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Моисеев Е.Г. Международно-правовые основы ближневосточного урегулирования

Аннотация: The Middle East conflict has continued for more than 60 years now. Israel and Palestine, which has not moulded its sovereignty yet are parties to it. There are several causes of the Middle East conflict. They piled up gradually joining together. The author of the article undertakes an effort to find out the causes of the conflict. During the past sixty years a rare year has been peaceful for inhabitants of this region. Unfortunately, almost every year armed conflicts broke out in the region, sometimes they developed into bloodsheds. Tens of thousands of lives have been destroyed, the damage is assessed in billions of dollars. The United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council resolutions adopted in different years form the international legal basis for the Middle East peace settlement. Recently the international community has been taking a great deal of effort to settle the Middle East conflict. The four cosponsors of the Middle East peace settlement such as the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America do their best in order to ensure peace in the Middle East now and forever. In 2009 an international conference on the Middle East is to be held in Russia. Its results will surely be helpful for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Russia does not support any one party to the abovementioned conflict the way it did back in the Soviet times. It does not look for the right and the wrong. Russia wishes a permanent peace would be really brought about in the long-suffering Middle East land. The Middle East conflict has lasted over more than 60 years. A significant number of armed conflicts, including four big wars have broken out during this period. On the one hand, Israel, on the other – the adjacent Arab counties and Palestine, which has not gained its sovereignty yet, are parties to this conflict. The author of the article is trying to find out the causes of the Middle East conflict and considering possible ways of its settlement. A number of efforts has been taken recently to settle the Middle East problem. The Russian Federation as a cosponsor of the Middle East Settlement makes its contribution to this noble cause. It is planned to hold an international conference in Moscow in the near future. Hopefully its results will help the conflicting parties and the international community to bring forward the time for a final settlement of the Middle East conflict.

Ключевые слова:

ближневосточное урегулирование, арабские страны, Палестина, Израиль, международная конференция в Москве

Abstract: The Middle East conflict has continued for more than 60 years now. Israel and Palestine, which has not moulded its sovereignty yet are parties to it. There are several causes of the Middle East conflict. They piled up gradually joining together. The author of the article undertakes an effort to find out the causes of the conflict. During the past sixty years a rare year has been peaceful for inhabitants of this region. Unfortunately, almost every year armed conflicts broke out in the region, sometimes they developed into bloodsheds. Tens of thousands of lives have been destroyed, the damage is assessed in billions of dollars. The United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council resolutions adopted in different years form the international legal basis for the Middle East peace settlement. Recently the international community has been taking a great deal of effort to settle the Middle East conflict. The four cosponsors of the Middle East peace settlement such as the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America do their best in order to ensure peace in the Middle East now and forever. In 2009 an international conference on the Middle East is to be held in Russia. Its results will surely be helpful for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Russia does not support any one party to the abovementioned conflict the way it did back in the Soviet times. It does not look for the right and the wrong. Russia wishes a permanent peace would be really brought about in the long-suffering Middle East land. The Middle East conflict has lasted over more than 60 years. A significant number of armed conflicts, including four big wars have broken out during this period. On the one hand, Israel, on the other – the adjacent Arab counties and Palestine, which has not gained its sovereignty yet, are parties to this conflict. The author of the article is trying to find out the causes of the Middle East conflict and considering possible ways of its settlement. A number of efforts has been taken recently to settle the Middle East problem. The Russian Federation as a cosponsor of the Middle East Settlement makes its contribution to this noble cause. It is planned to hold an international conference in Moscow in the near future. Hopefully its results will help the conflicting parties and the international community to bring forward the time for a final settlement of the Middle East conflict.


blizhnevostochnoe uregulirovanie, arabskie strany, Palestina, mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya v Moskve

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