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Мацкевич И.М. Криминологический портрет преступника (теоретические проблемы составления)

Аннотация: Criminological portrait of the criminal opens features of the person of which has connected the life with fulfillment of crimes, more often, on a professional basis. In character these crimes are repeating, often typical, and the criminal is often a recidivist. With criminological point of view there is no matter, for the crimes committed by the person, whether the person was involved in responsibility or not. In the context of the present work, the problems connected with formation, development, degradation and the subsequent destruction of gaolbirds person are of interest. Various aspects of a problem are considered, and drawing up of the criminal experience portrait is most studied. On this basis the hypothesis about individual criminological portrait of the criminal which has unique practical value is put forward. Methods and ways of drawing up of such portrait are offered, features of its application in work of are examined by law enforcement bodies, and scientists representing various branches of knowledge, connected with studying of the person.

Abstract: Criminological portrait of the criminal opens features of the person of which has connected the life with fulfillment of crimes, more often, on a professional basis. In character these crimes are repeating, often typical, and the criminal is often a recidivist. With criminological point of view there is no matter, for the crimes committed by the person, whether the person was involved in responsibility or not. In the context of the present work, the problems connected with formation, development, degradation and the subsequent destruction of gaolbirds person are of interest. Various aspects of a problem are considered, and drawing up of the criminal experience portrait is most studied. On this basis the hypothesis about individual criminological portrait of the criminal which has unique practical value is put forward. Methods and ways of drawing up of such portrait are offered, features of its application in work of are examined by law enforcement bodies, and scientists representing various branches of knowledge, connected with studying of the person.

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