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Шестак В.А. Состояние научного обеспечения предупреждения преступности в Вооруженных Силах Российской Федерации

Аннотация: At creation of the general theory of judicial examination it was considered two factors, concerning private theories of sorts of judicial examinations. First of them? The account of presence of already generated theories of such sorts (classes) as criminalistics also it is judicial-medical. The second factor is creation of new private theories of sorts of judicial examinations, including theories is judicial-autotechnical expert appraisal. Private theories can be various on volume and an orientation of knowledge formulated in them. They can define ways of a concrete definition of positions of the general theory of judicial examination. Private theories are created at the certain stage of development of each sort of examination. Legitimacy and a methodological admissibility of creation of private theories of judicial examinations admits works under the general theory of judicial examination. Now there are all bases for creation of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal and its methodology from a position knows a science and the specific laws defining development of judicial examinations. The scientific and empirical material which has been saved up by manufacture of judicial autotechnical expert appraisals, allows to finish process of preparation of its theory at the present stage. The theory of a sort of judicial examination is not equal on the volume of all scientific area, относимой to a sort of examination though is a conceptual kernel of this scientific area. Into structure of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal enter: 1. Methodological bases of the theory; 2. A subject, object and problems; 3. Methods and techniques in structure of judicial-autotechnical expert activity; 4. Subjects of expert activity. Any science is wider, than volume of its basic theory. The hypothesis in exact conformity with positions of a science meets the requirements, reflecting its objective character, and allows it to turn to the theory. These requirements the following: intelligence, consistency, check, acknowledgement, opportunity of transfer of the information, adaptedness. One of stages of creation of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal is classification and specification of language of the theory. The closing stages of formation of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal should be the analysis and synthesis of everything which are a subject processing of a material, formation of results with use of methods of abstraction and formalization. Paying attention to ordering of a knowledge available in the field of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal, it is necessary to add the theory with a directing and supervising role during the subsequent scientific research. Methodological value of the scientific theory and law of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal are shown that the theory becomes simultaneously and a specific method of research.

Abstract: At creation of the general theory of judicial examination it was considered two factors, concerning private theories of sorts of judicial examinations. First of them? The account of presence of already generated theories of such sorts (classes) as criminalistics also it is judicial-medical. The second factor is creation of new private theories of sorts of judicial examinations, including theories is judicial-autotechnical expert appraisal. Private theories can be various on volume and an orientation of knowledge formulated in them. They can define ways of a concrete definition of positions of the general theory of judicial examination. Private theories are created at the certain stage of development of each sort of examination. Legitimacy and a methodological admissibility of creation of private theories of judicial examinations admits works under the general theory of judicial examination. Now there are all bases for creation of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal and its methodology from a position knows a science and the specific laws defining development of judicial examinations. The scientific and empirical material which has been saved up by manufacture of judicial autotechnical expert appraisals, allows to finish process of preparation of its theory at the present stage. The theory of a sort of judicial examination is not equal on the volume of all scientific area, относимой to a sort of examination though is a conceptual kernel of this scientific area. Into structure of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal enter: 1. Methodological bases of the theory; 2. A subject, object and problems; 3. Methods and techniques in structure of judicial-autotechnical expert activity; 4. Subjects of expert activity. Any science is wider, than volume of its basic theory. The hypothesis in exact conformity with positions of a science meets the requirements, reflecting its objective character, and allows it to turn to the theory. These requirements the following: intelligence, consistency, check, acknowledgement, opportunity of transfer of the information, adaptedness. One of stages of creation of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal is classification and specification of language of the theory. The closing stages of formation of the theory of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal should be the analysis and synthesis of everything which are a subject processing of a material, formation of results with use of methods of abstraction and formalization. Paying attention to ordering of a knowledge available in the field of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal, it is necessary to add the theory with a directing and supervising role during the subsequent scientific research. Methodological value of the scientific theory and law of judicial autotechnical expert appraisal are shown that the theory becomes simultaneously and a specific method of research.

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