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Нгуен Анх Туан, Нгуен Линх The ongoing public debt crisis in the europian union: impacts on and lessons for Vietnam

Аннотация: The current public debt crisis in the (European Union) EU began in Greece in November 2009, quickly spreading to Ireland (September 2010), Portugal (January 2012), Spain (June 2012), Italy (November 2012) and most recently, Cyprus (March 2013). This crisis has not only impacted on the Europe but also on the entire global economy, including that of Vietnam. This article will analyze the causes of this crisis, its impacts on the economy of Vietnam and lessons for Vietnam to avoid a potential public debt crisis and guarantee sustainable development. Public debt is a relatively complex concept that most current approaches agree to refer to the sum of debt whose obligation to repay falls on the government of a country . According to the World Bank (WB)’s approach, public debt is understood as the liability of four main groups of institutions: (i) Central government liability, (ii) Local government liability, (iii) Central banking institution liability, and (iv) Liabilities of independent organizations, state-owned enterprises of whose capital the state owns more than 50%, or other organizations whose debt the government has the responsibility to settle should they fails to do this. This definition is similar to that of the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Ключевые слова:

международные отношения, вьетнам, Европейский Союз, кризис, финансы, мировая экономика, государство, политика, интересы, конфликт

Abstract: The current public debt crisis in the (European Union) EU began in Greece in November 2009, quickly spreading to Ireland (September 2010), Portugal (January 2012), Spain (June 2012), Italy (November 2012) and most recently, Cyprus (March 2013). This crisis has not only impacted on the Europe but also on the entire global economy, including that of Vietnam. This article will analyze the causes of this crisis, its impacts on the economy of Vietnam and lessons for Vietnam to avoid a potential public debt crisis and guarantee sustainable development. Public debt is a relatively complex concept that most current approaches agree to refer to the sum of debt whose obligation to repay falls on the government of a country . According to the World Bank (WB)’s approach, public debt is understood as the liability of four main groups of institutions: (i) Central government liability, (ii) Local government liability, (iii) Central banking institution liability, and (iv) Liabilities of independent organizations, state-owned enterprises of whose capital the state owns more than 50%, or other organizations whose debt the government has the responsibility to settle should they fails to do this. This definition is similar to that of the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)


international relations, Vietnam, the European Union, crisis, finances, global economy, state, politics, interests, conflict.

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20. Andrei Manoilo. “Revoluciones de los higos”, elemento enfurecido o «caos controlado»? // Vida Internacional. Digest. 2011. pp. 148-162
21. Манойло А.В. Управление международными конфликтами: соотношение интересов и ценностей. // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Социология. Политология. 2013. № 4. С. 94-97.
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1. Nguyen, T. A, (2006), “East Asian Financial Cooperation After 1997-Crisis: Experience From EU”, Seminar Proceedings in China, May 2006.
2. Nguyen, T. A. , (1999), Asian Monetary-Financial Crisis: Reasons and Impacts (ed.), National Political Publishing House, Hanoi 1999.
3. Dinh, T. C., (2012), EU in the First Two Decades of 21 Century, Publisher of Social Sciences, Ha Noi 2012.
4. Vu, V. Q., (2013), Crisis and the financial-credit system: Practical Analysis in Regard to the American and Vietnamese Economy, Washington D.C., February 2013.
5. Vu, V. Q., (2011) “Public and banking debts of Vietnam at a glance”, Forum Magazine, Hanoi, 25/11/2011.
6. Le, S. K (2013), The World Economy After Crisis: Implications and Prospects, Publisher of Social Sciences, Ha Noi 2012.
7. Shambaugh, J; Reis, R and Rey, H (2012), The Euro's Three Crises, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (SPRING 2012), pp. 157-231
8. Reinhart, C.M. and Rogoff, K.S., (2010), Growth in a Time of Debt, American Economic Review.
9. Le, N. M., (2011), Public Debt: Impacts on Economic Growth and Burden of Next Generation, Banking Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi 2011.
10. Manasse, P. and Roubini, N (2009), Rule of Thumb for Sovereign Debt Crises, IMF: Journal of International Economics.
11. Minsky, H. (1986), Stabilizing an Unstable Economy, Yale University Press, Yale.
12. Lane, P. (2012), The European Sovereign Debt Crisis, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Summer 2012), pp. 49-67
13. Guillen, A (2012), Europe: The Crisis Within a Crisis, International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Fall 2012), pp 41-68Jolly, D. (2011), European Agency Sells Billion in Bonds to Rescues Ireland, The New York Times, January 5, 2011 in
14. Bastasin, C (2012), Saving Europe: How National Politics Nearly Destroyed the Euro, Brookings Institution Press.
15. Bajrektarevic, A., (2004), Europe beyond 2020: Three-dimensional Challenge, 13th OSCE Economic Forum, Trieste Italy, November 2004.
16. Bajrektarevic A., (2013), Future of Europe (Of Lisbon and Generational Interval), Crans Montana Forum, 2013, Geneva, Switzerland.
17. Nguyen, T. A., (2009), “Global Financial Crisis: Experiences of Australia and Lessons for Vietnam”, Review of Communist, No 169, January 2009
18. Galumov, A.E. The perspectives of public diplomacy and image of the EU in Russia. // .-2012.-1.-C. 118-127.
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20. Andrei Manoilo. “Revoluciones de los higos”, elemento enfurecido o «caos controlado»? // Vida Internacional. Digest. 2011. pp. 148-162
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