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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Samoilenko E.A. The Structure of International-legal Regime Regarding the Navigational Usage of International Rivers

Аннотация: This article deals with issues of basic components of international-legal regime of shipping on international inland waterways. The author begins the analysis of this problem from the theory of law and presents elements that should be represented in the structure of any legal regime. The author thinks that international-legal regime of navigational usage of international rivers must be aimed at fixing the procedure and conditions of passage through the waterways. Particular attention is given to the issues of content of freedom of navigation on international rivers. A variety of methods of research are used in this article. The application of dialectical method of cognition allowed exploring the typical structure of international-legal regime of navigational usage of international rivers. Historical method was used in studying the formation processes of freedom of river navigation. Formal-legal, systemic, structural-functional methods of cognition were used during the interpretation of norms of international law. With help of inductive method, methods of analysis and synthesis the practice of states, international organizations and international courts was researched. The author argues that as a primary step for distinguishing of the structural elements of the international-legal regime of the navigation on international rivers must be the projection of the basic principles of the international law on the problem of river navigation. The common structure of the international-legal regime of the navigational usage of international rivers consists of a number of typical (main) regime-creating elements. There are significant and non-significant components among them; elements, related to the subjects of the international law, and elements, related to the direct participants of river navigation. Intergovernmental treaty – as an international document, where these elements are shown, – should define the scope of regime of navigation on the international river, contain material and procedural norms concerning its navigational usage, institutional mechanisms of cooperation in this sphere between countries, and the mechanism of dispute settlement between them.

Ключевые слова:

riparian state, right of passage, navigational usage, international river law, inland waterway, international waterway, international river, international legal regime, freedom of navigation, timber floating.

Abstract: This article deals with issues of basic components of international-legal regime of shipping on international inland waterways. The author begins the analysis of this problem from the theory of law and presents elements that should be represented in the structure of any legal regime. The author thinks that international-legal regime of navigational usage of international rivers must be aimed at fixing the procedure and conditions of passage through the waterways. Particular attention is given to the issues of content of freedom of navigation on international rivers. A variety of methods of research are used in this article. The application of dialectical method of cognition allowed exploring the typical structure of international-legal regime of navigational usage of international rivers. Historical method was used in studying the formation processes of freedom of river navigation. Formal-legal, systemic, structural-functional methods of cognition were used during the interpretation of norms of international law. With help of inductive method, methods of analysis and synthesis the practice of states, international organizations and international courts was researched. The author argues that as a primary step for distinguishing of the structural elements of the international-legal regime of the navigation on international rivers must be the projection of the basic principles of the international law on the problem of river navigation. The common structure of the international-legal regime of the navigational usage of international rivers consists of a number of typical (main) regime-creating elements. There are significant and non-significant components among them; elements, related to the subjects of the international law, and elements, related to the direct participants of river navigation. Intergovernmental treaty – as an international document, where these elements are shown, – should define the scope of regime of navigation on the international river, contain material and procedural norms concerning its navigational usage, institutional mechanisms of cooperation in this sphere between countries, and the mechanism of dispute settlement between them.


riparian state, right of passage, navigational usage, international river law, inland waterway, international waterway, international river, international-legal regime, freedom of navigation, timber floating

