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Филология: научные исследования
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Э.Г. Панаиотиди Кризис поэсиса и проблемы праксеологической эстетики

Аннотация: сторонники праксеологической эстетики, определяя музыкальное искусство как вид интенциональной, контекстно детерминированной деятельности, противопоставляют свой подход принятому в классической эстетике представлению о нем как эстетическом феномене, с одной стороны, и его трактовке с точки зрения понятия музыкального произведения — с другой. В статье подвергнуты критическому анализу аргументы, с помощью которых обосновываются модальная и онтологическая оппозиции. Автор, во-первых, приходит к выводу о надуманности оппозиции эстетическое versus праксеологическое. Во-вторых, в заключительном разделе показана некорректность трактовки аристотелевской дистинкции практика-поэсис как строгой оппозиции и предложена альтернативная интерпретация.

Ключевые слова:

филология, праксеологическая эстетика, музыкальное произведение, деятельность, поэсис, эстетическое понятие музыки, музыкальное восприятие/исполнение, Аристотель, онтологический статус цели, Эллиотт.

Abstract: Followers of praxeological esthetics define a music composition as a form of intentional, contextually determined activity and opposes their approach to the classical esthetics viewing music as the esthetical phenomenon, on the one hand, and its interpretation of the concept of music composition, on the other. The author of the article criticizes and analyzes arguments which lay in the basis of the modal and ontological opposition. Firstly, the author concludes the opposition of the esthetics against ontology does not have as many grounds and rather farfetched. Secondly, the conclusion part of the article shows that interpretation of Aristotle’s distinction between practice and poesis as a strong opposition is not that correct. This is why the author of the article offers his own alternative interpretation.


philology, praxeological esthetics, music composition, activity, poesis, esthetical concept of music, musical perception/performance, Aristotle, ontological status of a goal, Elliott.

