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Соколова Н.А. Понятие и функции международного управления в сфере охраны окружающей среды

Аннотация: This article is devoted to formulating of the concept and brief analysis of functions of the international governance in the sphere of environmental protection. The governance as a process that has affect on the object for achievement of exact purposes may be realized in different systems. The international system covered the international relations in the sphere of the environmental protection can be defined as a special type of social system. Any social system requires not only maintenance of the viability, but also providing of progressive development. The international law aspects of governance require to indicate that the influence on the relations concerning the exploitation of natural resources and preservation of environment must be foremost carried out in accordance with basic principles of international law. The signs and the essence of the international governance are predetermined by an idea of cooperation of the states and other subjects during an era of globalization when their objective interdependence increases constantly. The international governance in sphere of the environmental protection can be carried out in various areas, for example, regulation in the sphere of preservation of a biodiversity, management in the sphere of climate changes, management in the sphere of the reference with dangerous waste, etc. The basic function of the international governance is regulation by means of which states and the international intergovernmental organizations and other structures formulate rules or provisions, obligatory for implementation by those subjects which directly discuss the issues of exploitation of natural resources, or develop recommendations which should be considered to promote efficiency of a mode of protection. However the term “international governance” which is used with reference to separate sphere as a complex of the international relations in this case forming the sphere of preservation of the environment, has wider content. During the process of international governance the realization of functions takes place on the basis of provisions of international law. Functions of international governance in analyzed sphere are directed on the rational use of natural resources in the context of sustainable development and strengthening of efficiency of environmental protection. By the international governance states organize interaction or cooperation which can be direct, or be carried out through specially created international mechanisms.

Abstract: This article is devoted to formulating of the concept and brief analysis of functions of the international governance in the sphere of environmental protection. The governance as a process that has affect on the object for achievement of exact purposes may be realized in different systems. The international system covered the international relations in the sphere of the environmental protection can be defined as a special type of social system. Any social system requires not only maintenance of the viability, but also providing of progressive development. The international law aspects of governance require to indicate that the influence on the relations concerning the exploitation of natural resources and preservation of environment must be foremost carried out in accordance with basic principles of international law. The signs and the essence of the international governance are predetermined by an idea of cooperation of the states and other subjects during an era of globalization when their objective interdependence increases constantly. The international governance in sphere of the environmental protection can be carried out in various areas, for example, regulation in the sphere of preservation of a biodiversity, management in the sphere of climate changes, management in the sphere of the reference with dangerous waste, etc. The basic function of the international governance is regulation by means of which states and the international intergovernmental organizations and other structures formulate rules or provisions, obligatory for implementation by those subjects which directly discuss the issues of exploitation of natural resources, or develop recommendations which should be considered to promote efficiency of a mode of protection. However the term “international governance” which is used with reference to separate sphere as a complex of the international relations in this case forming the sphere of preservation of the environment, has wider content. During the process of international governance the realization of functions takes place on the basis of provisions of international law. Functions of international governance in analyzed sphere are directed on the rational use of natural resources in the context of sustainable development and strengthening of efficiency of environmental protection. By the international governance states organize interaction or cooperation which can be direct, or be carried out through specially created international mechanisms.

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