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1. Kosareva M. A. Transgranichnye prirodnye resursy v mezhdunarodnom prave: ponyatie, status, rezhim: diss. kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.10 / Mariya Aleksandrovna Kosareva. – M., 2008. – S. 58.
2. Kutikov V. Ĭ. Mezhdunarodno chastno pravo na Narodna Republika Bŭlgarii͡a. – Sofii͡a: Nauka i izkustvo, 1955. – S. 312.
3. Mezhdunarodnoe morskoe, vozdushnoe i kosmicheskoe pravo: obshchee i osobennoe. Sbornik statey / Otv. red. A. P. Movchan, E. P. Kamenetskaya. – M.: Izd-vo IGiP RAN, 1992. – S. 59–85.
4. Gaydamaka І. Yuridichna konstruktsіya pravovogo rezhimu // Yuridichna Ukraїni. – 2010. – № 1. – S. 30–33; Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava : Uchebnik / [S. S. Alekseev, I. Ya. Dyuryagin, V. B. Isakov, V. M. Korel'skiy, V. I. Leushin i dr.]; Pod red. S. S. Alekseeva. – M.: Yurid. lit., 1987. – 448 s.
5. Gaydamaka І. Yuridichna konstruktsіya pravovogo rezhimu. S. 30.
6. Kosse D. D. Pravoviy rezhim ta mekhanіzm pravovogo regulyuvannya: oznaki ta spіvvіdnoshennya // Derzhava і pravo: zbіrnik naukovikh prats'. – K.: Іn–t derzhavi і prava іm. V. M. Korets'kogo NAN Ukraїni, 2009. – Vipusk 44. – S. 30.
7. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava … S. 260.
8. Gaydamaka І. Yuridichna konstruktsіya pravovogo rezhimu. S. 31.
9. Strupp K. Grundzüge des positiven Völkerrechts. – Bonn: Ludwig Röhrscheid, 1928. – P. 92; Wolgast E. Völkerrechts. – Berlin: Stilke, 1934. – P. 852; Henning R. Freie Strome. – Leipzig: G. A. Gloeckner, 1926. – P. 13–14; Wheele L. B. International administration of European Waterways // American Journal of International Law. – 1946. – Vol. 40. – No 1. – P. 100–120.
10. Klimenko B. M. Mezhdunarodnye reki. Pravovye voprosy ispol'zovaniya mezhdunarodnykh rek v promyshlennosti i sel'skom khozyaystve. – M.: Izdatel'stvo “Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya”, 1969. – S. 7–8; Rodzhers P. Znachenie sotrudnichestva v razreshenii sporov po mezhdunarodnym rechnym basseynam // Yuridicheskiy sbornik № 2 (9) “Mezhdunarodnoe i natsional'noe vodnoe pravo i politika”. – T.: NITs MKVK, 2001. – S. 25.
11. Korbut L. V. Rassmotrenie v organakh OON v 1974 g. voprosa o prave nesudokhodnykh vidov ispol'zovaniya mezhdunarodnykh vodnykh putey // Sovetskiy ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1974. – S. 266–267.
12. MakKafri S. Konventsiya Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsiy o prave nesudokhodnykh vidov ispol'zovaniya mezhdunarodnykh vodotokov: perspektivy i nedostatki // Yuridicheskiy sbornik № 2 (9) “Mezhdunarodnoe i natsional'noe vodnoe pravo i politika”. – T.: NITs MKVK, 2001. – S. 143.
13. Rodzhers P. Znachenie sotrudnichestva … S. 33–35.
14. Khayd Ch. Ch. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, ego ponimanie i primenenie Soedinennymi Shtatami Ameriki. V 3 t. T. 2 / Pod red. Dranova B. A. (Prim. i predisl.). – [Per. s angl. Kershner D. M.]. – M.: Inostr. lit., 1951. – S. 322–323.
15. The Diversion of Water from the Meuse, Judgment on 28 June 1937. Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions // Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice. – Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff’s Publishing Company, 1937. – Series A/B. – No. 70. – P. 23.
16. Geograficheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar'. Ponyatiya i terminy / [A. F. Treshnikov, E. B. Alaev, P. M. Alampiev, A. G. Voronov i dr.]; Gl. red. A. F. Treshnikov. – M.: Sov. entsiklopediya, 1988. – S. 164.
17. Convention relating to the unification of certain rules concerning collisions in inland navigation, Geneva, 15 March 1960 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode :
18. The Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Water of International Rivers, adopted by the International Law Association at the fifty-second conference, held at Helsinki in August 1966 // The Law of International Water Resources : Some General Conventions, Declarations and Resolutions adopted by Governments, International Legal Institutions and International Organizations, on the Management of International Water Resources / By Dante Augusto Caponera. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. – P. 297.
19. Klimenko B. M. Mezhdunarodnye reki ... S. 116.
20. General Treaty (Extract), Vienna, 9 June 1815 // The Law of International Water Resources: Some General Conventions, Declarations and Resolutions adopted by Goverments, Intertional Legal Institutions and International Organizations, on the Management of International Water Resources / By Dante Augusto Caponera. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. – P. 29.
21. Convention and Statute on the regime of navigable waterways of international concern, Barcelona, 20 April 1921 // The Law of International Water Resources: Some General Conventions, Declarations and Resolutions adopted by Goverments, Intertional Legal Institutions and International Organizations, on the Management of International Water Resources / By Dante Augusto Caponera. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. – P. 34.
22. The Oscar Chinn Case, Judgment of December 12th, 1937. Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions // Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice. – Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff’s Publishing Company, 1934. – Series A/B. – No. 63. – P. 39.
