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Мокрицкий А.В., Шестак В.А. Отдельные криминологические аспекты предупреждения преступлений, совершаемых военнослужащими

Аннотация: The article states that prevention of crime committed by the military is exercised on the same principles as in the society as a whole. This includes the aggregate of various interconnected measures aimed at prevention of punishable offence in the Army and in the Navy and at elimination of the reasons that cause the criminal behavior of the military. However, in opinion of the authors, in the context of the military crime the prevention theory has certain peculiarities. Moreover, it is the military command that plays the major role in prevention of crime committed by the military. The article considers the fundamentals of their participation in this activity and system of practical work. The article states that depending on the reasons and conditions of crime of the military we may separate three basic levels of its prevention: social; specialized criminological and individual. Each of these levels is revealed further in the article. It is emphasized that a necessary element of the system are the crime prevention subjects. They are the state and public institutions, formations of citizens influencing on the crime prevention, in the broad sense of the word. Among these subjects there are such which are purposely created for these reasons; or their competence, alongside with other powers includes the responsibility to prevent crime, to a certain extent. The authors state that while studying the prevention of crime in the Armed Forces optimum goals and tasks of proactive measures assume significance. In the opinion of the authors, prevention of crime committed by the military assumes creation of an effective system; first, measures of general prevention as an aggregate of social economic, ideological, cultural educational, organizational administrative, and legal activities; second, individual prevention measures. Many other measures and activities of state, public, departmental, collective nature are subject to the goals of prevention of crime of the military. The article states that victimization the military plays the critical or essential role in the prevention of crime. Victimologic prevention of crime against the military service must include measures aimed at easing the military medium crime orientation and formation of safe life skills. The authors see the optimum way of struggle against crime against military service in the state approach towards the considered problem, the reasonable combination of public procuracy supervision, the criminal prosecution, the introduction of prevention of crime and preventive work within a certain system of measures. The authors come to a conclusion that prevention of crime and other violations committed by the military is the basis for strengthening troop readiness which represents such situation of the Armed Forces where they can perform there tasks within the shortest period of time. In the army, the prevention of offences includes activities aimed against the military crimes and minor offences, and other crimes and offences committed by the military men and civil personnel. The aggregate of military crime prevention activities include measures of various natures. The entire complex of preventive measures must be aimed at one general goal: to foster in each person in the active duty positive and legal qualities since only the active moral and legal position of a person is capable to resist any determinations of criminal behavior.

Abstract: The article states that prevention of crime committed by the military is exercised on the same principles as in the society as a whole. This includes the aggregate of various interconnected measures aimed at prevention of punishable offence in the Army and in the Navy and at elimination of the reasons that cause the criminal behavior of the military. However, in opinion of the authors, in the context of the military crime the prevention theory has certain peculiarities. Moreover, it is the military command that plays the major role in prevention of crime committed by the military. The article considers the fundamentals of their participation in this activity and system of practical work. The article states that depending on the reasons and conditions of crime of the military we may separate three basic levels of its prevention: social; specialized criminological and individual. Each of these levels is revealed further in the article. It is emphasized that a necessary element of the system are the crime prevention subjects. They are the state and public institutions, formations of citizens influencing on the crime prevention, in the broad sense of the word. Among these subjects there are such which are purposely created for these reasons; or their competence, alongside with other powers includes the responsibility to prevent crime, to a certain extent. The authors state that while studying the prevention of crime in the Armed Forces optimum goals and tasks of proactive measures assume significance. In the opinion of the authors, prevention of crime committed by the military assumes creation of an effective system; first, measures of general prevention as an aggregate of social economic, ideological, cultural educational, organizational administrative, and legal activities; second, individual prevention measures. Many other measures and activities of state, public, departmental, collective nature are subject to the goals of prevention of crime of the military. The article states that victimization the military plays the critical or essential role in the prevention of crime. Victimologic prevention of crime against the military service must include measures aimed at easing the military medium crime orientation and formation of safe life skills. The authors see the optimum way of struggle against crime against military service in the state approach towards the considered problem, the reasonable combination of public procuracy supervision, the criminal prosecution, the introduction of prevention of crime and preventive work within a certain system of measures. The authors come to a conclusion that prevention of crime and other violations committed by the military is the basis for strengthening troop readiness which represents such situation of the Armed Forces where they can perform there tasks within the shortest period of time. In the army, the prevention of offences includes activities aimed against the military crimes and minor offences, and other crimes and offences committed by the military men and civil personnel. The aggregate of military crime prevention activities include measures of various natures. The entire complex of preventive measures must be aimed at one general goal: to foster in each person in the active duty positive and legal qualities since only the active moral and legal position of a person is capable to resist any determinations of criminal behavior.

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