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Иванов А.П. Трудный путь к взаимопониманию и примирению (из истории иностранных компенсационных выплат российским гражданам – жертвам нацистского режима)

Аннотация: The author states in his article on the basis of Russian und foreign sources the history of the German and Austrian compensating payments to the Russian citizens-victims of the Nazi regime. A short review of the previous events is given: the mass forced deportation of civil citizens in the occupied soviet territory and soviet prisoners of war to the Fascist Germany and their enlisting to forced slave labour; the repatriation of this people after the war to the home country, where they were badly discriminated; the stubborn unwillingness of Germany and Austria for a long time to recognize the problem of compensation and the true reasons which made them to take a decision abort the compensating payments. An considerable part in the article is given to the analysis of the Russian and foreign basic documents for the compensating payments, in particular for the Acts about the establishment of a German Fund “Memory, Responsibility and Future” and of an Austrian Fund: “Reconciliation, Freedom and Collaboration” as well as of the practical activities of the Russian Fund “Mutial Understanding and Reconciliation” concerning the conducting of the compensating payments and the realization of international humanitarian programs for the victims of the Nazi regime in Russia. The German and Austrian payments were not a real compensation for all the privations und sufferings, for material and mental demage to the victims of the Nazi regime, the article says. At the very beginning from the compensation were excluded many categories of victims: soviet prisoners of war, who suffered most of all suffers from the war, the persons, who were replaced inside the occupied soviet territory and many others. Nevertheless the payments were one of the most remarkable events in the political relationship of Russia with Germany and Austria in the last century and nowdays. They permitted many hundred thausends suffers from the Nazi regime to get a financial and moral help, which they so much needed. An the some time these payments demonstrate the recognision of injustice of the Nazi system, flagrant violation of human rights and human dignity. The article is intended for historians und lawers, for those who are intresting in the history of the World War II and the afterwarperiod as well as for the people, whom the article is devoted to: for the living victims of the Nazi regime.

Ключевые слова:

жертвы нацизма, компенсационные выплаты, Российский фонд взаимопонимания и примирения, немецкий Фонд «Память, ответственность и будущее, австрийский Фонд «Примирение, мир и сотрудничество»

Abstract: The author states in his article on the basis of Russian und foreign sources the history of the German and Austrian compensating payments to the Russian citizens-victims of the Nazi regime. A short review of the previous events is given: the mass forced deportation of civil citizens in the occupied soviet territory and soviet prisoners of war to the Fascist Germany and their enlisting to forced slave labour; the repatriation of this people after the war to the home country, where they were badly discriminated; the stubborn unwillingness of Germany and Austria for a long time to recognize the problem of compensation and the true reasons which made them to take a decision abort the compensating payments. An considerable part in the article is given to the analysis of the Russian and foreign basic documents for the compensating payments, in particular for the Acts about the establishment of a German Fund “Memory, Responsibility and Future” and of an Austrian Fund: “Reconciliation, Freedom and Collaboration” as well as of the practical activities of the Russian Fund “Mutial Understanding and Reconciliation” concerning the conducting of the compensating payments and the realization of international humanitarian programs for the victims of the Nazi regime in Russia. The German and Austrian payments were not a real compensation for all the privations und sufferings, for material and mental demage to the victims of the Nazi regime, the article says. At the very beginning from the compensation were excluded many categories of victims: soviet prisoners of war, who suffered most of all suffers from the war, the persons, who were replaced inside the occupied soviet territory and many others. Nevertheless the payments were one of the most remarkable events in the political relationship of Russia with Germany and Austria in the last century and nowdays. They permitted many hundred thausends suffers from the Nazi regime to get a financial and moral help, which they so much needed. An the some time these payments demonstrate the recognision of injustice of the Nazi system, flagrant violation of human rights and human dignity. The article is intended for historians und lawers, for those who are intresting in the history of the World War II and the afterwarperiod as well as for the people, whom the article is devoted to: for the living victims of the Nazi regime.


zhertvy natsizma, kompensatsionnye vyplaty, Rossiiskii fond vzaimoponimaniya i primireniya, avstriiskii Fond «Primirenie, mir i sotrudnichestvo»

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