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Скачков Н.Г. Тенденции страхования по классификации average all risks и пиратские нападения как одна из опасностей современного морского судоходства

Аннотация: The piracy today experiences the true renaissance. Detention of pirates come to the end without results even at an irrefutability of proofs. But a carrier at all should not be prevented from choosing what package of risk is the most preferable to use. Damage of a cargo is considered as independent costs of insurance on qualification КАСКО. Then it is possible to not care of the franchise more. One must choose between military and specific risks, with reference to a piracy. Scales of losses cease to depend on the fixed rate of losses which certifies transfer of compensation against payment of full insurance cost. Final authority for insurance completely passes to the insurer, and claims to a carrier become groundless. The difference between kinds of cost of irrevocable property, nevertheless arises. In this connection the cargo owner has a chance to change the situation to own advantage. Not indisputable presumption of partial execution of the contract sets up when essential conditions of property insurance prevail. As a result the current risks are in conflict with the global ones. Military risks are called to provide some functions of a certain counterbalance, no more that. While the individualization of a time – charter – party goods declares the payment of a primary contribution in the agreement. This is considered to be a sufficient basis for calculating the insurance premium. It is not known, whether specifications will prevail over this aspect especially or commercial details, such as special conditions of payment will be taken into account. The main thing, cash means successfully guarantee of reception of percents on the depositary invoice. Increasing risks can run low much more likely, than someone takes advantage of reserves from the losses declared for payment. It remains enigma whether exhaustion of limits of an insurance covering takes place. Here the loss ratio will be repeatedly surpassed, and definition of net-rate current tariff cannot claim for unconditional accuracy. Insurance only supports the stability in transboundary trade. Its task is rather modest: to define the safety corridors and specify precisely what the insurance premium covers. Purchase of reinsurance, inconceivable without the initial can take place also. Certainly, standard conditions of an insurance covering are a priori applied uneasy. It is possible to rate a piracy as a sea violence that provides for military risk categorically. However, prevention of losses mediates the actions on formation of essentially fresh form of the insurance premium. This form fully demonstrates also the individual interests prevail above immemorial aspiration to gain a personal benefit.

Ключевые слова:

страхование судов, перевозки, военные риски, классификация average all risks, пираты

Abstract: The piracy today experiences the true renaissance. Detention of pirates come to the end without results even at an irrefutability of proofs. But a carrier at all should not be prevented from choosing what package of risk is the most preferable to use. Damage of a cargo is considered as independent costs of insurance on qualification КАСКО. Then it is possible to not care of the franchise more. One must choose between military and specific risks, with reference to a piracy. Scales of losses cease to depend on the fixed rate of losses which certifies transfer of compensation against payment of full insurance cost. Final authority for insurance completely passes to the insurer, and claims to a carrier become groundless. The difference between kinds of cost of irrevocable property, nevertheless arises. In this connection the cargo owner has a chance to change the situation to own advantage. Not indisputable presumption of partial execution of the contract sets up when essential conditions of property insurance prevail. As a result the current risks are in conflict with the global ones. Military risks are called to provide some functions of a certain counterbalance, no more that. While the individualization of a time – charter – party goods declares the payment of a primary contribution in the agreement. This is considered to be a sufficient basis for calculating the insurance premium. It is not known, whether specifications will prevail over this aspect especially or commercial details, such as special conditions of payment will be taken into account. The main thing, cash means successfully guarantee of reception of percents on the depositary invoice. Increasing risks can run low much more likely, than someone takes advantage of reserves from the losses declared for payment. It remains enigma whether exhaustion of limits of an insurance covering takes place. Here the loss ratio will be repeatedly surpassed, and definition of net-rate current tariff cannot claim for unconditional accuracy. Insurance only supports the stability in transboundary trade. Its task is rather modest: to define the safety corridors and specify precisely what the insurance premium covers. Purchase of reinsurance, inconceivable without the initial can take place also. Certainly, standard conditions of an insurance covering are a priori applied uneasy. It is possible to rate a piracy as a sea violence that provides for military risk categorically. However, prevention of losses mediates the actions on formation of essentially fresh form of the insurance premium. This form fully demonstrates also the individual interests prevail above immemorial aspiration to gain a personal benefit.


strakhovanie sudov, perevozki, voennye riski, klassifikatsiya average all risks, piraty

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