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Философия и культура
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Балагушкин Ю.Е.
Религиозные метакультуры Эдварда Тирьякяна
// Философия и культура.
2015. № 1.
С. 85-97.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66114
Балагушкин Ю.Е. Религиозные метакультуры Эдварда ТирьякянаАннотация: В вводной статье к переводу работы американского социолога и философа культуры Эдварда Тирьякяна «Три метакультуры общества модерна: христианская, гностическая, хтоническая» даётся общая характеристика его творчества (не имеющего широкой известности в нашей стране) и ключевых понятий рассматриваемой работы – «общество модерна», «метакультура». Анализируется роль и значение феномена культуры в работах Э.Тирьякяна, специфика использования им понятия «метакультура» и его эвристическая значимость, функциональные особенности религиозных метакультур - христианства, гностицизма и язычества. Динамика и многообразие форм культуры в современном обществе, по Э.Тирьякяну, рассматриваются с точки зрения культурно-исторического, функционально-смыслового и структурно-аналитического подходов, поиска философско-антропологических аспектов творчества американского мыслителя. Статью завершает вывод о том, что в концепции Э.Тирьякяна содержится оригинальная, религиозно ориентированная версия философской антропологии, субъектом и объектом изменений культуры (в её религиозных разновидностях) и базирующейся на ней структуры общества в целом является человек. В конечном счёте именно природа человека является имманентной основой социокультурной динамики исторического масштаба. Ключевые слова: Эдвард Тирьякян, общество модерна, модернити, метакультура, христианство, гностицизм, язычество, иноверия, религиозный плюрализм, человек и культураAbstract: In his introductory article to the translation of the work written by an American sociologist and cultural philosopher Edward Tiryakian ‘Three metacultures of modernity: Cristian, Gnostic, Chthonic’, Balagushkin provides a general description of Tiryakian’s creative work (his woks are not that popular in our country) and describes the basic terms and concepts in Tiryakian’s ‘Three metacultures of modernity’ - ‘society of modernity’ and ‘metaculture’. Balagushkin also analyzes the role and the meaning of the phenomenon of culture in Edward Tiryakian’s researches, definition of ‘metaculture’ and functional features of the religious metacultures – Christianity, Gnosticism and Paganism. Based on Tiryakian, the dynamics and variety of cultures are viewed from the point of view of the cultural-historical, functional and structural-analytical approaches and the search for philosophical and anthropological aspects of works by the American philosopher. At the end of the article Balagushkin concludes that Edward Tiryakian’s concept presents an original religion-oriented version of philosophical anthropology where human is the target and actor of changes in culture and society. Human nature is the immanent ground of the socio-cultural dynamics in the historical perspective. Keywords: Edward Tiryakian, post-modern society, modernity, metaculture, Christianity, Gnosticism, paganism, unorthodox religious views, religious pluralism, human and culture.
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1. Archer, Margaret S. (1990) 'Theory, Culture and Post-industrial Society', Theory, Culture & Society 7: 97-119.
2. Bosserman, Phillip (1968) Dialectical Sociology. An Analysis of the Sociology of Georges Gurvitch. Boston: Porter Sargent. 3. Crane, Diana (1992) 'High Culture versus Popular Culture Revisited: A Reconceptualization of Recorded Cultures', pp. 58-74 in Michele Lamont and Marcel Fournier (eds) Cultivating Differences, Symbolic Boundaries and the Making of Inequality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 4. Dumont, Fernand (1987) Le Sort de la culture. Montreal: l'Hexagone. 5. Dumont, Fernand (1991) 'Pouvoir sur la culture, pouvoir de la culture', pp. 161-72 in Raymond Hudon and Rejean Pelletier (eds) Eengagement intellectuel. Melanges en Vhonneur de Leon Dion. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Les Presses de l'Universite Laval. 6. The Economist (1994) 'Islam and the West' (survey), 6 August. 