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Правильная ссылка на статью:

Леванский В.А., Соколов Н.Я. Юристы о мотивах правомерного поведения граждан

Аннотация: Clear conception of citizens’ legal behavior motives is of great importance for efficient professional legal activities which is the key component of legal regulation practice. The authors classify legal behavior on the basis of motives. The article gives the data on the results of sociological research of legal ethics for lawyers in action. 800 people were enquired in the course of the research. Citizens’ legal behavior motives were included in questionnaire. The article holds the comparison table showing lawyers’ approach to motives of citizens’ legal behavior depending on their professional specialization. The comparative analysis of lawyers’ evaluation of citizens’ motives in Soviet and postsoviet period is given. The drawings are also attached. They explain the results of sociological research based on the method of structural taxоnomy.

Ключевые слова:

профессиональные юристы, законность, правопорядок, правовое сознание, правовое воспитание, социологическое исследование, метод структурной таксономии

Abstract: Clear conception of citizens’ legal behavior motives is of great importance for efficient professional legal activities which is the key component of legal regulation practice. The authors classify legal behavior on the basis of motives. The article gives the data on the results of sociological research of legal ethics for lawyers in action. 800 people were enquired in the course of the research. Citizens’ legal behavior motives were included in questionnaire. The article holds the comparison table showing lawyers’ approach to motives of citizens’ legal behavior depending on their professional specialization. The comparative analysis of lawyers’ evaluation of citizens’ motives in Soviet and postsoviet period is given. The drawings are also attached. They explain the results of sociological research based on the method of structural taxоnomy.


pravoporyadok, pravovoe soznanie, pravovoe vospitanie, sotsiologicheskoe issledovanie, metod strukturnoi taksonomii

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