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Егоров В.Г. Постсоветские независимые государства: поиск формы правления

Аннотация: Аннотация В статье проводится сравнительный анализ наработанных политологической наукой классификаций форм государственного правления и их сущностного содержания. Автором исследуется уместность применения западного политологического инструментария для идентификации процессов и институтов постсоветского политического ландшафта. Вниманию читателей предлагается глубинное теоретическое описание президентализма, парламентаризма и полупрезидентализма на основе обобщения и анализа большого количества зарубежных источников, а также представляется видение преимуществ и недостатков каждой из форм правления. В статье содержится изложение практического опыта воплощения указанных форм правления в новых независимых государствах, образовавшихся после распада СССР. На примерах Азербайджана, Грузии, Казахстана, Молдовы и России проводится изучение региональных особенностей модернизации власти. Наиболее пристальное внимание уделяется Российской Федерации, освещаются исторические и культурологические предпосылки становления действующей формы правления. Автором также поднимается вопрос о степени вовлеченности граждан ННГ в решение политических проблем их стран.

Ключевые слова:

международные отношения, внешняя политика, Россия, СНГ, политические режимы, дипломатия, постсоветсие государства, интересы, ценности, безопасность

Abstract: The article contains comparative analysis of the classifications of forms of government and their elements in the political science. The authors studies viability of application of the Western political science instruments for the identification of processes and institutions in the post-Soviet political landscape. The readers are provided with the in-depth theoretical description of presidentialism, parliamentarism, semi-presidentialism based upon the generalization and analysis of a large number of foreign sources, and the author also provides analysis of positive and negative features of each of these forms of government. The article contains description of practical experience of implementation of forms of government in the newly independent states formed after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Taking examples of Azerbaijan, Geogia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Russia the author analyzes the regional specificities of government modernization. Most attention is paid to the Russian Federation, the author discusses historic and cultural prerequisites of the current form of government. The author also studies the issue of the degree of involvement of the citizens of the newly independent states in solving the political problems in their countries.


international relations, foreign policy, Russia, the CIS, political regimes, diplomacy, post-Soviet, interests, values, security.

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15Johannsen L. The constitution and democracy. The choice and consequence of the constitution in postcommunist countries. – Aarhus, Denmark: Politica, 2000. – 231p.
16Johannsen L., Norgaard O. IPA: The index of presidential authority. Explorations into the measurement of impact of a political institution. Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions of Workshops. – Edinburgh, UK, 2003. – April.
17Heilman, J. Constitutions and economic reform in the postcommunist transitions. / J. Sachs and K. Pistor. The rule of law and economic reform in Russia. – Boulder, CO: Westview, 1997.
18Kantor H. Efforts Made by Various Latin American Countries to Limit the Power of the President // Lijphart A. Parliamentary versus. Presidential Government. – Oxford University Press, 1994.
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20Lijphart A. Presidentialism and Majoritarian Democracy: Theoretical Observations / Linz J., Valenzuela A. The Failure of Presidential Democracy. – Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. – P. 91-105.
21Linz J. Presidential or Parliamentary Democracy: Does It Make a Difference / Linz J., Valenzuela A. The Failure of Presidential Democracy. Comparative Perspectives. – Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. – P.3-91.
22Mainwaring, S. Presidentialism, multipartism, and democracy: The difficult combination // Comparative Political Studies. – 1993. – №26(2). – P.198-228.
23Mainwaring S. Transition to democracy and democratic consolidation: Theoretical and comparative issues // Mainwaring S., G.O’Donnell, Valenzuela J. S. Issues in democratic consolidation: The new South American democracies in comparative perspective Notre Dame. – University of Notre Dame Press, 1992. – P.294-341.
24Norris, P. Designing democracies: Institutional arrangements and system support. Paper presented at the Workshop on Confidence in Democratic Institutions: America in Comparative Perspective. – Washington, DC: J. F. Kennedy School of Government. – 1997, August.
25Przeworski, A., Alvarez, M., Cheibub, J. A., Limongi, F. Democracy and development. – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
26Przeworski A., Alvarez M., Cheibub J. A., Limongi F. What makes democracies endure? // Journal of Democracy. – 1996. – №7(1) . – P.39-55.
27Schlesinger A. Leave the Constitution Alone / Lijphart A. Parliamentary versus residential Government. – Oxford University Press. – 1994. – P.90-94.
28Siaroff A. Comparative Presidencies: The Inadequacy of the Presidential, Semi-Presidential and Parliamentary Distinction. // European Journal of Political Research. – 2003. – №42. – P. 287-312.
29Siaroff A. Varieties of Parliamentarianism in the Advanced Industrial Democracies international Political Science Review. – 2003. – №24(4) . – P.445-464.
30Stepan A., Skach S. Constitutional frameworks and democratic consolidation? Parliamentarism versus presidentialism // World Politics. – 1993. – №46(1). – P.1-22.
31Wilson W. Committee or Cabinet Government? / Lijphart A. Parliamentary versus. Presidential Government. – Oxford University Press, 1994. – P.72-74.
35Borodin E.A. Tsentral'naya Aziya kak geostrategicheskiy proekt, obespechivayushchiy dolgosrochnye interesy Rossii // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. - 2013. - 3. - C. 1 - 17. URL:
36Manoylo A.V. Tsennostnye osnovy upravleniya mezhtsivilizatsionnymi konfliktami: rossiyskaya model' // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. - 2012. - 1. - C. 32 - 43. DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2012.1.279. URL:
37Rep'eva A.M. Natsiestroitel'stvo. Formirovanie i sushchnostnye kharakteristiki (SShA i Rossiya). // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. - 2013. - 2. - C. 68 - 79. URL: