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Фокина Н.И. Социальная ответственность: некоторые аспекты философского анализа

Аннотация: Author defends the thesis that in the modern democratic civil society the law is called upon above all to contribute to the harmonization of the public interests, and not to overcome possible conflicts and contradictions that have arisen as a result of their opposition. In this sense, the study of the public opinion on the problems, related to the application and improvement of laws, is examined as a prerequisite for the overcoming of possible social conflicts of interests in their very bud. The modern public practice unambiguously testifies that is one of the most productive branches in the development of the applied social; scientific researches.

Abstract: Author defends the thesis that in the modern democratic civil society the law is called upon above all to contribute to the harmonization of the public interests, and not to overcome possible conflicts and contradictions that have arisen as a result of their opposition. In this sense, the study of the public opinion on the problems, related to the application and improvement of laws, is examined as a prerequisite for the overcoming of possible social conflicts of interests in their very bud. The modern public practice unambiguously testifies that is one of the most productive branches in the development of the applied social; scientific researches.

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