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Калашников А.В. Современное договорное право Великобритании и влияние на него судебных решений Альфреда Деннинга

Аннотация: English judge Denning (1899–1999) is one of the prominent lawyers who has made changes into contract law. His analysis of complicated situations became the basis for future judicial awards. This article focuses on the leading cases of the judge in the sphere of contract law, i.e. contract formation, breach of contract and disclaimer. A distinctive feature of the judge was that he preferred to construing rather than following laws strictly. He became especially known after challenging the stare decisis doctrine under which prior court decisions must be recognized as precedents. Denning made a significant contribution into the development of concepts estoppel and promissory estoppel. The ideas of the English judge are still topical and some of them are being developed in the current EU laws.

Ключевые слова:

Деннинг, договорное право Великобритании, прецедент, дела о заключении договора, дела о неисполнении договорных обязательств, дела, касающиеся оговорки об освобождении от ответственности

Abstract: English judge Denning (1899–1999) is one of the prominent lawyers who has made changes into contract law. His analysis of complicated situations became the basis for future judicial awards. This article focuses on the leading cases of the judge in the sphere of contract law, i.e. contract formation, breach of contract and disclaimer. A distinctive feature of the judge was that he preferred to construing rather than following laws strictly. He became especially known after challenging the stare decisis doctrine under which prior court decisions must be recognized as precedents. Denning made a significant contribution into the development of concepts estoppel and promissory estoppel. The ideas of the English judge are still topical and some of them are being developed in the current EU laws.


Denning, dogovornoe pravo Velikobritanii, pretsedent, dela o zaklyuchenii dogovora, dela, kasayushchiesya ogovorki ob osvobozhdenii ot otvetstvennosti

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