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Ничипоренко Т.Ю.
Непосредственность исследования показаний обвиняемого: история и современность
2010. № 3.
С. 621-648.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59662
Ничипоренко Т.Ю. Непосредственность исследования показаний обвиняемого: история и современностьАннотация: The article is devoted to such traditional method of the mediated examination of testimonies of the accused as reading of its testimonies given by him in pre-trial stage. In the article the history of this question and its modern regulation in Criminal Procedure Code of Russian Federation is analyzed. Today as well as earlier reading of accused’s testimonies given by him in pre-trial stage is considered as an exception of the rule and it is supposed only in cases designated by the law. Also it is noticed that the modern reduced procedural forms are deviation from the principle of direct research of proofs. Ключевые слова: допрос, исследование, непосредственность, обвиняемый, оглашение, показанияAbstract: The article is devoted to such traditional method of the mediated examination of testimonies of the accused as reading of its testimonies given by him in pre-trial stage. In the article the history of this question and its modern regulation in Criminal Procedure Code of Russian Federation is analyzed. Today as well as earlier reading of accused’s testimonies given by him in pre-trial stage is considered as an exception of the rule and it is supposed only in cases designated by the law. Also it is noticed that the modern reduced procedural forms are deviation from the principle of direct research of proofs. Keywords: dopros, issledovanie, obvinyaemyi, oglashenie, pokazaniya
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