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Дорошенко Е.Н., Таева Н.Е. Конференция, посвященная 15-летию Конституции Российской Федерации

Аннотация: On 3 December, 2008 on the Day of Men of Law, the International Conference devoted to the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation was held in Moscow State Law Academy. Plenary reports of the prominent scholars participating in the Conference were published in the magazine: Ye.I. Kozlova. Substantiation of New Concepts of the Russian Constitution in Legal Theory N.S. Bondar. Judicial Constitutionalism: Problem Definition in the Context of the Role of the Constitutional Court in Approval of the “Live” Russian Constitutionalism G.N. Komkova. Constitutional Principles of Relations between the Power and an Individual: Implementation in the Present Day Russia A.N. Kokotov. On the Conception of “Law” in the Constitution of the Russian Federation V.I. Fadeyev. The Main Challenges of Implementation of the Constitutional Model of Local Government at the Present Stage

Abstract: On 3 December, 2008 on the Day of Men of Law, the International Conference devoted to the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation was held in Moscow State Law Academy. Plenary reports of the prominent scholars participating in the Conference were published in the magazine: Ye.I. Kozlova. Substantiation of New Concepts of the Russian Constitution in Legal Theory N.S. Bondar. Judicial Constitutionalism: Problem Definition in the Context of the Role of the Constitutional Court in Approval of the “Live” Russian Constitutionalism G.N. Komkova. Constitutional Principles of Relations between the Power and an Individual: Implementation in the Present Day Russia A.N. Kokotov. On the Conception of “Law” in the Constitution of the Russian Federation V.I. Fadeyev. The Main Challenges of Implementation of the Constitutional Model of Local Government at the Present Stage

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