Правильная ссылка на статью:
Ковлер А.И.
Презумпция свободы
2010. № 3.
С. 513-518.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59652
Ковлер А.И. Презумпция свободы
The article is devoted to practice of the European Court of Human
Rights concerning pre-trial taking into custody. The author notices that the Russian courts too often apply the given measure, not always considering this practice.
In the article it is offered to approach to a choice of this measure more cautiously.
Ключевые слова:
Конвенция о защите прав человека и основных свобод, Европейский Суд по правам человека, суд присяжных, право на справедливое судебной разбирательство, меры пресечения, заключение под стражу до суда
Abstract: The article is devoted to practice of the European Court of Human
Rights concerning pre-trial taking into custody. The author notices that the Russian courts too often apply the given measure, not always considering this practice.
In the article it is offered to approach to a choice of this measure more cautiously.
Keywords: Konventsiya o zashchite prav cheloveka i osnovnykh svobod, Evropeiskii Sud po pravam cheloveka, sud prisyazhnykh, mery presecheniya, zaklyuchenie pod strazhu do suda