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Правильная ссылка на статью:

Федосеева Г.Ю., Даньков А.А. Алиментные обязательства в России: исторические, правотворческие и правоприменительные аспекты

Аннотация: The authors try to analyze the current state of theory, legislation and case law in respect to the alimental duties in Russia. They reveal the defects of the legislation and enforcement practice; discuss the possible means to improving of the contemporary courts’ proceedings in this sphere.

Ключевые слова:

семейное право, алиментные обязательства, исполнительное производство, гражданский процесс

Abstract: The authors try to analyze the current state of theory, legislation and case law in respect to the alimental duties in Russia. They reveal the defects of the legislation and enforcement practice; discuss the possible means to improving of the contemporary courts’ proceedings in this sphere.


semeinoe pravo, grazhdanskii protsess

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