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Дашков Г.В. Проблемы организации и проведения научных исследований и разработок в области борьбы с преступлениями коррупционной направленности

Аннотация: The problem of combating corruption has been always there. Knowing quantitative and qualitative features of corruption and revealing reasons and conditions of corruption crime that are especially relevant today development of effective measures of deterring such crime is barely possible without conducting scientific research and developments related specifically to criminological evaluation of economic and other consequences of this social hazard. As far as research methodology is concerned it is less labor-consuming but otherwise more difficult, due political, departmental and other reasons to address the problem of rating bribery, analysis of corruption specifics within particular areas of organizational, economic, educational, law-enforcement and managerial activities. Development and implementation of various means of combating corruption crime is barely feasible without objective scientific evaluation of the socalled positive aspects of corrupt conduct. Of course it is unthinkable to consider corruption as a public good. However, since this phenomenon actually exists it is necessary to assess it in quantitative and qualitative terms from criminological point of view, determine its reasons, and develop means of opposing it. Comparative analysis of conditions, structure and dynamics of corruption crime worldwide shows that unlike Russian Federation many other nations that quite recently were known for high levels of domestic corruption crime, have lately embarked on a steady positive trend of dealing with this sort of crime. Russian Federation tends to draw on experience of these countries albeit in a random, irregular way. Russian researches that are dedicated to combating crime abroad mainly comment on respective regulations which from our Russian point of view seem to be by far not adequate. Lawmaking and law-enforcement practices in all ages and countries have shown that given multiple ways and means of deterring bribery, there is no better remedy for this disease other than harsh penal punishment of the guilty ones.

Ключевые слова:

коррупция, борьба, взяточничество, причина, противодействие

Abstract: The problem of combating corruption has been always there. Knowing quantitative and qualitative features of corruption and revealing reasons and conditions of corruption crime that are especially relevant today development of effective measures of deterring such crime is barely possible without conducting scientific research and developments related specifically to criminological evaluation of economic and other consequences of this social hazard. As far as research methodology is concerned it is less labor-consuming but otherwise more difficult, due political, departmental and other reasons to address the problem of rating bribery, analysis of corruption specifics within particular areas of organizational, economic, educational, law-enforcement and managerial activities. Development and implementation of various means of combating corruption crime is barely feasible without objective scientific evaluation of the socalled positive aspects of corrupt conduct. Of course it is unthinkable to consider corruption as a public good. However, since this phenomenon actually exists it is necessary to assess it in quantitative and qualitative terms from criminological point of view, determine its reasons, and develop means of opposing it. Comparative analysis of conditions, structure and dynamics of corruption crime worldwide shows that unlike Russian Federation many other nations that quite recently were known for high levels of domestic corruption crime, have lately embarked on a steady positive trend of dealing with this sort of crime. Russian Federation tends to draw on experience of these countries albeit in a random, irregular way. Russian researches that are dedicated to combating crime abroad mainly comment on respective regulations which from our Russian point of view seem to be by far not adequate. Lawmaking and law-enforcement practices in all ages and countries have shown that given multiple ways and means of deterring bribery, there is no better remedy for this disease other than harsh penal punishment of the guilty ones.


korruptsiya, vzyatochnichestvo, prichina, protivodeistvie

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