7. Featherstone, Mike (1993) 'Global and Local Cultures', pp. 169-87 in Jon Bird et al. (eds) Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change. London and New York: Routledge. 8. Fukuyama, Francis (1989) 'The End of History?' The National Interest 16 (Summer): 3-18. 9. Jonas, Hans (1963) The Gnostic Religion: The Message of the Alien God and the Beginnings of Christianity. Boston: Beacon Press. 10. Huntington, Samuel P. (1993) 'The Clash of Civilizations?' Foreign Affairs 72 (Summer): 22-49. 11. Lellouche, Pierre (1992) Le Nouveau Monde. De Vordre de Yalta au desordre des nations. Paris: Grasset. 12. Pagels, Elaine (1979) The Gnostic Gospels. New York: Random House. 13. Parsons, Talcott (1935) 'Service', pp. 672-4 in Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol. 13. New York: Macmillan. 14. Robertson, Roland (1988) 'The Sociological Significance of Culture: Some General Considerations', Theory Culture & Society 5:3-23. 15. Swedberg, Richard (1982) Sociology as Disenchantment. The Evolution of the Work of Georges Gurvitch. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press. 16. Tiryakian, Edward A. (1985) 'The Changing Centers of Modernity', pp. 131-47 in Eric Cohen, M. Lissak and U. Ulmagor (eds) Comparative Social Dynamics: Essays in Honor of Shmuel N. Eisenstadt. Boulder, CO: Westview. 17. Tiryakian, Edward A. (1972) 'Toward the Sociology of Esoteric Culture', American Journal of Sociology 78(3): 491-512. 18. Touraine, Alain (1995) Critique of Modernity. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. 19. Weber, Max (1963) The Sociology of Religion. Boston: Beacon Press. 20. Wolff, Kurt H. (ed.) (1950) The Sociology of Georg Simmel. New York: Free Press References
1. Archer, Margaret S. (1990) 'Theory, Culture and Post-industrial Society', Theory, Culture & Society 7: 97-119.
2. Bosserman, Phillip (1968) Dialectical Sociology. An Analysis of the Sociology of Georges Gurvitch. Boston: Porter Sargent. 3. Crane, Diana (1992) 'High Culture versus Popular Culture Revisited: A Reconceptualization of Recorded Cultures', pp. 58-74 in Michele Lamont and Marcel Fournier (eds) Cultivating Differences, Symbolic Boundaries and the Making of Inequality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 4. Dumont, Fernand (1987) Le Sort de la culture. Montreal: l'Hexagone. 5. Dumont, Fernand (1991) 'Pouvoir sur la culture, pouvoir de la culture', pp. 161-72 in Raymond Hudon and Rejean Pelletier (eds) Eengagement intellectuel. Melanges en Vhonneur de Leon Dion. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Les Presses de l'Universite Laval. 6. The Economist (1994) 'Islam and the West' (survey), 6 August. 7. Featherstone, Mike (1993) 'Global and Local Cultures', pp. 169-87 in Jon Bird et al. (eds) Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change. London and New York: Routledge. 8. Fukuyama, Francis (1989) 'The End of History?' The National Interest 16 (Summer): 3-18. 9. Jonas, Hans (1963) The Gnostic Religion: The Message of the Alien God and the Beginnings of Christianity. Boston: Beacon Press. 10. Huntington, Samuel P. (1993) 'The Clash of Civilizations?' Foreign Affairs 72 (Summer): 22-49. 11. Lellouche, Pierre (1992) Le Nouveau Monde. De Vordre de Yalta au desordre des nations. Paris: Grasset. 12. Pagels, Elaine (1979) The Gnostic Gospels. New York: Random House. 13. Parsons, Talcott (1935) 'Service', pp. 672-4 in Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol. 13. New York: Macmillan. 14. Robertson, Roland (1988) 'The Sociological Significance of Culture: Some General Considerations', Theory Culture & Society 5:3-23. 15. Swedberg, Richard (1982) Sociology as Disenchantment. The Evolution of the Work of Georges Gurvitch. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press. 16. Tiryakian, Edward A. (1985) 'The Changing Centers of Modernity', pp. 131-47 in Eric Cohen, M. Lissak and U. Ulmagor (eds) Comparative Social Dynamics: Essays in Honor of Shmuel N. Eisenstadt. Boulder, CO: Westview. 17. Tiryakian, Edward A. (1972) 'Toward the Sociology of Esoteric Culture', American Journal of Sociology 78(3): 491-512. 18. Touraine, Alain (1995) Critique of Modernity. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. 19. Weber, Max (1963) The Sociology of Religion. Boston: Beacon Press. 20. Wolff, Kurt H. (ed.) (1950) The Sociology of Georg Simmel. New York: Free Press |