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Исаев И.А. «Платоновская идея» и эволюция политических форм

Аннотация: Usage of terms like “idea of state” or “idea of law” in political philosophy lexicon refers us to archetypical symbolism of Plato’s philosophy. Beginning from the mythological epoch up to present times the notion of constant idea, determined all kinds of originated political forms, keeps its relevance. That is why aiming to attain ideal is typical for all kinds of political mind. Fundamental political and law notions of Middle Ages and the Renaissance has been developed in the frame of this theory of “ideas.” At this stage political notion had been moving significantly closer to aesthetical criteria: the state itself is considered as “masterpiece of art.” Imitation of “nature” in politics and legislation had relegated sacred prototype to the background. Political philosophy of the New Times made metaphysical allowances in this conception. Revolutionary changes supplanted archaic ideals for modern political myths. But still, as before, any political style might be described through one main style or the ruling idea. Plato’s concept has proven remarkably tenacious of life, and many political experiments of our time are still under its influence.

Ключевые слова:

Платон, идея, форма, политическое, диалектика

Abstract: Usage of terms like “idea of state” or “idea of law” in political philosophy lexicon refers us to archetypical symbolism of Plato’s philosophy. Beginning from the mythological epoch up to present times the notion of constant idea, determined all kinds of originated political forms, keeps its relevance. That is why aiming to attain ideal is typical for all kinds of political mind. Fundamental political and law notions of Middle Ages and the Renaissance has been developed in the frame of this theory of “ideas.” At this stage political notion had been moving significantly closer to aesthetical criteria: the state itself is considered as “masterpiece of art.” Imitation of “nature” in politics and legislation had relegated sacred prototype to the background. Political philosophy of the New Times made metaphysical allowances in this conception. Revolutionary changes supplanted archaic ideals for modern political myths. But still, as before, any political style might be described through one main style or the ruling idea. Plato’s concept has proven remarkably tenacious of life, and many political experiments of our time are still under its influence.


Platon, ideya, forma, politicheskoe, dialektika

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