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Кислухин В.А. Правотворчество в сфере противодействия торговле людьми в Нидерландах и роль полиции в этом процессе

Аннотация: The trade phenomenon “the live goods” for the purpose of sexual operation of women and children falls outside the limits frontiers and gets transnational character. Today interaction between law-enforcement structures of the sovereign states is one of priority directions of struggle against the organised crime. Many scientists come to conclusion about necessity of studying of an advanced experience on preventive maintenance and suppression of the offences connected with sexual operation of people. On the basis of studying of positive experience of the various states in struggle against a human trafic there is possible a working out of optimum strategy of effective influence on a criminal situation. Russia acts for today as the supplier of young women on the markets of sexual services in various areas of the world. The criminal legislation of Russia establishes strict legal responsibility for a human trafic, including for the purpose of sexual operation. The Russian Federation has joined and carries out norms of the international legal certificates forbidding a human trafic and their sexual operation. However in the conditions of a global economic crisis presence of a wide social base in the form of a great number of jobless people, childrenalcoholics and addicts does not allow our state in necessary measure to cope with this promptly developing branch of criminal business. Habitual methods of law-enforcement structures of Russia on revealing, registration, to preventive maintenance and prostitution suppression any more are not effective. In connection with this problem experience of legal creativity of state structures and a police role in realisation of standard instructions in sphere of counteraction is represented interesting for studying to a human trafic in such European state, as Kingdom of the Netherlands. The prostitution history in the Netherlands totals some centuries. Attempts of the authorities to achieve prostitution prohibition invariably provoked occurrence of corruption, extortion from outside officials, police. After almost three hundred years of struggle against prostitution the state has gone on its legalisation. Since October, 1st, 2000, in the Netherlands the law cancelling an interdiction for the maintenance of brothels and other places for employment by prostitution has come into force. Prostitution has been equal to usual enterprise activity. Prostitutes are obliged to receive now registration of the business and to pay to the state taxes. They have the right to place advertising, to use a legal aid, to receive social benefits, to consist in trade union. The control over correct execution of the legislation on prostitution is assigned to police. The police of the Netherlands is a component of a civil society. It provides protection and safety of inhabitants of the country. In sphere of a human trafic the police conducts the basic struggle against illegal souteneurs and prostitutes who do not wish to register the business. The legislation of the Netherlands provides strict legal responsibility for such persons.The legislation of the Netherlands provides strict legal responsibility for sucIn the Netherlands are developed and effective programs of protection of victims of a human trafic operate. In each police station brochures and posters in which the rights of the women who have become by victims of sexual operation are listed are placed. At local level municipalities are engaged in prostitution regulation. For example, in Amsterdam and in Arnhem the power have taken away for employment by prostitution special “zones” on suburbs of the cities. In these “zones” of the prostitute under supervision of police and physicians are engaged in the business. Results of sociological researches in human trafic sphere have formed for the government of the country a basis for working out of the bill establishing new Regulations of prostitution. Infringement of these rules involves strict legal responsibility for owners of brothels, prostitutes and their clients. Now the bill is on the coordination in parliament committees. Thus, the government of the Netherlands constantly improves the legal base directed on struggle against a human trafic. In the Russian Federation the measures directed on struggle against a human trafic too are taken. However visible results in the decision of this problem did not manage while to achieve. For the problem decision carrying out of the whole complex of the actions including working out of effective kinds and directions of lawenforcement activity is required. The political will of heads of the country is necessary for carrying out of these actions.

Ключевые слова:

торговля людьми, взаимодействие между правоохранительными структурами, опыт правотворчества, регулированием проституции на местном уровне

Abstract: The trade phenomenon “the live goods” for the purpose of sexual operation of women and children falls outside the limits frontiers and gets transnational character. Today interaction between law-enforcement structures of the sovereign states is one of priority directions of struggle against the organised crime. Many scientists come to conclusion about necessity of studying of an advanced experience on preventive maintenance and suppression of the offences connected with sexual operation of people. On the basis of studying of positive experience of the various states in struggle against a human trafic there is possible a working out of optimum strategy of effective influence on a criminal situation. Russia acts for today as the supplier of young women on the markets of sexual services in various areas of the world. The criminal legislation of Russia establishes strict legal responsibility for a human trafic, including for the purpose of sexual operation. The Russian Federation has joined and carries out norms of the international legal certificates forbidding a human trafic and their sexual operation. However in the conditions of a global economic crisis presence of a wide social base in the form of a great number of jobless people, childrenalcoholics and addicts does not allow our state in necessary measure to cope with this promptly developing branch of criminal business. Habitual methods of law-enforcement structures of Russia on revealing, registration, to preventive maintenance and prostitution suppression any more are not effective. In connection with this problem experience of legal creativity of state structures and a police role in realisation of standard instructions in sphere of counteraction is represented interesting for studying to a human trafic in such European state, as Kingdom of the Netherlands. The prostitution history in the Netherlands totals some centuries. Attempts of the authorities to achieve prostitution prohibition invariably provoked occurrence of corruption, extortion from outside officials, police. After almost three hundred years of struggle against prostitution the state has gone on its legalisation. Since October, 1st, 2000, in the Netherlands the law cancelling an interdiction for the maintenance of brothels and other places for employment by prostitution has come into force. Prostitution has been equal to usual enterprise activity. Prostitutes are obliged to receive now registration of the business and to pay to the state taxes. They have the right to place advertising, to use a legal aid, to receive social benefits, to consist in trade union. The control over correct execution of the legislation on prostitution is assigned to police. The police of the Netherlands is a component of a civil society. It provides protection and safety of inhabitants of the country. In sphere of a human trafic the police conducts the basic struggle against illegal souteneurs and prostitutes who do not wish to register the business. The legislation of the Netherlands provides strict legal responsibility for such persons.The legislation of the Netherlands provides strict legal responsibility for sucIn the Netherlands are developed and effective programs of protection of victims of a human trafic operate. In each police station brochures and posters in which the rights of the women who have become by victims of sexual operation are listed are placed. At local level municipalities are engaged in prostitution regulation. For example, in Amsterdam and in Arnhem the power have taken away for employment by prostitution special “zones” on suburbs of the cities. In these “zones” of the prostitute under supervision of police and physicians are engaged in the business. Results of sociological researches in human trafic sphere have formed for the government of the country a basis for working out of the bill establishing new Regulations of prostitution. Infringement of these rules involves strict legal responsibility for owners of brothels, prostitutes and their clients. Now the bill is on the coordination in parliament committees. Thus, the government of the Netherlands constantly improves the legal base directed on struggle against a human trafic. In the Russian Federation the measures directed on struggle against a human trafic too are taken. However visible results in the decision of this problem did not manage while to achieve. For the problem decision carrying out of the whole complex of the actions including working out of effective kinds and directions of lawenforcement activity is required. The political will of heads of the country is necessary for carrying out of these actions.


opyt pravotvorchestva, regulirovaniem prostitutsii na mestnom urovne

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