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Бессарабов В.Г.
Преподавание курса «Прокурорский надзор» и развитие личности студента
2010. № 3.
С. 438-447.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59647
Бессарабов В.Г. Преподавание курса «Прокурорский надзор» и развитие личности студентаАннотация: This article is dedicated to the issues of organization of training legal professionals in legal specialty, particularly, in procedure and technique of education of prosecutors in the prosecutorial institutes established under the Decree No 787 of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1996. Accent is also made on formation and developing personal and individual qualities of lawyers related to law and order, respect and adherence to human rights and freedoms of persons and citizens provided by domestic and international legal instruments, intolerance to red-tape and corruption, formation of professional qualities, personal and collectivism attributes, which define its social basis. Ключевые слова: прокурорский надзор, преподавание юридических дисциплин, высшее юридическое образование, кадры прокуратурыAbstract: This article is dedicated to the issues of organization of training legal professionals in legal specialty, particularly, in procedure and technique of education of prosecutors in the prosecutorial institutes established under the Decree No 787 of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1996. Accent is also made on formation and developing personal and individual qualities of lawyers related to law and order, respect and adherence to human rights and freedoms of persons and citizens provided by domestic and international legal instruments, intolerance to red-tape and corruption, formation of professional qualities, personal and collectivism attributes, which define its social basis. Keywords: prokurorskii nadzor, prepodavanie yuridicheskikh distsiplin, vysshee yuridicheskoe obrazovanie, kadry prokuratury
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