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Сокольская Л.В. Социумоцентризм как генеральное свойство права

Аннотация: The author of the article formulates a conclusion that picture of culture as opens perspective possibilities the integrated system and in research of legal reality. A right appears as a structural element of the single organized integrity, as element of common to all mankind culture. Exactly culture as steady and natural integrity will transform destructive inclinations of social contradictions in creative one, as only a culture possesses the strongest negetropiya characteristics. Right as sociocultur phenomenon to aim to organize the frame of society, eliminate any contradictions between separate its structural elements. It presents a certain stable mechanism in which each of its parts instantly reacts on changes in other part and in the system on the whole. Withholding of integrity of balanced, relative cociume of different scale and level (family, enterprise, public association, state), providing of their survival, functioning, and evolutions are general characteristic right as to one of forms of human culture. It is native characteristic right we suggest to name cociuocentrizm right. The idea of cociuocentrizm of right must become foundation of the culture going near a right. Sociumocentrizm right reveals to him dignities of prominent integrator of life of society. Due to it a sociuocentrizm right is formed by foundation of human culture; life of culture, its various forms in space and in time flows in socium, organized and saved a right. A right brings in in life of society good organization and order due to connection in him of specific lines (generality, normativeness, obligatoryness, formal definiteness) combination of which is not present in other phenomena of culture. A role is right as the phenomena of culture consists of providing of inheritance of social forms of vital functions, stability, relative duration of existence of concrete class associations, each of which is link of historical process. A right is the unique form of culture which originally, essence, to the functions of on withholding of integrity of the concretely-historical systems at inviolability of their cash constants. A right guards the general conditions of life of society, but only to the that historical moment, when a threat interests is: dominating class. A right guards interests of dominating class, but only to the that historical moment, when a threat the general conditions of life of human association is. Such is dialectics right. In the process of historical development of civilization sociuocentrizm potential of right will increase and space will attain necessarily, metasociuocentrizm level of the development.

Ключевые слова:

социумоцентризм, социальная система, культура, позитивное право, метаправо

Abstract: The author of the article formulates a conclusion that picture of culture as opens perspective possibilities the integrated system and in research of legal reality. A right appears as a structural element of the single organized integrity, as element of common to all mankind culture. Exactly culture as steady and natural integrity will transform destructive inclinations of social contradictions in creative one, as only a culture possesses the strongest negetropiya characteristics. Right as sociocultur phenomenon to aim to organize the frame of society, eliminate any contradictions between separate its structural elements. It presents a certain stable mechanism in which each of its parts instantly reacts on changes in other part and in the system on the whole. Withholding of integrity of balanced, relative cociume of different scale and level (family, enterprise, public association, state), providing of their survival, functioning, and evolutions are general characteristic right as to one of forms of human culture. It is native characteristic right we suggest to name cociuocentrizm right. The idea of cociuocentrizm of right must become foundation of the culture going near a right. Sociumocentrizm right reveals to him dignities of prominent integrator of life of society. Due to it a sociuocentrizm right is formed by foundation of human culture; life of culture, its various forms in space and in time flows in socium, organized and saved a right. A right brings in in life of society good organization and order due to connection in him of specific lines (generality, normativeness, obligatoryness, formal definiteness) combination of which is not present in other phenomena of culture. A role is right as the phenomena of culture consists of providing of inheritance of social forms of vital functions, stability, relative duration of existence of concrete class associations, each of which is link of historical process. A right is the unique form of culture which originally, essence, to the functions of on withholding of integrity of the concretely-historical systems at inviolability of their cash constants. A right guards the general conditions of life of society, but only to the that historical moment, when a threat interests is: dominating class. A right guards interests of dominating class, but only to the that historical moment, when a threat the general conditions of life of human association is. Such is dialectics right. In the process of historical development of civilization sociuocentrizm potential of right will increase and space will attain necessarily, metasociuocentrizm level of the development.


sotsiumotsentrizm, pozitivnoe pravo, metapravo

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