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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Gulieva M.E. Convention on the international legal status of the Caspian Sea – a treaty that would determine the fate of the region

Аннотация: This article examines the issue of international legal status of the Caspian Sea. It is first and foremost the issue of rights to the area and resources of the Caspian Sea. It is also the matter of national security for all Caspian bordering countries. This has become a key concern for the five Caspian Sea nations for over 20 years. The method of this research is the legal comparative analysis of the multilateral agreement that was supposed to solidify the maritime borders of the coastal nations. Despite the fact that this treaty was proposed as a multilateral agreement, or as a declaration, it ultimately pursued a precise goal: to define the maritime boundaries, rights and responsibilities of the coastal nations and therefore, divide the extensive natural resources of the Caspian Sea. The conclusion is that there is yet to be a resolution reached on the subject of the international legal status of the Caspian Sea. Acceptance of the Convention is expected to take place during the fifth summit of the leaders of Caspian nations, which should take place in Kazakhstan. This multilateral document will finally resolve the age-old question: is the Caspian a sea, or a lake?!

Ключевые слова:

Caspian Sea, Convention, legal status, multilateral treaty, Caspian nations, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, maritime boundaries

Abstract: This article examines the issue of international legal status of the Caspian Sea. It is first and foremost the issue of rights to the area and resources of the Caspian Sea. It is also the matter of national security for all Caspian bordering countries. This has become a key concern for the five Caspian Sea nations for over 20 years. The method of this research is the legal comparative analysis of the multilateral agreement that was supposed to solidify the maritime borders of the coastal nations. Despite the fact that this treaty was proposed as a multilateral agreement, or as a declaration, it ultimately pursued a precise goal: to define the maritime boundaries, rights and responsibilities of the coastal nations and therefore, divide the extensive natural resources of the Caspian Sea. The conclusion is that there is yet to be a resolution reached on the subject of the international legal status of the Caspian Sea. Acceptance of the Convention is expected to take place during the fifth summit of the leaders of Caspian nations, which should take place in Kazakhstan. This multilateral document will finally resolve the age-old question: is the Caspian a sea, or a lake?!


Caspian Sea, Convention, legal status, multilateral treaty, Caspian nations, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, maritime boundaries

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1. Babin B.V. Programmatic Regulation in the Modern International Law // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo.-2013.-3.-C. 1-35. DOI: 10.7256/2306-9899.2013.3.9302. URL:
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3. A. M. Temirbulatov. Geopoliticheskie protivorechiya strategicheskogo razvitiya Kaspiyskogo regiona. // Politika i Obshchestvo.-2012.-№ 3.-C. 85-90.
4. A. S. Laletina. Transgranichnye gazoprovody na territorii Turkmenistana: pravovye aspekty. // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizatsii / International Law and International Organizations.-2011.-№ 3.-C. 120-127.
5. Abgarjan D. The Place of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in progressive development of the law of the sea // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizatsii / International Law and International Organizations.-2014.-3.-C. 463-469. DOI: 10.7256/2226-6305.2014.3.11624.
6. The Position of Kazakhstan on the legal status of the Caspian Sea, 3 October 1997, A/52/424.
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8. Jonathan I. Charney, David A. Colson, Lewis M. Alexander, Robert W. Smith. International Maritime Boundaries. Volume 5, The Netherlands, 2005. R. 3539, 3549.
10. Proekt Konventsii o pravovom statuse Kaspiyskogo morya.
11. Mehmet Ogutçu. Caspian energy and legal disputes: prospect for settlement‖, Institut français des relations internationals, 2003. S. 44.
12. Mamedov R.F. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoy status Kaspiyskogo morya: vchera, segodnya, zavtra. Baku, 2006. S. 37.
13. Alan Giroux. Le Kazakhstan antre Russie et Caspienne. La Caspienne // Une nouvelle frontier. P. : CEMOTI, Cahiers d’etudes sur la mediterrance orientale et le Monde turco-iranienne, № 23, 1997. S. 168.
1. Babin B.V. Programmatic Regulation in the Modern International Law // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo.-2013.-3.-C. 1-35. DOI: 10.7256/2306-9899.2013.3.9302. URL:
2. Burtsev S.N.. Kaspiyskiy region kak tochka stolknoveniya interesov vedushchikh mirovykh derzhav. // Politika i Obshchestvo.-2014.-№ 4.-C. 426-433. DOI: 10.7256/1812-8696.2014.4.11788
3. A. M. Temirbulatov. Geopoliticheskie protivorechiya strategicheskogo razvitiya Kaspiyskogo regiona. // Politika i Obshchestvo.-2012.-№ 3.-C. 85-90.
4. A. S. Laletina. Transgranichnye gazoprovody na territorii Turkmenistana: pravovye aspekty. // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizatsii / International Law and International Organizations.-2011.-№ 3.-C. 120-127.
5. Abgarjan D. The Place of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in progressive development of the law of the sea // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizatsii / International Law and International Organizations.-2014.-3.-C. 463-469. DOI: 10.7256/2226-6305.2014.3.11624.
6. The Position of Kazakhstan on the legal status of the Caspian Sea, 3 October 1997, A/52/424.
7. Gutsulyak V.N. Morskoe pravo. M., 2000. S. 417.
8. Jonathan I. Charney, David A. Colson, Lewis M. Alexander, Robert W. Smith. International Maritime Boundaries. Volume 5, The Netherlands, 2005. R. 3539, 3549.
10. Proekt Konventsii o pravovom statuse Kaspiyskogo morya.
11. Mehmet Ogutçu. Caspian energy and legal disputes: prospect for settlement‖, Institut français des relations internationals, 2003. S. 44.
12. Mamedov R.F. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoy status Kaspiyskogo morya: vchera, segodnya, zavtra. Baku, 2006. S. 37.
13. Alan Giroux. Le Kazakhstan antre Russie et Caspienne. La Caspienne // Une nouvelle frontier. P. : CEMOTI, Cahiers d’etudes sur la mediterrance orientale et le Monde turco-iranienne, № 23, 1997. S. 168.