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Матвеев С.В. Процесс формирования показаний несовершеннолетних в уголовном судопроизводстве

Аннотация: Due to condition evaluation and development of criminological delinquency control theory and military criminological aspects of delinquency prevention, it became possible to evaluate their criminological strain. Delinquency prevention in the army as anticriminogenic activity of the military command needs to be examined, summarized, its organization needs improvement and better effectiveness, including help of scientific support. Criminological review of legal groundwork on delinquency prevention in Military Forces has been done for the first time. Study of criminological aspects of this activity is based on recognition of specific characteristics of criminogenic delinquency factors, its reasons and conditions, and individual characteristics of an offender in the Army. Legal groundwork of delinquency prevention carries a special nature as well, which determines the necessity of its studies to establish recommendations for its rational organization. The problem of study of delinquency prevention in Military Forces as a whole phenomenon has been brought out for the first time; until now the delinquency of service members was the only subject of scientific study. At the same time, the Military Forces have good conditions for organization and conduct of such work as they represent a relatively closed community that functions at one legal ground and has one material and technical foundation, one operating order and one goal. All of this helps to summarize condition and dynamics of delinquency and discover most typical factors that lead to crime commitment of service members and develop general preventive measures for the whole Military Forces. The subject of this study is collection of events, mechanisms and consistent patterns that form legal ground for delinquency prevention in the army. Delinquency prevention subjects shall be military command bodies consisting of proper commanders, officers and staff of military justice department including departments of legal service in the army, military courts, military prosecution office, military investigating authority and security authority in the army. General purpose of army delinquency prevention as socialcriminological field of the military administration and military justice on the basis of the acting law and practice requirements are protection of rights of servicemen, protection against lawless infringement of military legal order; implementation of law observation and military administration acts by all servicemen; juridical education and education of servicemen to keep the law and military administration acts strictly; development of conditions for prevention of all types of delinquency, correction and correctional education of servicemen who committed wrong acts or crimes.

Abstract: Due to condition evaluation and development of criminological delinquency control theory and military criminological aspects of delinquency prevention, it became possible to evaluate their criminological strain. Delinquency prevention in the army as anticriminogenic activity of the military command needs to be examined, summarized, its organization needs improvement and better effectiveness, including help of scientific support. Criminological review of legal groundwork on delinquency prevention in Military Forces has been done for the first time. Study of criminological aspects of this activity is based on recognition of specific characteristics of criminogenic delinquency factors, its reasons and conditions, and individual characteristics of an offender in the Army. Legal groundwork of delinquency prevention carries a special nature as well, which determines the necessity of its studies to establish recommendations for its rational organization. The problem of study of delinquency prevention in Military Forces as a whole phenomenon has been brought out for the first time; until now the delinquency of service members was the only subject of scientific study. At the same time, the Military Forces have good conditions for organization and conduct of such work as they represent a relatively closed community that functions at one legal ground and has one material and technical foundation, one operating order and one goal. All of this helps to summarize condition and dynamics of delinquency and discover most typical factors that lead to crime commitment of service members and develop general preventive measures for the whole Military Forces. The subject of this study is collection of events, mechanisms and consistent patterns that form legal ground for delinquency prevention in the army. Delinquency prevention subjects shall be military command bodies consisting of proper commanders, officers and staff of military justice department including departments of legal service in the army, military courts, military prosecution office, military investigating authority and security authority in the army. General purpose of army delinquency prevention as socialcriminological field of the military administration and military justice on the basis of the acting law and practice requirements are protection of rights of servicemen, protection against lawless infringement of military legal order; implementation of law observation and military administration acts by all servicemen; juridical education and education of servicemen to keep the law and military administration acts strictly; development of conditions for prevention of all types of delinquency, correction and correctional education of servicemen who committed wrong acts or crimes.

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