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Дашков Г.В. Криминологическая составляющая в политической воле

Аннотация: The article states that modern criminal situation in the country is far from being perfect; the problem on restraining the crime is very urgent. Therefore, in this case we hardly may do without what is usually referred to as “political will”. In favor of this wording is the fact that recently as the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the country criminological research and development declined, and, accordingly, the role of criminology in decision of today’s problems of criminal control really decreased, it is possible more often to come across statements in favor of many our problems in this extent not being solved properly not by virtue of their scientific background weakness, not because of lack of effective activity of law enforcement bodies and other administrative and supervising structures directly involved in criminal control, but because of absence of clearly expressed political will in this context. However, all not that simple and categorical; our rich and at the same time inconsistent practice of struggle against crime, in particular, of revealing and prevention of corruption crimes shows that even clearly and unambiguously expressed political will not always gives expected results, is realized properly by those who should do this. Naturally, in such situation the political will regardless of the personal qualities of the individual that initiates it remains just a good wish. When estimating the past Russian and foreign experience, there is always a certain danger as exaggeration and underestimation of the role of political will in meeting of modern challenges of struggle against crime. To minimize possible mistakes and miscalculations, it is obviously necessary to stand on criminological positions to solve a number of theoretical issues concerning, first of all, the concept of political will, its basic components, forms and means of expression of political will, place of political will in the general mechanism of counter-crime. Such judgment of political will as of a set of internal properties and conditions of the political subject expressing its capability for consecutive realization of objectives and goals in the sphere of political power seems quite comprehensible to the purposes and problems solved by criminology. When defining the concept of political will, presence of other elements of sociological, philosophical, psychological, and legal nature is possible.

Abstract: The article states that modern criminal situation in the country is far from being perfect; the problem on restraining the crime is very urgent. Therefore, in this case we hardly may do without what is usually referred to as “political will”. In favor of this wording is the fact that recently as the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the country criminological research and development declined, and, accordingly, the role of criminology in decision of today’s problems of criminal control really decreased, it is possible more often to come across statements in favor of many our problems in this extent not being solved properly not by virtue of their scientific background weakness, not because of lack of effective activity of law enforcement bodies and other administrative and supervising structures directly involved in criminal control, but because of absence of clearly expressed political will in this context. However, all not that simple and categorical; our rich and at the same time inconsistent practice of struggle against crime, in particular, of revealing and prevention of corruption crimes shows that even clearly and unambiguously expressed political will not always gives expected results, is realized properly by those who should do this. Naturally, in such situation the political will regardless of the personal qualities of the individual that initiates it remains just a good wish. When estimating the past Russian and foreign experience, there is always a certain danger as exaggeration and underestimation of the role of political will in meeting of modern challenges of struggle against crime. To minimize possible mistakes and miscalculations, it is obviously necessary to stand on criminological positions to solve a number of theoretical issues concerning, first of all, the concept of political will, its basic components, forms and means of expression of political will, place of political will in the general mechanism of counter-crime. Such judgment of political will as of a set of internal properties and conditions of the political subject expressing its capability for consecutive realization of objectives and goals in the sphere of political power seems quite comprehensible to the purposes and problems solved by criminology. When defining the concept of political will, presence of other elements of sociological, philosophical, psychological, and legal nature is possible.

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