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Философия и культура
Правильная ссылка на статью:
«Бытие и сознание» Часть 1
// Философия и культура.
2010. № 8.
С. 9-27.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57570
«Бытие и сознание» Часть 1Аннотация: This is the material from the round table ‘Being and Conscience’ held at St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Professional Unions in November 2009. The participants of the round table discussed very topical issues of relationship between being and conscience, creation of the national idea, influence of government, religion and other social institutions and mass media on formation of cultural identity of the Russian people Ключевые слова: philosophy, politics, being, conscience, Russia, culture, round tableAbstract: This is the material from the round table ‘Being and Conscience’ held at St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Professional Unions in November 2009. The participants of the round table discussed very topical issues of relationship between being and conscience, creation of the national idea, influence of government, religion and other social institutions and mass media on formation of cultural identity of the Russian people Keywords: philosophy, politics, being, conscience, Russia, culture, round table
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