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Урбанистика и рынок недвижимости
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Йос К. Culture tourism outside the city centre

Аннотация: Culture tourism is generally concentrated in the city centre and most people believe that culture tourists have no business in the periphery. But if one would succeed in diverting a substantial part of culture tourism to the outskirts or the periphery, this would lead to dispersion of visitors, relief of the pressure on the city centre and increased manageability of tourism. In contrast to the important role the Constructivist architects played in the development of modern architecture, some of the buildings from that period appear to be in a rather poor condition, whereas these buildings provide good opportunities for redevelopment for the creative industry and for culture tourism. There is no doubt that the early modernist architecture of Moscow can be a popular attraction for culture tourists. More attention for this architecture in general, creates advantages in a direct economic sense, related to culture tourism, but also advantages in terms of relieving the pressure on the city centre, in terms of dispersing economic activities to the outskirts and the periphery, in terms of stimulating new functions in rather mono-functional areas. Advantages in terms of keeping variation and high architectural quality within otherwise rather low-quality areas (which the outskirts are now) and in making pleasant physical and visual environments. Even in new urban development areas, heritage can be a source of inspiration and can develop into an icon and therefore a tourist attraction. For instance by building older designs by Melnikov or and Tatlin. In short: heritage does not always have to cost a lot of money; it could even bring money, if handled well. More attention for this architecture in general, creates advantages in a direct economic sense, related to culture tourism, but also advantages in terms of relieving the pressure on the city centre, in terms of dispersing economic activities to the outskirts and the periphery, in terms of stimulating new functions in rather mono-functional areas. Advantages in terms of keeping variation and high architectural quality within otherwise rather low-quality areas (which the outskirts are now) and in making pleasant physical and visual environments. Even in new urban development areas, heritage can be a source of inspiration and can develop into an icon and therefore a tourist attraction. For instance by building older designs by Melnikov or and Tatlin. In short: heritage does not always have to cost a lot of money; it could even bring money, if handled well.

Ключевые слова:

Culture tourism, Heritage tourism, Talin, Early modernist, Architecture, Creative Industry, Icon, Cultural, Urban planning, Melnikov

Abstract: The Moscow region is one of the most actively developing regions of Russian Federation. In recent years, it’s the number one region in terms of housing being introduced into the market. By the square meters area of housing being brought into operation, this region is on par with successful European countries. The Moscow region maintains a leading position in the construction industry in Russia. High prices on property, which is erected on historical grounds, are also defined by the appeal of the territories. Contradictions arise between the demands of the population and the economy, urban environment services in cities and historical settlements. The demands of the population for the conservation of historical and cultural environment is, in fact, higher than the actual value of historical heritage on the given territory. New properties which emerge on historical grounds are often met with fair criticism from both, the professionals and the community. The article explores the problems which emerge during the preparation of land planning documentation in Moscow region’s municipalities. Such problems emerge from the absence of real legal mechanisms for the preservation of historical buildings, territories and landscapes, which have the cultural heritage legal status. The author points out the necessity for drafting more defined and reliable legal grounds for the preparation of new, and the actualization of the old cultural heritage areas, because the earlier projects did not take into account the development needs of municipalities, property owners and users.


object, cultural heritage, area planning, document, general plan, plans, protected areas, historical and cultural, museums and reserves, historical town

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