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Исторический журнал: научные исследования
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J.-P. Depretto The categories of forced labor in the Urals during WWII

Аннотация: During the years 1941–1945, Soviet laborers were subject to increased coercion. Two new categories of forced laborers appeared: the “labor soldiers” and the POWs. They added to the categories already present in the thirties: the concentration camp prisoners and the “special settlers”. The aim of this article is to describe as precisely as possible the situation of these unfree laborers. The four categories were not separated by clear boundaries, but overlapped, with almost imperceptible transitions.

Ключевые слова:

USSR, Urals, World War II, forced labor, Gulag, concentration camps, prisoners of war, special settlers, labor soldiers.

Abstract: During the years 1941-1945, Soviet laborers were subject to increased coercion. Two new categories of forced laborers appeared: the “labor soldiers” and the POWs. They added to the categories already present in the thirties: the concentration camp prisoners and the “special settlers”. The aim of this article is to describe as precisely as possible the situation of these unfree laborers. The four categories were not separated by clear boundaries, but overlapped, with almost imperceptible transitions. This article examines forced labor in the Urals during World War II. Forced labor was an important part of Soviet war economy. The Urals region was a great industrial region, which played a great role in the production of weapons during the war and contributed very much to the Soviet victory. It was also a zone of camps and “special settlements”, where people named “special settlers”, deported according to social or ethnic criteria, lived.


USSR, Urals, World War II, forced labor, Gulag, concentration camps, prisoners of war, special settlers, labor soldiers.

