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Философия и культура
Правильная ссылка на статью:
П. С. Гуревич
Психокенет в киберпространстве
// Философия и культура.
2010. № 12.
С. 5-8.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57875
П. С. Гуревич Психокенет в киберпространствеАннотация: Wondering about the process of informatization of the modern society, the author distinguishes such terms as ‘intellectualization’, ‘education’ and ‘informatization’. It is underlined that even though the modern humanity lives in the epoch of information, it does not give us enough grounds to talk about true, spiritually-based, intellectualization of the society. Ключевые слова: philosophy, human, society, cyberspace, intellectualization, psychokeneticsAbstract: Wondering about the process of informatization of the modern society, the author distinguishes such terms as ‘intellectualization’, ‘education’ and ‘informatization’. It is underlined that even though the modern humanity lives in the epoch of information, it does not give us enough grounds to talk about true, spiritually-based, intellectualization of the society. Keywords: philosophy, human, society, cyberspace, intellectualization, psychokenetics
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