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Азми Д.М. Формы выражения права: понятие, виды, системное значение

Аннотация: The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law. Laws of Russia confide to Constitution of Russia, federal constitutional law, federal law and law of subject of Russian Federation. The executive power in Russia shall be exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairmans the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministries. On the basis and for the sake of implementation of the Government of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, normative decrees of the President of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation shall issue decision and orders and ensures their implementation. The decision and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation shall be obligatory for fulfillment in the Russian Federation. The decision and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, if they inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law and the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, may be cancelled by the President of the Russian Federation. Federal bodies of executive power may to issue of federal administrative act. Administrative law is one of the most important branches of law in the Russian Federation. Rules of this branch govern the majority of legal public relation, developed equally in the sphere of system and structure of state bodies’ organization and in the sphere of their legal public activity. The subject of administrative law is public relation, which occur, are modified and ceased during realization of the executive power, public administration and other non- administrative by-laws regulatory authoritative power. Rules of administrative law are so numerous and subject of their legal regulation is so broad that it is appeared crucial to state unique definitions – legal concepts, on which this branch of law theory is based. Administrative legislation is uncodified to utmost extent. Currently there exist a large number of non-interrelated rules of the administrative laws that are contained in different sources adopted by the authorities of different levels. Interaction and coordination on these rules are not regulated, often resulting in contradicting and duplicating. For the purpose of implementation of the principle of democratism it would be expedient to separate the whole group of the rules regulating the administrative legal status of citizens as an independent section and to issue a unified codified act covering these matters.

Ключевые слова:

формы права, источники права, правовая система, правовая норма

Abstract: The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law. Laws of Russia confide to Constitution of Russia, federal constitutional law, federal law and law of subject of Russian Federation. The executive power in Russia shall be exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairmans the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministries. On the basis and for the sake of implementation of the Government of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, normative decrees of the President of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation shall issue decision and orders and ensures their implementation. The decision and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation shall be obligatory for fulfillment in the Russian Federation. The decision and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, if they inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law and the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, may be cancelled by the President of the Russian Federation. Federal bodies of executive power may to issue of federal administrative act. Administrative law is one of the most important branches of law in the Russian Federation. Rules of this branch govern the majority of legal public relation, developed equally in the sphere of system and structure of state bodies’ organization and in the sphere of their legal public activity. The subject of administrative law is public relation, which occur, are modified and ceased during realization of the executive power, public administration and other non- administrative by-laws regulatory authoritative power. Rules of administrative law are so numerous and subject of their legal regulation is so broad that it is appeared crucial to state unique definitions – legal concepts, on which this branch of law theory is based. Administrative legislation is uncodified to utmost extent. Currently there exist a large number of non-interrelated rules of the administrative laws that are contained in different sources adopted by the authorities of different levels. Interaction and coordination on these rules are not regulated, often resulting in contradicting and duplicating. For the purpose of implementation of the principle of democratism it would be expedient to separate the whole group of the rules regulating the administrative legal status of citizens as an independent section and to issue a unified codified act covering these matters.


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