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Чучаев А.И. Пётр Ершов: юрист, поэт-сказочник… Плагиатор?

Аннотация: The article is devoted to Pyotr Ershov, an author of the fairy tale “Konyok- Gorbunok” (“The Humpbacked Horse”). This fairy tale is estimated also as political satire, religious story, etc. But sometimes there are doubts about its authorship. There are at least 10 versions of its origin. The author tries to study to versions of authorship of the fairy tale, namely, by Alexander Pushkin and by composer Nicolay Devitte.

Ключевые слова:

Пётр Ершов, сказка «Конёк-Горбунок», авторство сказки, Пушкин, Девитте

Abstract: The article is devoted to Pyotr Ershov, an author of the fairy tale “Konyok- Gorbunok” (“The Humpbacked Horse”). This fairy tale is estimated also as political satire, religious story, etc. But sometimes there are doubts about its authorship. There are at least 10 versions of its origin. The author tries to study to versions of authorship of the fairy tale, namely, by Alexander Pushkin and by composer Nicolay Devitte.


Petr Ershov, skazka «Konek-Gorbunok», avtorstvo skazki, Pushkin, Devitte

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