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4. Панаиотиди Э.Г. Концептуальный империализм и другие призраки зарубежной эстетики // Искусствоведение 2, 2006. C. 577-587.
5. Ackrill, John L. Aristotle’s Distinction Between Energeia and Kinesis. In: R. Bambrough (ed.). New Essays on Plato and Aristotle. L.: Routledge, 1967. P. 121-141.
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8. Charles, David. Aristotle: Ontology and Moral Reasoning // Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.Vol. 4. P. 119-144.
9. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1990.
10. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly/ Robinson, Rick E. The Art of Seeing: An Interpretation of the Aesthetic Encounter. Malibu, Cal.: J.Paul Getty Museum, 1990.
11. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly/ Schiefele Ulrich. Arts Education, Human Development, and the Quality of Experience // B. Reimer, R. Smith (eds.), The Arts, Education, and Aesthetic Knowing. Chicago: NSSE, 1992. P. 167-191.
12. Dewey, John. Art as Experience // LW, 1925-1953. Vol. 10. Carbondale; Edwardsville: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
13. Eaglton, Terry. The Ideology of the Aesthetic. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.
14. Elliott, David. Music as Knowledge // Journal of Aesthetic Education 25 (3), 1991. P. 21-40.
15. Elliott, David. Music Matters: A New Philosophy of Music Education. N.Y.: Oxford UP, 1995.
16. Elliott, David. Continuing Matters: Myths, Realities, Rejoinders // Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 132, 1997. P. 1-37.
17. Elliott, David. Music and Affect: The Praxial View // Philosophy of Music Education Review 8 (2), 2000. P. 79-88.
18. Fiske, Harold. Music and Mind. Philosophical Essays in Cognition and Meaning of Music. Lewiston; Queenston; Lampeter, 1990
19. Goehr, Lydia. The Imaginary Museum of Musical Works. An Essay in the Philosophy of Music. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
20. Gosling, Justin C.B., Taylor Christopher C. W. The Greeks on Pleasure. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982.
21. Panaiotidi, Elvira. A Response to David Elliott // Philosophy of Music Education Review 8 (2), 2000. P. 114-116.
22. Reimer, Bennett. David Elliott’s «New» Philosophy of Music Education: Music for Performers Only // Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 128, 1996. P. 59-89.
23. Serafine, Mary. L. Music as Cognition: The Development of Thought in Sound. N.Y., 1988.
24. Small, Christopher. Musicking — the Meanings of Performing and Listening. A Lecture // Music Education Research 1 (1), 1999. P. 9-21.
25. Sowa, Hubert. Krisis der Poiesis. Schaffen und Bewahren als doppelter Grund im Denken Martin Heideggers. Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen, 1992.
26. Weitz, Morris. The Role of Theory in Aesthetics // Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15, 1956. P. 27-35
1Aristotel'. Sochineniya: V 4 t. M.: Mysl', 1976-1984.
2Aristotel'. O dushe. Spb.: Piter, 2002.
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4Panaiotidi E.G. Kontseptual'nyy imperializm i drugie prizraki zarubezhnoy estetiki // Iskusstvovedenie 2, 2006. C. 577-587.
5Ackrill, John L. Aristotle’s Distinction Between Energeia and Kinesis. In: R. Bambrough (ed.). New Essays on Plato and Aristotle. L.: Routledge, 1967. P. 121-141.
6Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics. In: The Works of Aristotle, 9. Transl. into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross. L; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1954.
7Carroll, Noël. Art, Practice, and Narrative // Monist 71, 1988. P. 140-156.
8Charles, David. Aristotle: Ontology and Moral Reasoning // Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.Vol. 4. P. 119-144.
9Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1990.
10Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly/ Robinson, Rick E. The Art of Seeing: An Interpretation of the Aesthetic Encounter. Malibu, Cal.: J.Paul Getty Museum, 1990.
11Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly/ Schiefele Ulrich. Arts Education, Human Development, and the Quality of Experience // B. Reimer, R. Smith (eds.), The Arts, Education, and Aesthetic Knowing. Chicago: NSSE, 1992. P. 167-191.
12Dewey, John. Art as Experience // LW, 1925-1953. Vol. 10. Carbondale; Edwardsville: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
13Eaglton, Terry. The Ideology of the Aesthetic. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.
14Elliott, David. Music as Knowledge // Journal of Aesthetic Education 25 (3), 1991. P. 21-40.
15Elliott, David. Music Matters: A New Philosophy of Music Education. N.Y.: Oxford UP, 1995.
16Elliott, David. Continuing Matters: Myths, Realities, Rejoinders // Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 132, 1997. P. 1-37.
17Elliott, David. Music and Affect: The Praxial View // Philosophy of Music Education Review 8 (2), 2000. P. 79-88.
18Fiske, Harold. Music and Mind. Philosophical Essays in Cognition and Meaning of Music. Lewiston; Queenston; Lampeter, 1990
19Goehr, Lydia. The Imaginary Museum of Musical Works. An Essay in the Philosophy of Music. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
20Gosling, Justin C.B., Taylor Christopher C. W. The Greeks on Pleasure. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982.
21Panaiotidi, Elvira. A Response to David Elliott // Philosophy of Music Education Review 8 (2), 2000. P. 114-116.
22Reimer, Bennett. David Elliott’s «New» Philosophy of Music Education: Music for Performers Only // Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 128, 1996. P. 59-89.
23Serafine, Mary. L. Music as Cognition: The Development of Thought in Sound. N.Y., 1988.
24Small, Christopher. Musicking — the Meanings of Performing and Listening. A Lecture // Music Education Research 1 (1), 1999. P. 9-21.
25Sowa, Hubert. Krisis der Poiesis. Schaffen und Bewahren als doppelter Grund im Denken Martin Heideggers. Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen, 1992.
26Weitz, Morris. The Role of Theory in Aesthetics // Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15, 1956. P. 27-35