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1. Applebaum A. Goulag. Une histoire, Paris, Gallimard, 2008
2. Bacon E. The Gulag at War. Stalin’s Forced Labour System in the Light of the Archives, New York, New York University Press, 1994
3. Berdinskikh Spetsposelentsy, Moscow, NLO, 2005
4. Eti detskie voennye gody 1941-1945, Cheliabinsk, 2000
5. Figes O. Les chuchoteurs Vivre et survivre sous Staline, Paris, Denoël, 2009
6. German A.A., Kurochkin A.V. Nemtsy SSSR v “Trudovoi armii”(1941-1945), Moscow, Gotika, 2000
7. Geyer M., Fitzpatrick S. (eds) Beyond Totalitarianism Stalinism and Nazism compared, Cambridge UP, 2009
8. Goncharov G.A. “Trudovaia armiia” na Urale v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, Cheliabinsk, Cheliabinskii gos. universitet, 2006
9. Gregory P.R., Lazarev V. (eds) The Economics of Forced Labor. The Soviet Gulag, Stanford, Hoover Institution Press, 2003
10. Istoriia Stalinskogo Gulaga, Moscow, Rosspen, vol. 1, 3 4 and 5, 2004
11. Ivanova G.M. Labor Camp Socialism. The Gulag in the Soviet Totalitarian System, Londres, M.E. Sharpe, 2000 and Istoriia Gulaga, 1918-1958, Moscow, “Nauka”, 2006
12. Klein-Gousseff (ed.) Retours d’URSS. Les prisonniers de guerre et les internés français dans les archives soviétiques 1945-1951, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2001
13. Neizvestnaia voina 1939-1945, Cheliabinsk, 2000
14. Paletskikh N.P. Sotsial’naia politika na Urale v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, Cheliabinsk, Cheliabinskii gos. universitet, 1995
15. Polian P.M. Ne po svoei vole…, Istoriia I geogra􀏐iia prinuditel’nykh migratsii v SSSR, Moscow, OGI-Memorial, 2001
16. Samuelson L. Tankograd: sekrety russkogo tyla 1917-1953, Moscow, Rosspen, 2010
17. Somov V.A. Po zakonam voennogo vremeni. Ocherki istorii trudovoi politiki SSSR v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny (1941-1945gg.), Nizhnii Novgorod, Nizhegorodskii gos. universitet, 2001
18. Speranskii A.V. (ed.) Podvig Urala v istoricheskoi pamiati pokolenii, Ekaterinburg, 2010
19. Surzhikova N.V. Inostrannye voennoplennye Vtoroi Mirovoi voiny na srednem Urale (1942-1956), Ekaterinburg, Institut istorii i arkheologii UrO RAN, 2006
20. Ural v panorameXX veka, Ekaterinburg, “SV-96”, 2000
21. Vengerskie voennoplennye v SSSR Dokumenty 1941-1953 godov, Moscou, Rosspen, 2005
22. Werth N. La terreur et le désarroi. Staline et son système, Paris, Perrin, 2007
23. Zaruski J. (ed.) Stalin i nemtsy Novye issledovaniia, Moscow, 2009
24. Zemskov V.N. Spetsposelentsy v SSSR 1930-1960, Moscow, “Nauka”, 200
1. Applebaum A. Goulag. Une histoire, Paris, Gallimard, 2008
2. Bacon E. The Gulag at War. Stalin’s Forced Labour System in the Light of the Archives, New York, New York University Press, 1994
3. Berdinskikh Spetsposelentsy, Moscow, NLO, 2005
4. Eti detskie voennye gody 1941-1945, Cheliabinsk, 2000
5. Figes O. Les chuchoteurs Vivre et survivre sous Staline, Paris, Denoël, 2009
6. German A.A., Kurochkin A.V. Nemtsy SSSR v “Trudovoi armii”(1941-1945), Moscow, Gotika, 2000
7. Geyer M., Fitzpatrick S. (eds) Beyond Totalitarianism Stalinism and Nazism compared, Cambridge UP, 2009
8. Goncharov G.A. “Trudovaia armiia” na Urale v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, Cheliabinsk, Cheliabinskii gos. universitet, 2006
9. Gregory P.R., Lazarev V. (eds) The Economics of Forced Labor. The Soviet Gulag, Stanford, Hoover Institution Press, 2003
10. Istoriia Stalinskogo Gulaga, Moscow, Rosspen, vol. 1, 3 4 and 5, 2004
11. Ivanova G.M. Labor Camp Socialism. The Gulag in the Soviet Totalitarian System, Londres, M.E. Sharpe, 2000 and Istoriia Gulaga, 1918-1958, Moscow, “Nauka”, 2006
12. Klein-Gousseff (ed.) Retours d’URSS. Les prisonniers de guerre et les internés français dans les archives soviétiques 1945-1951, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2001
13. Neizvestnaia voina 1939-1945, Cheliabinsk, 2000
14. Paletskikh N.P. Sotsial’naia politika na Urale v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, Cheliabinsk, Cheliabinskii gos. universitet, 1995
15. Polian P.M. Ne po svoei vole…, Istoriia I geogra􀏐iia prinuditel’nykh migratsii v SSSR, Moscow, OGI-Memorial, 2001
16. Samuelson L. Tankograd: sekrety russkogo tyla 1917-1953, Moscow, Rosspen, 2010
17. Somov V.A. Po zakonam voennogo vremeni. Ocherki istorii trudovoi politiki SSSR v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny (1941-1945gg.), Nizhnii Novgorod, Nizhegorodskii gos. universitet, 2001
18. Speranskii A.V. (ed.) Podvig Urala v istoricheskoi pamiati pokolenii, Ekaterinburg, 2010
19. Surzhikova N.V. Inostrannye voennoplennye Vtoroi Mirovoi voiny na srednem Urale (1942-1956), Ekaterinburg, Institut istorii i arkheologii UrO RAN, 2006
20. Ural v panorameXX veka, Ekaterinburg, “SV-96”, 2000
21. Vengerskie voennoplennye v SSSR Dokumenty 1941-1953 godov, Moscou, Rosspen, 2005
22. Werth N. La terreur et le désarroi. Staline et son système, Paris, Perrin, 2007
23. Zaruski J. (ed.) Stalin i nemtsy Novye issledovaniia, Moscow, 2009
24. Zemskov V.N. Spetsposelentsy v SSSR 1930-1960, Moscow, “Nauka”, 200