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Гречаная И.В.
Сравнительный анализ особенностей судопроизводства в отношении несовершеннолетних в Российской Федерации и в некоторых странах СНГ
2010. № 3.
С. 465-473.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59649
Гречаная И.В. Сравнительный анализ особенностей судопроизводства в отношении несовершеннолетних в Российской Федерации и в некоторых странах СНГАннотация: In the article it is stated that the Russian legislation regulating criminal proceedings concerning minors, now in the majority is brought into accord with the international law in this sphere. For the purpose revealings of features of regulation of criminal proceedings against minors in other countries and possible use of experience of these countries at regulation of features of criminal proceedings against minors in Russia in the article are analyzed Codes of Criminal Procedure of some CIS states (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine). Ключевые слова: судопроизводство в отношении несовершеннолетних, законодательство стран СНГ, специализированные суды, меры пресеченияAbstract: In the article it is stated that the Russian legislation regulating criminal proceedings concerning minors, now in the majority is brought into accord with the international law in this sphere. For the purpose revealings of features of regulation of criminal proceedings against minors in other countries and possible use of experience of these countries at regulation of features of criminal proceedings against minors in Russia in the article are analyzed Codes of Criminal Procedure of some CIS states (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine). Keywords: sudoproizvodstvo v otnoshenii nesovershennoletnikh, spetsializirovannye sudy, mery presecheniya
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