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Правильная ссылка на статью:

Калиниченко Ю.А. О некоторых вопросах, связанных с рассмотрением судами дел по заявлениям военнослужащих об оспаривании действий (бездействия) органов военного управления, воинских должностных лиц и принятых ими решений

Аннотация: The article is devoted to problems related to filling and proceeding of claims and other applications of military servants. Many claims are filled due to problems with provision of rations to military servants. Participation of military servants in counterterrorist operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic resulted in a range of claims related to payment of allowances and compensations. The most frequently appealed category of regulations is regulations of military administration bodies, especially orders and directives of military officers and commanders. In connection with this the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 “On approval of the order of payment of military compensation to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (also referred to as the “military financial code”) is considered. To the author's mind, claim of at least one military servant contesting illegal actions of any officer or commander after entry of judgment into legal force shall lead to prohibition of application of such act to any military servants of the military unit whose rights are violated by this act.

Ключевые слова:

судопроизводство, оспаривание действий (бездействия), военнослужащие, органы военного управления, воинские должностные лица, гражданский процесс

Abstract: The article is devoted to problems related to filling and proceeding of claims and other applications of military servants. Many claims are filled due to problems with provision of rations to military servants. Participation of military servants in counterterrorist operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic resulted in a range of claims related to payment of allowances and compensations. The most frequently appealed category of regulations is regulations of military administration bodies, especially orders and directives of military officers and commanders. In connection with this the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 “On approval of the order of payment of military compensation to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (also referred to as the “military financial code”) is considered. To the author's mind, claim of at least one military servant contesting illegal actions of any officer or commander after entry of judgment into legal force shall lead to prohibition of application of such act to any military servants of the military unit whose rights are violated by this act.


sudoproizvodstvo, osparivanie deistvii (bezdeistviya), voennosluzhashchie, organy voennogo upravleniya, voinskie dolzhnostnye litsa, grazhdanskii protsess

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