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Микрюков В.А. О конкуренции правомочий собственника и управляющего в отношениях доверительного управления имуществом

Аннотация: The article deals with the influence of globalization on international crimes. The author compares statistics of several kinds of crimes, such as illegal drug traffic in developed and developing countries. The author creates his own classification of kinds of international criminality: 1) financial crimes; 2) city crimes; 3) human trafficking; 4) juvenile delinquency; 5) sexual crimes; 6) insanity crimes; 7) female crimes; 8) drug crimes. The author affirms that it is necessary to use qualitative comparative measures, such as “the price of crime” and “factor of criminality.” The price of crime consists of damages from the crime to the society, court taxes and costs for housing of criminals. The author says ironically that the society can afford itself only the crimes, which it could pay for. In conclusion the article deals with characteristics and special features of crimes during the globalization process.

Ключевые слова:

доверительное управление, конкуренция правомочий, вещное обременение, свойство следования, самостоятельное распоряжение, квазиограничение

Abstract: The article deals with the influence of globalization on international crimes. The author compares statistics of several kinds of crimes, such as illegal drug traffic in developed and developing countries. The author creates his own classification of kinds of international criminality: 1) financial crimes; 2) city crimes; 3) human trafficking; 4) juvenile delinquency; 5) sexual crimes; 6) insanity crimes; 7) female crimes; 8) drug crimes. The author affirms that it is necessary to use qualitative comparative measures, such as “the price of crime” and “factor of criminality.” The price of crime consists of damages from the crime to the society, court taxes and costs for housing of criminals. The author says ironically that the society can afford itself only the crimes, which it could pay for. In conclusion the article deals with characteristics and special features of crimes during the globalization process.


konkurentsiya pravomochii, veshchnoe obremenenie, svoistvo sledovaniya, kvaziogranichenie

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