which, being internally connected with the development of thinking and consciousness, covers (as well as the process of speech disintegration) all the listed functions, sides, and the connections of the word. The above definitions of speech by A. N. Leontiev are fundamental in psychology. They consolidate the experience of theoretical and experimental research. From a methodological point of view, these language (speech) characteristics reveal language's social, socio-historical nature (Vygotsky L. S. 1982).

The ability of our students to generate new and valuable ideas and find solutions to everyday problems is a necessary skill in the modern world. It requires high motivation and sufficient creative potential (Amabile, T. M. [1996]).

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12. Vygotsky, L. S. (1982). Thinking and speech. In Collected works (Vol. 2).

Результаты процедуры рецензирования статьи

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На рецензирование представлена работа «К вопросу преподавания иностранных языков в неязыковых образовательных учреждениях».
Предмет исследования. Работа направлена на выявление особенностей преподавания иностранных языков в неязыковых образовательных учреждениях. В целом, поставленные цель и задачи были достигнуты, а содержание раскрыто.
Методологией исследования являются работы В.Н. Курутикова, В.М. Перова, Shernoff D.J., Пассова Е.И. и др.
Автором в работе проведено теоретическое и эмпирическое исследование.
Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, несмотря на значимость проблемы, остается значительное количество трудностей и научных дефицитов: является недостаточный уровень подготовленности преподавателей и подготовки обучающихся, отсутствует заинтересованность и наблюдается низкая степень мотивации у учащихся. Поэтому важно найти механизмы, которые помогут решить поставленные вопросы.
Научная новизна исследования: определено актуальное содержание преподавания иностранных языков в неязыковых образовательных учреждениях.
Стиль, структура, содержание. Стиль изложения соответствует публикациям такого уровня. Язык работы научный. Структура работы не прослеживается четко, автором не выделены основные смысловые части.
Во введении обозначена проблема исследования. Автором отмечается, что несмотря на все преимущества иностранного языка, овладение этой областью остаётся неполным, а также выделены причины и факторы данного явления. В работе отмечено, что важным является заинтересовать студентов. Студенты неязыковых специальностей в основном придерживаются мнения, что не считают его необходимым предметом для научных исследований, не нуждаются в иностранном языке для профессиональной деятельности, а для овладения им требуются определенные усилия. Причина в том, что уровень знаний низкий, не сформирована мотивация к учебной деятельности и, прежде всего, способ самостоятельного приобретения знаний. Поэтому автором было проведено исследование.
Второй раздел содержит описание опроса по проблеме мотивации обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка. Полученные данные автор проанализировал, сделал выводы и представил рекомендации и перспективы развития.
Условно вопросы были поделены на три блока, раскрывающие мотивацию, потребность и условия обучения иностранному языку. Исходя из результатов опроса, автор пришел к выводу что у респондентов формируется в большей степени внешняя мотивация, при которой важны профессиональные и личностные качества преподавателя для создания комфортных условий для обучения иностранного языка. Он отмечает, что иностранные языки в неязыковых учебных заведениях не входят в список специализированных предметов, что снижает их важность. В то же время, тревожное состояние и отсутствие мотивации - серьезное препятствие к успешному обучению, проявляющееся в чувстве разочарования и раздражения, в долгосрочной перспективе снижает продуктивность.
Следующий раздел был посвящен рассмотрению работы. Автор упор делает на такую образовательную технологию, как арт-терапия. К ней относят: использование средств иллюстративной наглядности (графические иллюстрации, санбюллетени, плакаты и др.); просмотр видеофильмов, прослушивание музыкальных произведений, создание коллажей по разной тематике, эссе, исполнение различных ролей в диалогах и ролевых играх. Арт-технология обучения может быть использована на занятии сразу в рамках двух тенденций развития современных образовательных технологий: нравственного воспитания и образования в течение жизни. Благодаря искусству обучающиеся воспроизводит гармоничную картину мира, становятся эмоционально устойчивыми, что помогает правильно формировать мысли. Важно на занятиях использовать методы: визуализации, коммуникативного подхода и т.д.
Завершает статью раздел с обсуждением результатов, в котором представлены рекомендации по работе с мотивацией студентов.
Библиография. Библиография статьи включает в себя 12 отечественных и зарубежных источников, незначительная часть которых издана за последние три года. В списке представлены, в основном, статьи и тезисы. В то же время, имеются учебно-методические материалы, и монографии. Источники оформлены, в основном, корректно и однородно.
Апелляция к оппонентам.
- оформить введение, выделить актуальность с позиции научного дефицита; обозначить методологическую основу, объект и предмет исследования;
- выделить перспективы дальнейшего изучения затронутой проблемы;
- более подробно описать проведенное диагностическое исследование.
Выводы. Проблематика статьи отличается несомненной актуальностью, теоретической и практической ценностью; будет интересна специалистам, которые занимаются изучением преподавания иностранных языков в неязыковых учреждениях. Статья может быть рекомендована к опубликованию, важно учесть выделенные рекомендации. Это позволить представить в редакцию научно-исследовательскую статью, отличающуюся научной новизной.