Философия и культура
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Интервью с член-корреспондентом РАН Н.И. Лапиным в связи с его 80-летием
// Философия и культура.
2011. № 7.
С. 8-9.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58518
Интервью с член-корреспондентом РАН Н.И. Лапиным в связи с его 80-летием
The section contains an interview with Nikolay Ivanovich Lapin, a corresponding member of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, made in connection with his 80th anniversary, and editors’ congratulations of
another famous Russian philosopher and honored scientist of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mikhailovich
Ключевые слова:
philosophy, science, honored scientist, anniversary, Lapin Nikolay Ivanovich, Dolgov Konstantin Mikhailovich.
Abstract: The section contains an interview with Nikolay Ivanovich Lapin, a corresponding member of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, made in connection with his 80th anniversary, and editors’ congratulations of
another famous Russian philosopher and honored scientist of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mikhailovich
Keywords: philosophy, science, honored scientist, anniversary, Lapin Nikolay Ivanovich, Dolgov Konstantin Mikhailovich.