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Поликарпова Е.В. Программа реформ в идеологии раннего народничества

Аннотация: The author gives the definition of the term “populism” in the present article and studies main ideas of this phenomenon, using points of view of populism founders – A.I. Herzen, N.P. Ogarev, N.G. Chernyshevsky, whose conclusions being either very close either complementing each other composed the whole system of standpoints and general program of state remodeling. The author investigates populism origin at different stages of historical development beginning from populism that emerged at the turn of 1850–60s, during the period of preparation and realization of the peasant reform. The author pays special attention to the consideration of the idea of the populism founders’ concern to envisage a peasant as a firm rural master, an active participant of economic and politics. We may call the populists the ideologists of “green revolution” in Russia who more than seventy years had successfully and purposively been protecting peasantry’s interests connecting with them their expectations to overcome “vicissitudes in our agriculture.” Hereafter the author describes the situation from the end of 1850s, when the populists was fighting against “feudal system” i.e. first against serfdom, and later against half-serf lawlessness that remained in the Russian village after 1861. The author pays attention to the priorities of the populism founders that are the following: task of remodeling of state structure, form of government and political regime and related questions referring to constitutional and municipal right, constitutional ideas of which were developing in the tideway of the most significant political achievements of XIX century. The author points out in the article that the critical target of the populism was a democratic legal community with socially oriented market economy. According to the points of view of the populism founders, realization of that target may open the gate for a higher stage of social development that got the title of “socialism” in XIX. A.I. Herzen and N.G. Chernyshevsky were among thinkers of XIX century who began convergence of liberal and socialist ideas as they saw in socialism not a destructor but an inheritor of liberal values – a natural addition of freedom ideas by the ideas of social justice. Besides, the author points to the occurrence of conditions of free, objective analysis of populism “inheritance” at the present time.

Ключевые слова:

народничество, земельная реформа, крестьянство, аграрное законодательство

Abstract: The author gives the definition of the term “populism” in the present article and studies main ideas of this phenomenon, using points of view of populism founders – A.I. Herzen, N.P. Ogarev, N.G. Chernyshevsky, whose conclusions being either very close either complementing each other composed the whole system of standpoints and general program of state remodeling. The author investigates populism origin at different stages of historical development beginning from populism that emerged at the turn of 1850–60s, during the period of preparation and realization of the peasant reform. The author pays special attention to the consideration of the idea of the populism founders’ concern to envisage a peasant as a firm rural master, an active participant of economic and politics. We may call the populists the ideologists of “green revolution” in Russia who more than seventy years had successfully and purposively been protecting peasantry’s interests connecting with them their expectations to overcome “vicissitudes in our agriculture.” Hereafter the author describes the situation from the end of 1850s, when the populists was fighting against “feudal system” i.e. first against serfdom, and later against half-serf lawlessness that remained in the Russian village after 1861. The author pays attention to the priorities of the populism founders that are the following: task of remodeling of state structure, form of government and political regime and related questions referring to constitutional and municipal right, constitutional ideas of which were developing in the tideway of the most significant political achievements of XIX century. The author points out in the article that the critical target of the populism was a democratic legal community with socially oriented market economy. According to the points of view of the populism founders, realization of that target may open the gate for a higher stage of social development that got the title of “socialism” in XIX. A.I. Herzen and N.G. Chernyshevsky were among thinkers of XIX century who began convergence of liberal and socialist ideas as they saw in socialism not a destructor but an inheritor of liberal values – a natural addition of freedom ideas by the ideas of social justice. Besides, the author points to the occurrence of conditions of free, objective analysis of populism “inheritance” at the present time.



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