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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
Правильная ссылка на статью:

П.Д. Баренбойм, А.В. Захаров Пакт Рериха как этап внедрения в жизнь эстетической концепции правового государства Николая Рериха

Аннотация: The author considers peculiarities of the Jewish legal system in the Middle Ages in comparison with the classical Islamic legal doctrine. He makes the analysis of Jewish sources and compares them with the Muslim legal doctrine. Features of the Jewish legal system, discussed in this article bases on three principles that shaped the identity distinct from other normative structures such as theology, and, in particular differences from the medieval Islamic law

Ключевые слова:

Comparative law, Jewish law, Islamic law, Middle Ages, comparative studies, principles of law, Shariat, Halakha, Talmud, Hadith

Abstract: The author considers peculiarities of the Jewish legal system in the Middle Ages in comparison with the classical Islamic legal doctrine. He makes the analysis of Jewish sources and compares them with the Muslim legal doctrine. Features of the Jewish legal system, discussed in this article bases on three principles that shaped the identity distinct from other normative structures such as theology, and, in particular differences from the medieval Islamic law


Comparative law, Jewish law, Islamic law, Middle Ages, comparative studies, principles of law, Shariat, Halakha, Talmud, Hadith

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