23. The Helsinki Rules … P. 295.
1Kosareva M. A. Transgranichnye prirodnye resursy v mezhdunarodnom prave: ponyatie, status, rezhim: diss. kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.10 / Mariya Aleksandrovna Kosareva. – M., 2008. – S. 58.
2Kutikov V. Ĭ. Mezhdunarodno chastno pravo na Narodna Republika Bŭlgarii͡a. – Sofii͡a: Nauka i izkustvo, 1955. – S. 312.
3Mezhdunarodnoe morskoe, vozdushnoe i kosmicheskoe pravo: obshchee i osobennoe. Sbornik statey / Otv. red. A. P. Movchan, E. P. Kamenetskaya. – M.: Izd-vo IGiP RAN, 1992. – S. 59–85.
4Gaydamaka І. Yuridichna konstruktsіya pravovogo rezhimu // Yuridichna Ukraїni. – 2010. – № 1. – S. 30–33; Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava : Uchebnik / [S. S. Alekseev, I. Ya. Dyuryagin, V. B. Isakov, V. M. Korel'skiy, V. I. Leushin i dr.]; Pod red. S. S. Alekseeva. – M.: Yurid. lit., 1987. – 448 s.
5Gaydamaka І. Yuridichna konstruktsіya pravovogo rezhimu. S. 30.
6Kosse D. D. Pravoviy rezhim ta mekhanіzm pravovogo regulyuvannya: oznaki ta spіvvіdnoshennya // Derzhava і pravo: zbіrnik naukovikh prats'. – K.: Іn–t derzhavi і prava іm. V. M. Korets'kogo NAN Ukraїni, 2009. – Vipusk 44. – S. 30.
7Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava … S. 260.
8Gaydamaka І. Yuridichna konstruktsіya pravovogo rezhimu. S. 31.
9Strupp K. Grundzüge des positiven Völkerrechts. – Bonn: Ludwig Röhrscheid, 1928. – P. 92; Wolgast E. Völkerrechts. – Berlin: Stilke, 1934. – P. 852; Henning R. Freie Strome. – Leipzig: G. A. Gloeckner, 1926. – P. 13–14; Wheele L. B. International administration of European Waterways // American Journal of International Law. – 1946. – Vol. 40. – No 1. – P. 100–120.
10Klimenko B. M. Mezhdunarodnye reki. Pravovye voprosy ispol'zovaniya mezhdunarodnykh rek v promyshlennosti i sel'skom khozyaystve. – M.: Izdatel'stvo “Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya”, 1969. – S. 7–8; Rodzhers P. Znachenie sotrudnichestva v razreshenii sporov po mezhdunarodnym rechnym basseynam // Yuridicheskiy sbornik № 2 (9) “Mezhdunarodnoe i natsional'noe vodnoe pravo i politika”. – T.: NITs MKVK, 2001. – S. 25.
11Korbut L. V. Rassmotrenie v organakh OON v 1974 g. voprosa o prave nesudokhodnykh vidov ispol'zovaniya mezhdunarodnykh vodnykh putey // Sovetskiy ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1974. – S. 266–267.
12MakKafri S. Konventsiya Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsiy o prave nesudokhodnykh vidov ispol'zovaniya mezhdunarodnykh vodotokov: perspektivy i nedostatki // Yuridicheskiy sbornik № 2 (9) “Mezhdunarodnoe i natsional'noe vodnoe pravo i politika”. – T.: NITs MKVK, 2001. – S. 143.
13Rodzhers P. Znachenie sotrudnichestva … S. 33–35.
14Khayd Ch. Ch. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, ego ponimanie i primenenie Soedinennymi Shtatami Ameriki. V 3 t. T. 2 / Pod red. Dranova B. A. (Prim. i predisl.). – [Per. s angl. Kershner D. M.]. – M.: Inostr. lit., 1951. – S. 322–323.
15The Diversion of Water from the Meuse, Judgment on 28 June 1937. Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions // Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice. – Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff’s Publishing Company, 1937. – Series A/B. – No. 70. – P. 23.
16Geograficheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar'. Ponyatiya i terminy / [A. F. Treshnikov, E. B. Alaev, P. M. Alampiev, A. G. Voronov i dr.]; Gl. red. A. F. Treshnikov. – M.: Sov. entsiklopediya, 1988. – S. 164.
17Convention relating to the unification of certain rules concerning collisions in inland navigation, Geneva, 15 March 1960 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode :
18The Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Water of International Rivers, adopted by the International Law Association at the fifty-second conference, held at Helsinki in August 1966 // The Law of International Water Resources : Some General Conventions, Declarations and Resolutions adopted by Governments, International Legal Institutions and International Organizations, on the Management of International Water Resources / By Dante Augusto Caponera. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. – P. 297.
19Klimenko B. M. Mezhdunarodnye reki ... S. 116.
20General Treaty (Extract), Vienna, 9 June 1815 // The Law of International Water Resources: Some General Conventions, Declarations and Resolutions adopted by Goverments, Intertional Legal Institutions and International Organizations, on the Management of International Water Resources / By Dante Augusto Caponera. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. – P. 29.
21Convention and Statute on the regime of navigable waterways of international concern, Barcelona, 20 April 1921 // The Law of International Water Resources: Some General Conventions, Declarations and Resolutions adopted by Goverments, Intertional Legal Institutions and International Organizations, on the Management of International Water Resources / By Dante Augusto Caponera. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. – P. 34.
22The Oscar Chinn Case, Judgment of December 12th, 1937. Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions // Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice. – Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff’s Publishing Company, 1934. – Series A/B. – No. 63. – P. 39.
23The Helsinki Rules … P. 295.