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Агапов А.Б. Публичный статус некоммерческих организаций

Аннотация: The paper has studied a problem of efficiency of legal regulation of management in a system of bankruptcy. In the paper given problem has been considered from the point of view of complex approach to research of efficiency of legal regulation of social management, assumes detection of a set of criterions permitting to define parameters of efficiency (degree of efficiency of control action in a certain orbit of the public relations (in particular, in a system of bankruptcy). It is concern: efficiency of organization and operation of object of management, reaching of the purposes and problems of the controlled subsystem, orientation to obtaining of common social efficiency (satisfaction of needs and realization of interests of a society, social groups and the individuals stipulated by conventional principles and norms of international law and national constitutional principles), calculation general requirements to management (achievement of the best result, stability, efficiency, flexibility, continuity), ordering of an organizational structure of management(control), optimum distribution of functions among the subjects of management(control) and allotment with their appropriate legal means. The construction of model of management with allowance for of indicated factors sets vector to legal regulation, which, in turn, due to internal properties of the right should provide an optimum combination of methods and ways of legal regulation, stimulating, limiting and other legal means, to accelerate an operation of the norms of the right, to conform the requirements of legal technique. The efficiency of the working model of management in a system of bankruptcy is evaluated by the author, first of all, through the social and economic results reached by object of management, expressed in quantitative and qualitative indicators. The statistics of quantity of the extinguished requirements of creditors in actions of proceeding about bankruptcy (result of achievement of the basic purpose of bankruptcy), allows to speak about low efficiency of legal regulation of management in a system of bankruptcy. The author offers a complex of measures on perfection of a legal mechanism of management in system of bankruptcy on the basis of the analysis of action of the general principles of management, analysis of information communications and streams inside of a control system of bankruptcy, an optimality of organizational and functional structure of management.

Abstract: The paper has studied a problem of efficiency of legal regulation of management in a system of bankruptcy. In the paper given problem has been considered from the point of view of complex approach to research of efficiency of legal regulation of social management, assumes detection of a set of criterions permitting to define parameters of efficiency (degree of efficiency of control action in a certain orbit of the public relations (in particular, in a system of bankruptcy). It is concern: efficiency of organization and operation of object of management, reaching of the purposes and problems of the controlled subsystem, orientation to obtaining of common social efficiency (satisfaction of needs and realization of interests of a society, social groups and the individuals stipulated by conventional principles and norms of international law and national constitutional principles), calculation general requirements to management (achievement of the best result, stability, efficiency, flexibility, continuity), ordering of an organizational structure of management(control), optimum distribution of functions among the subjects of management(control) and allotment with their appropriate legal means. The construction of model of management with allowance for of indicated factors sets vector to legal regulation, which, in turn, due to internal properties of the right should provide an optimum combination of methods and ways of legal regulation, stimulating, limiting and other legal means, to accelerate an operation of the norms of the right, to conform the requirements of legal technique. The efficiency of the working model of management in a system of bankruptcy is evaluated by the author, first of all, through the social and economic results reached by object of management, expressed in quantitative and qualitative indicators. The statistics of quantity of the extinguished requirements of creditors in actions of proceeding about bankruptcy (result of achievement of the basic purpose of bankruptcy), allows to speak about low efficiency of legal regulation of management in a system of bankruptcy. The author offers a complex of measures on perfection of a legal mechanism of management in system of bankruptcy on the basis of the analysis of action of the general principles of management, analysis of information communications and streams inside of a control system of bankruptcy, an optimality of organizational and functional structure of management.

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